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Q: C: Read integers into dynamically allocated array, space separated and with other chars to ignore/replace

cyber101Basically my problem is that I'm trying to manually translate stuff that Python3 does easily into a C program. My first hurdle is literally input comprehension. Here is the sample input: 5 12 34 10 22 20 55 123 30 x 99 So as we can see, there are numbers, spaces, and characters in this input. I ...

We can't be expected to show you everything from scratch. Please attempt one step at a time, show your attempt and then ask a specific question about the step you get stuck on. For example, write some code to read in one line of input and print it out. Then extend to break up the line and print that out. Then extend to storing that into a single dimensional array, etc. That is, give us something to work with rather than just a general "help me".
Thanks - I'm going to be editing the question with details in a second.
Ok I just updated it - is the edit useful?
Always, always, always check the value returned by scanf. In this case, you will want to do that to handle the non-integer input value.
How do I do that?
if( scanf(...) == 1) { /* an integer was read */ } else { /* no valid integer in input */}
Why so many #includes? What do you need windows.h, string.h, conio.h, and process.h for? Also, you should rethink free(n).
@exnihilo yeah that was left over from something I was trying earlier. I'll remove them.
@WilliamPursell in my scanf inside the dowhile loop, I assigned an int scanf_check = scanf("%d%c", &line[i], &temp); and then did printf("%d",scanf_check); right afterwards. It outputs 2 for some reason. What does that mean?
@WilliamPursell for the last line of input (with the 'x' as a character) it outputs 0s infinitely.
It means that scanf succesfully matched both of the format specifiers. However, you should be matching just %d. If it returns one, you matched an int. If it returns zero, you didn't (so the input was x). Read past the x and continue.
@WilliamPursell how do you "read past the 'x'"? or better yet, replace that x with a different number?
There are several options. If you want to stick with scanf, you could just do scanf("%*s")
Ok so I tried to replace the scanf in the dowhile I have with scanf("%d%c%*s") and scanf("%d%*s"), but both seem to break. How am I supposed to use this?
Don't use %c. Just do something like if( scanf("%d",line + i) == 0) scanf("%*s") But you'll need to check for EOF on both reads. Frankly, you're probably better off using fgets and strtol instead of scanf.
But, honestly, with input this simple it might be easiest to just use fgetc
I second using fgets; learn how to use fgets now, and save scanf for when you want your program to blow up, or for when you know what you are doing ;)
In your python code, you have matrix = [[' ' for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]. This can be reduced further to matrix = [[' ']*10]*10. It will reduce using the for loop twice.
@exnihilo it seems that fgets just reads from stdin and puts some number of chars into a buffer. I'm not sure how that will help me parse through each line. Is there a way that fgets (or something else) does it on its own?
@JoeFerndz I tried that but it makes me a matrix with the same contents in every row, and only the contents of the last line of input. For now I will stick to the double for loop thing, although I understand that is too long.
@cyber101 -- sscanf will do the trick; it operates as scanf (really fscanf is what you want to read about to learn how these work), but since you scan a string instead of an input stream, you have a lot more flexibility, and fewer gotchas.
@exnihilo just checked out this link: and although it seems useful, it doesn't seem that flexible. How do I use sscanf so that I can handle either a character or an integer? I'll be looking at fscanf and asking you about that as well.
@cyber101, assume you gave m = [[' ']*n]*n to replace your range equation. Thx for trying. Don't know enough C to help you with your question.
@cyber101 -- fgets and sscanf in combination are much more flexible; for starters, you can rescan the input when you need to; much trickier to do this with an input stream. Here is a good guide that you may find helpful.
@JoeFerndz yes I tried matrix = [[' ']*n]*n and various permutations of it. I'm probably messing something up. Thanks for your help nonetheless!
" that I can handle either a character or an integer?" Trying to translate the way that you code in Python to C is sure to cause much pain. C arrays can't store numbers and characters (well, chars are integer values...). Learn to do this stuff with ints or with char *s, etc. before trying to get fancy. You probably want to think of everything as a string (numbers too) to start, and convert strings to numbers as needed using strtol or similar.

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