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Welcome to the election chat room! The election is currently in the election phase. I can answer frequently-asked questions about the election - type @ElectionBot help for more info.
@Machavity man, I almost forgot about Common Sense - love Tim's answer there
@Dharman Oh, YCS has some superb answers. I won't deny that. He just sometimes takes it too far. There's a reason he's been banned multiple times
(yes I know their still active I just avoid the PHP tag so don't see them like at all anymore)
@LinkBerest Tim was even less happy here... don't make Tim angry... you wouldn't like him when he's angry :p
yeah, I remember from when I was working on DOCs and would have conversations with him
though I never quite got him to that level thankfully :)
I remember when Shog9 shut down that SFF chat channel. Angry Tim was there backstopping that.
yeah, also the "We hate Documentation" team we made - now that got an angry Tim (though that was pretty much just angry people on all sides)
@Machavity Looks better in dark mode.
SFF Everything looks better in dark mode.
I bet
Press (X) to doubt
Again with the toilets...
Not sure it's meant to be a toilet.. it may just be a flush.
for some its just another square
Let's flush this out
it has at the very least 3 meanings
I think Kevin just couldn't find the blushed flushed face: ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Is that cheese?
it is cheese
I may be allergic ๐Ÿคง. Do you have any ๐Ÿงป?
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is currently in the election phase. I can answer frequently-asked questions about the election - type @ElectionBot help for more info.
Is that a rare roll of bath tissue?
Can someone explain why this is funny?
@AnnZen PHP used to have a simple library for talking MySQL. It had some problems and so it was deprecated in favor of either PDO or mysqli.
@Machavity I thought we agreed that you would never share this..
Why? Are you afraid someone will come and steal it from you?
Not really. I have GPS tracking on every roll.
@Scratte You have GPS tracking on every troll?
we only wish
Thy precious rolls will never be blemished
It would make for an ocd nightmare if they were undone ๐Ÿ˜จ One month of careful re-rolling would take time away from reviewing First Posts.
@ArtOfCode do the tongs need to be 1.5 metres long?
@Machavity yep, we're also tied up in knots as a society with politically correct speech and no one is really allowed to say what they think any more. If I knew trying to advocate for minority groups would help lead to this total lack of free speech, I'd never have said a word.
@DalijaPrasnikar :O
hi Machavity
oh, hi
Who can vote? argh what's the trigger...
that shoulda been it
@ElectionBot help
Examples of election FAQs I can help with:
- how does the election work
- who are the candidates
- how to nominate
- how to vote
- how to decide who to vote for
- who are the current mods
- are moderators paid
- what is the election status
- when is the election starting
- when is the election ending
- how is candidate score calculated
- what is my candidate score
- what are moderation badges
- what are participation badges
- what are editing badges
To vote you must have 150 reputation.
it's how to vote
when will I get my mod swag ?
you got it
the blue text
What is the annual income of Jean-FrançoisFabre?
how much REPUTATION i need to vote for election
You can only nominate yourself as a candidate during the nomination phase. You'll need at least 3000 reputation, have these badges (Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention), and cannot have been suspended anywhere on the Stack Exchange network within the past year. You cannot nominate another user.
lol. I can get a couple of mugs with my own money :)
how to vote
If you have at least 150 reputation, you can cast your ballot in order of preference on up to three candidates in the election. If you want to make an informed decision, you can also read the candidates' answers in the election Q & A.
@Jean-FranรงoisFabre Do mean to say you're still waiting for a real diamond?
can tell the person name whom i am voting, its confidential to say here?
@Scratte is that a proposal ?
@Scratte swag as in commemorative mugs
@mohdmazharkhan not confidential. It's just that other candidates are going to be very sad.
@Jean-FranรงoisFabre Initially no, but there's nothing wrong with keeping the door open..
I have a sick joke in mind. I'll keep it in mind.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre you are not in this election?
@mohdmazharkhan no I'm from the past.
@Jean-FranรงoisFabre You should not post that to a larger audience :) Also.. moderators may catch you here ;)
what you do with the information related to your vote is yours... as long as the site's policies are followed ofc
@Scratte I'm trying to keep things professional at all times, so no.
