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Q: Spring Authentication interface get User Id

Stefano MaglioneIs there a way to get the user id from the Authentication interface? I am only able to get only the username. @RequestMapping(value = "/photo/" , method = RequestMethod.POST,headers = {"content-type=multipart/form-data"}) public @ResponseBody Photo addPhotoData(@RequestParam("data") MultipartFile...

@KavithakaranKanapathippillai can you be more specific?
Can you add security config class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter as well as any UserDetailsService class to see how the principal is populated?
@KavithakaranKanapathippillai sure I have added it
Currently you don't have user id in authentication because you are returning, return new‌​mail(), user.getEncryptedPassword(), new ArrayList<>());. It only has email.
what should I return to be correct? the User from security or my customsecurityuser?
See my answer here, how to return a new type of object…. Happy to get help if you get stuck
tnx for the help
hey, in your case, you will have String publicUserId as id instead of UUID
just to recap:
I have my user -> public class User implements Serializable
my customesecurityuser : public class CustomSecurityUser extends User implements UserDetails {
wait. Is your User extending any class now?
package com.stefanomaglione.youart.domain;

import javax.persistence.*;

public class User implements Serializable {
1. CustomSecurityUser extends
nope, it is extending com.stefanomaglione.youart.domain.User;
2. it will a field called String publicUserId
So you already have a CustomSecurityUser?
yes this: public class CustomSecurityUser extends User implements UserDetails {
where User is my user
I see. perfect. You already have step 1 done.
1) so instead of return new, user.getEncryptedPassword(), new ArrayList<>()); this return a instance of CustomUser
ok let me try
2) and then update this method to public @ResponseBody Photo addPhotoData(@RequestParam("data") MultipartFile photoData, @AuthenticationPrincipal CustomSecurityUser user)
Once you do step 1, that will available to be injected
from userservice i should return like this : return new CustomSecurityUser();
empty constructor
No. You have to populate it. Can you update the question with your CustomSecurityUser as I don't know what constructors it has
you have to return ` new CustomSecurityUser(user)`
yes I did
but @AuthenticationPrincipal CustomSecurityUser user si empty
Your CustomSecurityUser does not seem correct. You have `//this.setUsername(user.getUsername());` commented out and `@Override
public String getUsername() {
return null;
}` is returning null
let me see
I need to go now. But check how it is easy to create CustomSecurityUser. Your one has been done in complex and is not overriding methods correctly.… and
still nul the user injected in controller
Ok revert back all the changes. Go back to your original that was printing user name and andd the folliwing two lines. ` System.out.println(authentication.getPrincipal().getClass());
And see what class is printing
or if you have a git repo, let me know I can check it
still there
yes. Just waiting for child and wife to get ready. Any progress?
return String class
and get Pricnipal returns:
class usernameauthtoken
can I send you the repo?
let em commit this last modifications
I can check it in couple of hours even If I leave now
you can reach me out on Skype
you can find me as stefano maglione
You can put the git repo link here or in the question, I will check it. I haven't used skype for years, I can't remember my username :)
I see. It is not a standard setup
Try the follwoing
public class PhotoController {

private PhotoService photoService;

private UserService userService ;

@RequestMapping(value = "/photo/" , method = RequestMethod.POST,headers = {"content-type=multipart/form-data"})
public @ResponseBody Photo addPhotoData(@RequestParam("data") MultipartFile photoData, Authentication authentication) {
User user = userService.getUser(authentication.getName());
2) Other one changing it to original.
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String email) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
User user = userRepository.findByEmail(email);

if (user == null)
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(email);

/*return new User(customer.getEmail(), customer.getEncryptedPassword(),
true, true,
true, new ArrayList<>());*/

return new, user.getEncryptedPassword(), new ArrayList<>());

//return new CustomSecurityUser(user);
this probably will work: User user = userService.getUser(authentication.getName());
but I was wondering if i could have that info directly in the principal
You have to modify your `AuthorizationFilter`. Whatever it puts into user here will be available to you as authentication.getPrincipal() in your controller. if (user != null) {
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, new ArrayList<>());
I see, what you think is best to do?
modify this filter
or find the user id in controller as you suggested?

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