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welcome to my stream viewers!
Hi twitch ;)
Do you think that I should use kubernetes for project containing only 3 containers? The project will probably need to be scaled in the future, but at this moment I can just put everything into Docker and Docker-compose. Do you think that all this effort is better to be done now, or later as the application infrastructure grows?
I am lf course talking of using the aws infrastructure, as the chatroom title says, and databases will not be inside the containers
As long you can dockerize put it kubernetes is easy.
Because kubernetes works the same way as docker. works
with your dockerfile you will be able to create an ECR image ( private ) or a public one ;)
@kuskoman I don't it's wise to use Kubernetes for that use case, if you need to orchestrate multiple multiple nodes, that's the power of kubernetes comes in
Then you can create a deployment file that create deployements / kube services / loadbalancer in EKS and ingress
It will make you able in the future to put your dockerized and auto-scale them easly.
I think even for the fact that it make you able to have a workflow if your service is not healthy like a restart policy or liveness and readiness policy.
So it's quite a good thing to have in order to have a stable production.
You have a second solution that is EC2 Fargate that take an ECR image and that autoscale your docker image on the fly ( quite good for production )
@ThatBuffDude at this moment i have just a single node of the application, but i want to be prepared for scaling the project horizontally. I am not myself a devops (what is pretty obvious because of question i just asked :p), but I am trying to deploy it using AWS, but I am feeling pretty lost, because I have bot only many choices for tools, but also there are many ways to do everything on AWS
@MehdiAïssani thanks for your answer. I will read it prolly few more times and try to figure up usage of these services you mentioned.
With Kubernetes or ECR (codedeploy) or EKS (with istio) you have the possibility have things like blue green deployment . this is a good workflow in order to have a service that you have a deployement with no downtme and that works 100% with blue greens checks ( avoid push meesy things in prod )
@MehdiAïssani things you said about green blue deployment sounds really good to me. Actually according to the frontend team I will need at least 2 similiar infrastructures. They want me to create an instance of the application with beta version of the server. Can you recommend a workflow and services that would allow me to manage deploys for each type of infrastructure (blue green deployment for prod, probably a single instance for development/testing)
For the workflow on my side i usualy use GITLAB CI
Each branch have his workflow to deploy dev / prod / preprod
on prod i usualy do CI things ( lint / tests / E2E ) then trigger a histio bluegreen but you can have things like CI with gitlab then push the image to ECR => then create an event in AWS in order to create a deployment on ECS .
Thanks again, your answers were really useful
For the deployement of production you have so many choice like create an helm chart in order to make it easy on deployment
There is a link for istio usage when doing a blue green on kubernetes
This one is good too
ECS solution is probably the easiest way but you will have limited bluegreen cause with istio you can have more deep blue green
For example at work i currently work on an orchestrator like cadence that enable to have microservices tasks so with kubernetes i can use kube api in order to deploy a new replication of a microservice in order to avoid bottleneck linked to the computation; Ex : i have 2 task , when i get 3 then i had a replica and then when it goest to 2 then i downscale the replica.
My advice is start with easiest one => ECR + ECS + Codedeploy then when you ( cause it will take you less time to implement and start your services in order to make money fast so you will be able to have a reduced time to business in your dev pipe)
Then when you will have to chose if you stay like that or make your application more complex, robust and efficient.
If you want to go directly with Kubernetes it's good too ( You will love this techno ;)
And remember less is more ;) => First Dockerize ( create an image ) then create a deployement (Kube deployement or ECR / ECS deployment / Helm chart) then bluegreen and other stuff like auto-replication / auto-scaling
Thanks for joining the show today, folks!

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