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Q: JavaScript built ins outperformed by anonymous functions?

rexfordkellyDue to #stay-and-code, I've had some extra time on my hands and I stumbled onto something that peaked my interest. To be clear, this question in no way suggests, employing any of the following as some sort of micro optimization. It is merely some observations on how these perform, and to better ...

What happens if you call them multiple times? Do they still get outperformed?
Those results are for 500 or 1000 calls, depending on which function is being sampled
Umm, the cb is undefined in the snippet tbh and it shows it's only ran once I think.
Just fast looking at these tests. JS engines are smart nowadays, optimizations are everywhere, and it's very hard to know what exactly will really get executed, two different engines, or versions of the same could have very different results, all of these functions could be optimized to a single op or even completely discarded, inserting just one string in your list at index 256 could completely change all the results etc.
I just did console log in the loopAnonIndexed inside the "anonymous" loop function and there's really just one console log. On the other hand the console.log adds about 4 times the execution time of without console.log. Those loops don't work in snippets?
@Kaiido, yeah I'm tracking, that is a possibility for sure... my assumption on that is, if the engine is optimizing simple function loops, then it should also be able to optimize simple for loops, to more of less the same degree - and so those optimizations can be ignored, as to what is happening in my examples.
@rexfordkelly well the functions don't run as you say they would. You pass a number 1000 to the first function etc...
@user3647971 What do you mean by, "Those loops don't work in snippets?"
@user3647971 "the functions don't run as you say they would." I'm not sure I follow, the only description of the functions i've given is the functions... and the benchmarks are the benchmarks... If I'm missing something, please clarify.
@rexfordkelly well only loop running in snippets is the useforeach which gets run about 1000*1000 times. I put a string to test those loops and concatenated, only that loop produces about 3.9million characters while others do nothing.
well I put a string += "e"+e+"i"+i+"c"+c; in the noop function and string +="loopname"; to each of those function calls then last console.log(string); I get all the function names followed by nothing. Then after useForEach I get 3.9million characters. Then after that the loopForEach but nothing concatenated.
@user3647971, thanks for your comments, I've done a little refactoring, do demonstrate the utility you mentioned. check it now, and let me know
@rexfordkelly loopForIndexed times run: 500 loopAnonIndexed times run: 500 useForEach times run:1000 times run:loopForEach times run: 1. I switched to counting how many iterations were done. Benchmarks are as follow : Loop: loopForIndexed: 0.115ms Loop: loopAnonIndexed: 0.130ms Loop: useForEach: 0.050ms Loop: loopForEach: 0.065ms
Soo it's extra var j = 0; before each function call and string += j; after them and j++; inside noop and iterators. Just to check they run properly.
@user3647971 exactly, now you have benchmarked not the implementations, but rather the expense of var declarations and concatenation... Do you have your samples somewhere I can inspect them?
@rexfordkelly the declarations were made outside of the benchmarks in the second case. Seems like the useForeach is around 4 times faster than any other and the last is not even running. Only thing added inside the benchmarks was j++; Might be that last one is running somehow async tho.
@user3647971 here is an image of the benchmarks, as they run with my samples... - I made a few updates to the samples, as they where no functionally equivalent.
@rexfordkelly Hmm. We do get different results tho. I have it setup like this: var j = 0;string += "loopForIndexed"; console.time("Loop: loopForIndexed"); loopForIndexed(sampleSize); console.timeEnd("Loop: loopForIndexed"); string += j; for each benchmark. In the loops there j++; added to noop and inside the for loop.
@user3647971 could you put together a JSBIN with your setup, and share it? It's just the comments are being overloaded into a discussion, and I'm not able to inspect what you are saying, and address your questions.
@rexfordkelly This gives:Loop: loopForIndexed: 0.120ms Loop: loopAnonIndexed: 0.090ms Loop: useForEach: 0.070ms Loop: loopForEach: 0.045ms loopForIndexed250loopAnonIndexed500useForEach2000loopForEach‌​1 which suggests useforeach is more than 4 times faster than anonindexed which is second fastest.
@user3647971 thanks for your link, I've updated my post. I'm studying the implications, thanks for all your comments.
@user3647971, I just discovered, the results returned from the in-page editor on SO shows results very much in-line with what you are saying... but running the snippet in chrome's console, shows results as i've been stating... perhaps that is at the heart of the discrepancies between our observations...
@rexfordkelly Those were my thoughts aswell. Very interesting benchmarks tho.

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