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Q: SendMessage click (works only if the mouse is over the button)

w4poI've done this before, but with this specific button, it doesn't work! If I click the button manually it creates a new window (mini-map): Image /////// But Programmatically I can see the animation on the button as if it gets clicked gif, But the window (mini-map) doesn't show up. int ...

I have to click the button while the game is minimized, so I can't use SendInput or any other foreground solutions.
You can't automate UI like this. As is discussed daily on this site. Use UIAutomation.
If I added this line before the code above: Cursor.Position = new Point(1016, 37); //location of the button on screen. It also works and solves the problem, but as I said I don't want a foreground solution (Sorry), And Thanks <3
@DavidHeffernan Can you explain more, I am not familiar with "UIAutomation". thx <3
Perhaps the game designer put some cheating protections in?
@Steve I can move and jump and kill monsters in the same game using the same approach (SendMessage & PostMessage) the problem is with this button only. I think the button is clicked correctly but I don't know why the mini-map doesn't show up unless I set the mouse position to be on the button..
You can use websearch to learn about UIAutomation
It is apparent from the symptoms that the app uses the cursor position to decide where you clicked, rather than using the coordinates in the message.
@RaymondChen I've tried to send WM_SETCURSOR and WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_MOUSEACTIVATE too, but still the same problem
My guess is that they're calling GetCursorPos. You can't simulate that with a message.
@RaymondChen how about writing a mouse driver that lies about its position sometimes? Or is this a hardware thing for which there is no intercepting?
@CaiusJard That wouldn't help because the game is minimized. There are no coordinates you can pretend to put the mouse that will be over the button.
@RaymondChen I meant if the game is asking for the mouse cursor pos then the fake mouse driver can lie, if switched into "lie and say you're over the minimap button" mode and the bot this OP is writing toggles lying on and off. In essence I'm asking how can we lie to GetCursorPos so it gets the answer it is expecting for the mini map routine .. or are we defeated because when minimized there are no coordinates that the mini map has (which would also have to be checked dynamically because they're relative to something? Window pos? Screen res?)
@w4po if it turns out you cannot achieve this is there some other way you can do what you want other than with the mini map? Run the game in a VM so it can be a foreground thing but you can minimize the vm window perhaps?
@RaymondChen I've thought of that too that it checks the CursorPos, So I've tried to set another app on top of the game and set CursorPos to the exact same Pos as the button in-game (While it's in the background this time)... But It didn't work. Notice: I've set another app on top of the game (I didn't minimize it). Notice: It works even if another app is on top of it (Like in the Video) As long as the mini-map button is visible (the top-level app is not hiding it)
@CaiusJard Thanks for your interest, I could do it another way, But I want to keep trying with this approach As I think it's possible somehow. //If I run the game in a VM, it will cost a lot of resources. Thanks.
This is all speculation based on clues you are providing. To know for sure you'll will have to reverse engineering the app. In general the way to do this is UI Automation which is a standard interface for allowing external programs to press buttons in your app.
Not sure why you think a game running in a VM requires more resources than running outside of one..
@RaymondChen Thanks for your ideas, I've searched the web for UIAutomation and I couldn't find anything about clicking a button in a background app, Also, you said: "which is a standard interface for allowing external programs to press buttons in your app", I want the other way around, I need my app to press a button in another app that I don't have control of (the game) while it's in the background.
@DavidHeffernan Are you sure that UIAutomation can help me? clicking a button in another app (game) while it's on the background? I've searched and couldn't find how to do what I need...
@CaiusJard I didn't mean the game itself will cost more resources, But the VM will if I created VM for each instance of the game to be on the foreground.
Of course we can't know whether the target app implements UIAutomation. We don't know what the target app is. You should contact the developers of this target app and ask them how they expect you to automate it. It's a mistake to think that all programs can readily be automated without cooperation.
@DavidHeffernan Oh, Of course they haven't implemented UIAutomation, It's a game and They will not cooperate with me to create a bot. So I don't have to search for UIAutomation anymore. Thanks for pointing out.
Then you're going to have to come up with something tailored to the app based on trial and error. There is no sure-fire solution.
I think you've made an assumption about running a VM/container that might not be true. Ends up, it's an easy way to solve your current problem, and it doesn't prevent you from returning to the problem. Test/don't assume.
So, what other things are we left with. You say that the game has to be foreground to work with this, so it might not be getting the cursor pos when it experiences the click but instead continually tracking the mouse location and using the location it knows rather than the location that is bundled with the click. Perhaps it calls getcursorpos continually when it is foregrounded?
5 hours later…
**It doesn't have to be the top-level window**, other applications can be on top of it as long as the button **is not covered by any other window**,

I have tried to set myAPP on top of the button and set the cursor to be the exact same x,y as the button in-game but it's on my app not on the button itself, but it didn't work.

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