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Q: C++ separate string by selected commas

danielI was reading the following question Parsing a comma-delimited std::string on how to split a string by a comma (Someone gave me the link from my previous question) and one of the answers was: stringstream ss( "1,1,1,1, or something else ,1,1,1,0" ); vector<string> result; while( ss.good() ) { ...

What you have to do is figure out the algorithm for implementing this logic. A simple, step by step process, to identify which characters are real delimiters, and when to skip them, based on logic. Just take out a blank sheet of paper. Write down using short, simple sentences in plain English, a step-by-step process of doing this. When done, call your rubber duck for an appointment. After your rubber duck approves your proposed plan of action, simply take what you've written down and translate it directly into C++. Mission accomplished!
I see you've asked several questions but haven't accepted a single answer. You should read this: What should I do when someone answers my question?
IMHO, this is beyond what getline can do. So you will have to write a custom parser. You can rely on mid to heavy weight libraries like regex of lex. Or for such a simple use case, you can simply do it by hand: read one char at time, set a flag at <, reset it at >, and split at , if the flag is not set.
@SergeBallesta I tried that and gave up after hundreds of tries, my code always faild with some edge cases so deleted it
@d4rk4ng31 I have visited the link but in the tab I see that it ignores cases like ,, instead of returning ""
@daniel: The problem is nicely small. If you show your best try in a SO question as a minimal reproducible example , with the input data and the actual and expected result, you will probably get an explaination of your error and a fix.
@SergeBallesta I have added multiple examples and outputs
@daniel, you still have aren't clarifying the question. A moment ago you wanted different output, now you want something else. Such question are usually discouraged. Please make sure that the result you want is consistent with the previous edits :)
@daniel: Yes you have... But I can see no code trying to process the strings one char at a time ;-). SamVarshavchik's comment showed you the way: you must first use the good old paper and pencil. When you think that the algo should work (and only then) translate it in C++ language, and ask help here about it if it does not work (and make sure to state what happens)
Added summary sentence at the end, kindly take a look since <,,> contains no bold commas (Those who appear outside blocks of {} it should return the same input)
@daniel: It is not that I do not want to help you. But you will learn more if you show your best attempt even if it is wrong. Not only you will get a fixed version, but also the reasons why it was wrong.
@SergeBallesta I understand but I swear I spent on this about 7 days and deleted the whole code, it seems so complicated to me
@d4rk4ng31 yes I do but I spent 7 days on this function nothing else
Carlos solution is perfect but with what should I replace the commas if anything could appear in the rest of places
Forget about the parser i am looking to solve this
But Carlos solution is right, I just need to replace those commas with something ...
@d4rk4ng31 I can simply remove them but how may that help? according to what I am going to split things? for example <a,b>,<c,d> and <a,b>,,<c,d> have two different outputs
@d4rk4ng31 small problem with you regex is that it doesn't take care of commas at the beginning or end plus it pointer this as a match ,, while it should point what is inside them (empty string) updated my question accordingly
I hope you can understand now why this took one week :) still it doesn't take care of starting , or ending ,

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