Is there any real chance that swag will come back though?
I've started knitting my own moderator cap, but who knows?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre my reputation is 816 in stack over flow, but i am using stack over flow since five year, i lose some reputation in bounty questions. How to increase my reputation
At least you're on a roll
@mohdmazharkhan you can get advice from this post: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252149/… (disclaimer: I have an answer there)
@mohdmazharkhan the easiest ways to get reputation are answering questions and editing posts that need editing (you get +2 rep for each approved edit)
And also: no more bounties. Ask good questions instead :)
(stating this but I didn't read your questions)
@NobodyNada @Jean-FrançoisFabre Thanks
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is currently in the election phase. I can answer frequently-asked questions about the election - type @ElectionBot help for more info.
Shush, ElectionBot xd
What's the trigger for that message? Is it just...randomly posted on a timer or something?
apparently, pretty much
// Nothing new, there was at least some previous activity and if last bot message more than lowActivityCheckMins minutes,
// or no activity for 2 hours, remind users that bot is around to help, if last message was not posted by the bot
else if( (activityCount >= lowActivityCountThreshold && lastActivityTime + 3 * 60000 < Date.now() && lastMessageTime + lowActivityCheckMins * 60000 < Date.now()) ||
         (lastActivityTime != lastMessageTime && lastActivityTime + 2 * 60 * 60000 < Date.now()) ) {
@CodyGray This looks like you have a script that's making API accesses without using an API key. Without an API key value provided in the request, each IP has only 300 requests/24 hour period. With an API key provided in the request, the quota is 10,000 requests/24 hour period. Getting the response you received indicates there's something on you machine that isn't using a key when it should be.
Basically, there's probably some script that you have which stops working at some point during each day due to running out of quota. If you can, try tracking down which script it is and get the maintainer to add a key value to the requests.
@Makyen Unless you're using the API from the docs, you have 10k requests there
@Nick Unless the access you make to the SE API provides a valid key value, then that request is applied against the 300 requests/24 hour period/IP address of quota. The request to which @CodyGray was replying had no key value. The response quoted indicates the quota for the day has been consumed. Something consumed it.
Whatever it was, probably wasn't intended to have only a 300 request/24 hour period/IP address quota, or at least the combination of all such that @CodyGray uses significantly exceeds that 300 requests/24 hour period/IP address. Thus, tracking it/them down and adding a key to each will result in them continuing to work throughout each 24 hour period, or at least continue to work until the 10k request/24 hour period/IP address is exceeded.
Oh, actually right enough, even though for example here the example request (/2.2/answers?order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow) doesn't show a key, there is a key in the request, hence the 10k limit from the docs
@Makyen AFAIK requests made with a key still count towards the 300 quota
@NobodyNada Nope. At least not in my testing.
@Makyen I'm testing it right now, with these links: api.stackexchange.com/2.2/badges/1973/… (no key) and with key: api.stackexchange.com/2.2/badges/1973/…
I can't make those links work in Markdown
There we go
@Nick Yes. When using the SE API (documentation to make requests, the key value will often not be shown, but will be used. The same happens when a token is used.
if you refresh the second link N times and then refresh the first link, the quota shown on the first link decreases by N+1
@NobodyNada If that's the case, then that's a change. I have, in the past, done testing and explicitly seen that the quota provided was definitely separate for the 300 requests w/o a key, the 10k with a key, and the multiple 10k with a key+token. I can't test at this time, because I'm out of the 300 requests/day quota, but I will try to remember to do so when that's rolled-over for me.
I suspect you are probably correct, because 300 requests in a 24 hour period is nowhere near enough for any purposes. But I'm back to work this week, so I don't have time to go through and debug all the scripts.
However, most of the scripts I use don't use the API at all. They just scrape the HTTP.
The mod tools aren't available via the API.
The most likely candidate is actually Benjol's AutoReviewComments script, which looks like it has the key hard-coded into the API query string. Even if that's got a 10k/day allocation, tons of people use this script. And...if my cursory glance is correct, it queries the API to obtain user information each time it inserts a hook link on the page, not just when you click on it. So that's potentially a zillion requests when you, like me, look at thousands of questions per day.
