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A: Converting 8 bits in binary to 1 byte

P__J__Issues: bits is to short to accommodate 8 chars + null char shuft of the sum has to be done before adding the value Strings are enclosed in " not ' unsigned int bitsToBytes(unsigned char *bits) { unsigned int sum = 0; while(*bits) { sum<<=1; sum += *bits++ - '0'; } return sum;...

it still gives me wrong result!
@LiamLony It's going to help everyone if you just say what the right result is.
@LiamLony really?
Who is DV-ting me and why?
@LiamLony a helping hand…
Probably the same that is DV my post too :)
@chqrlie recently I started to have series of 10-30 DVs (system is usually reversing them). What kind of people is doing it? It is just a programming forum.
I got the right result after P__J__ helped me, but my problem is now that my unsigned char bits array isn't actually 9 , its size 13, for example it's unsigned char bits[13]="010101111111"; so what Im going to do is to make the size of my bits array to be dividable by 8 so I can get every 8 bits separately and output the result, how can I concatenate zero from the right side of my bits array in order to make the size of my array dividable by 8 and then I can output the result?
@LiamLony: that's a very different question.
Im concatenating by zero from the right side because adding zero from the left side will not affect the values while converting them to byte... how can I implement that in order to output correct result by using P__J__ code! , thanks for help
What do you mean by concatenating by zero from the right side
@LiamLony see the amended version any size covered
because the size of my array must be dividable by 8 (8 bits), every 8 bits will be converted to single byte ! , so how can I convert my array that its size 13 to type Bytes? I need to complete the size 13 to a size that dividable by 8 , so I need to concatenating zeros from the left side (not the right side sorry) in order to accomplish that
@P__J__: I think downvotes should not be anonymous, or maybe only for low rep users
@LiamLony no you dont
@LiamLony the bytes are exactkly where they should be:
the updated code gives me wrong results, for example for bits[]={1111111110} it should give me {255,2} , 2 because 10(last two bits) , 255 because 11111111(first 8 bits) ... I want to start from the left side and to convert every 8 bits to 1 single byte accordingly.
so I must round the size of my bits[] array to size that's devidable by 8 in order to implement what I explained above in my comment, how can I do that? thanks alot.
@LiamLony no my friend :) bits from the left are the most significant
another example of what I want to implement: lets assume my bits array is : char bits[]="000000111111", so the result must be {3 , 15 } because first 8 bits from the left is 00000011 -> 3 , the last four bits are 1111 -> 15 , so the output {3,15}
no conversion goes from the right. I am not sure if you understand binary numbers
but my problem is this I want to convert every 8 bits values of array bits[] from left to right, this means for instance : char bits[]="000000111111", so the result must be {3 , 15 } because first 8 bits from the left is 00000011 -> 3 , the last four bits are 1111 -> 15 , so the output {3,15} –
what your code results is something wrong not as I explained above in my comment ..
lets assume my char bits[]="11111111" so those 8 bits will be converted to 1 single byte which it's 255, now another example char bits[]="1111111110" , so what I want to do is this to convert every 8 bits separately to 1 single byte starting from the left this means, "11111111" -> converted to 255, the last two bits left "10" will be converted to -> 2 so the output is {255,2} that's all what I want. I want every 8 bits in my bits[] array to convert them separately to 1 single byte accordingly(starting from left to right side of my bits array).
I'd remove the comment //doesn't give me the right result.
@P__J__ could you help me according to what I explained to in my last two comments? thanks alot

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