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is currently in the election phase. I can answer frequently-asked questions about the election - type @ElectionBot help for more info.
It may also be Sam's Userlink Tooltips script, which has an API key, but it's also hardcoded.
So he and I are sharing the same one, along with everyone else.
I don't have time at the moment to dig into whether API keys are linked to IP addresses or not.
@CodyGray They are by IP. If someone else is using the same API key as you, it will not affect your quota.
Frankly, it is quite possible that I simply make more than 10k requests per 24 hour period.
I'm regularly throttled by SE when I don't have any userscripts installed.
@CodyGray It's actually possible to have up to 60,300 requests per day, with 5 applications which are also using a user-token.
I'm not even sure what that means
I don't have time to figure it out. I am slammed at work.
Remember when someone was talking about how time is required to be a moderator? Yeah, I'd like to borrow some of that.
If I were a moderator you could borrow some of my time
Never work with incompetent subcontractors. It is not worth it, no matter how much money is saved. (The real trick is knowing in advance whether they're incompetent. In my case, I did know, but fell victim to the sunk cost fallacy.)
@CodyGray An application/script can go through an OAuth2 process to obtain a user-token, which allows it to either get private data (read) and/or perform actions (write). If an application has a user-token, then it has a separate 10k/24 hour period quota for that user, not that IP address. Basically, you would have had to go through an authorization process that the application can use your account, and you would be able to see any such authorizations in your SE preferences.
@Makyen I see. I vaguely remember something about that. I remember doing it once, a long time ago, for something. But I don't have that anymore.
@CodyGray The sunk cost fallacy gets most of us from time to time.
Oh, well, I did do it for MetaSmoke
API keys are per-application unique identifiers, while API quotas are pretty much always per-user (or IP address).
@Makyen We're already so behind schedule, you see, that switching subcontractors would take even longer. And if we switch to a competent one, well, then that'll take even longer, since they'll insist on getting up to speed and possibly redesigning the broken stuff...
My own logic makes me sad.
It's an easy misconception that the quota is linked to the API key, but really the way API keys work is "Stack Exchange will give you more requests if you tell them what the requests are for and who to yell at if your script breaks something"
They already know where to yell at me...
@CodyGray Looking at the code for AutoReviewComments, it appears that request is only made once you click on the link to open the dialog. It's a bit convoluted, but that 's when it happens. However, it happens every time you open the dialog, rather than remembering the information in case you open the same dialog again, or a different one for the same post.
@CodyGray yikes, that sounds miserable
@Makyen Oh, okay. Well, I don't open the dialog very often, so that shouldn't be a problem.
@CodyGray That... does not sound pleasant. Given your time issues today, don't let us take up your time. This is not even close to a critical/important issue.
Time management is all a farce anymore. There's hardly anything productive that I can do. It's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and trying to keep people from yelling at me.
Now it makes sense why you come to SOCVR to kick the dog! =P
I don't ever see Undo in SOCVR!
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is currently in the election phase. I can answer frequently-asked questions about the election - type @ElectionBot help for more info.
@ElectionBot what room is this?
When will it end?
I already voted; what do I do now?
@CodyGray Now you suspend the ones you don't want to see elected.
@AndrasDeak Oooh... Hmm. I think I was supposed to do that during the nomination phase?
Does it only block nomination? What a loophole!
@CodyGray lol, I've been that competent contractor - technically they'd look at it and say "I ain't touching that mess, enjoy your hole or enjoy my 'emergency' rates" ;)
@LinkBerest Oh yeah, you even do signal processing. Hmm.... ;-)
yep, too bad the need for health benefits for my family forced me back into the 9-5 gig so not doing the freelance thing anymore ;)
If it makes you feel better this was how my day started:
in Python, 12 hours ago, by LinkBerest
I'm not supposed to even be awake right now so my brain is only on half-speed (stupid server problems always happening at 5am)
5 AM is the worst, it's neither too late nor too early
it practically doesn't exist
I also don't know why its called 9-5: my hours always end up all over the place just to make sure I can meet up with everyone (being that we are not all in the same timezones)
@LinkBerest Because your salary only reflects that you work from 9-5.
sigh that part is true

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