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@Scratte Can I quote this in the post? :p
@Scratte Wait, the later says "Public questions" for me
@Sabito錆兎 I think.. I'm going to let you use that without any need for attribution :)
@Sabito錆兎 so I am guessing that it is intentional
A bit confusing though
It doesn't make any sense.
@Scratte can I say that a squirrel said it :p?
Sure.. no one will ever guess that was me :D
Hehe. Np I am just joking I'll not include it :p
Phew :)
Q: Why is 'Top Questions' replaced with 'All Questions' on the homepage for teams users?

Sabito 錆兎I was just reading 'https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/410639/11573842' and I was confused as to what they were asking when they said 'Maybe that's why it's called "Top Questions" not "All Questions"?' because, for me, a teams user, the homepage reads 'All Questions' and not 'Top Questions'. See fo...

Where's the squirrel? :P
I thought it would be best not to include that quote because the post already sounds a bit ranty :p
Probably a good idea :)
@OlegValter Not sure if you've cloned fiddlings. Can I rearrange the project structure to put it in a folder?
2 hours later…
I was in the hospital and just logged onto meta to see what happened while I was gone. Profiles look like.... crap :| Why is the info gone? I can't understand the reason given...
Did you take a screenshot?
I want to see
@Scratte Sure, if you wish.
3 hours later…
@Scratte you are correct, every package can be installed globally. It is not recommended for normal dependencies, but for things like bundlers and other heavy stuff it is more than ok
@Sabito錆兎 NPM is indeed a package manager and has only a very vague connection with build tools in a sense that npm scripts in package.json are often parts of build steps
@Scratte does not matter - rearrange away :)
@KevinM.Mansour yup, can't agree more - all this power play between SE and community (because it is about who psychologically dominates who into submission) is really just a waste of time on everyone's part. And what's more infuriating is that it all could've been prevented
1 hour later…
@OlegValter Still may take a little while. The profile-rearranger is 350 lines, so I should probably minify it.
Only.. first I need to learn a little about npm.. and how to only install a package locally
..and how to use it once I've installed it.
testing - testing
When you're implement a design that is "responsive" to the content, not the user
testing - testing
What are you testing? :)
just a moment, I will show :)
I don't mind :) Test away
@Scratte yay, thanks :) I promise to restrain myself
@Scratte no problem with that :)
My speaker is connected to a jack.. and it's not plugged into my head :)
So any pings will just to into a very small pocket of air that doesn't reach me ;)
@Scratte how dare you not think about small pockets of air :)
I'm sure they're having a party. I just didn't join ;)
However.. I just fixed another two bug in my rearrange-profiles. I'm worried that there are more. I think our local testers aren't really certified :P
@Scratte do they have a blast? :)
@Scratte local testers?
@OlegValter I'm afraid my pings are mostly treble.. not (Meghan Trainor - ) All About That Bass
@OlegValter Yes. I uploaded a temporary version to a pastebin for users here to test :)
OK. So if I rearrange my repository, you'll "just" rebase from it?
@Scratte depends on the rearrangements :)
@Scratte ah, and have they? I missed a while
I was just going to put the files into a folder. So I can have a folder for each script with its own readme page.
@OlegValter They mostly tested that my script doesn't break collectives and treams.
@Scratte I think it should not be a problem then :)
That's what I thought, but sometimes even a small change can make a merge conflict.
@Scratte that's not bad for a local set of testers? :)
I don't expect double-beep made any changes though.
@OlegValter It's not :) They're are part of a team and one is in collectives, so I'm happy about that. I'm using my own Collectives Off normally.. so for daily use I wouldn't even notice.
I wonder.. if I use npx uglify.. it creates a folder locally. Could it be used on the root folder, so that it shares the folder with all the scripts?
I'd rather not have a node folder in every folder.
@Scratte aren't they on vacation?
@OlegValter Yes, but I took a month to merge it. They could have local changes that were never pushed.
But of course those are against a branch, that I will not change. I only mean to change the main branch.
@Scratte no way to know until they are back
@OlegValter True. But this is why I didn't rename the "mergeBranch" yet.
I find the naming to be lacking details ;)
@Scratte Your root folder is the one where package.json is, that's all. node_modules created corresponding to it. But there are also ways to rewire this central one if you use multi-package repository.
@Scratte you don't say :)
But if I just run npm install package, will a package.json be created?
@Scratte yup
I am expecting a node_modules folder to be created in the directory where I run it.
When is the package_lock.json created?
@Scratte yes, but it's not how Node projects usually work :) You have a root project folder where you have a package.json, a package_lock.json, and a node_modules folder. Then you can have any number of folders that are nested - they will share the node_modules folder, of course. If you use the installed modules in your files via imports, Node will figure out where to get those from. If you use those via CLI, usually packages have a way to configure their behaviour to include certain folders
I see that if I wait 4 days, I get August 2021 Security Releases included in node.js
@OlegValter Heh.. I think there's a split of users that create node.js projects, and users that just use packages :)
I'll definitely only be in that last group.
then I have no idea what you are talking about
you will likely be installing packages globally then
which means commands will be accessible from any folder
If I install a package just to run a minifier, then I'm not creating a node.js project.
Yes, I think that how most do it. But.. I'm a squirrel, so I like to be different :D
@Scratte depends on how you install it. If you install it locally, in a folder, it will create node_modules, package.json, and package_lock.json. And this makes it a node project
Oh! I see :) I'll have to read up on npx too then.
@Scratte I don't know who told you about npx, but it is just an npm package for running node packages :)
it does allow "one-off" runs, but most likely it simply installs -> runs -> removes the package and does the cleanup
you don't ever need npx, it is just a convenience package
what you do is npm install <packagename> either globally or locally to a folder
if a package is marked itself as "runnable", you will be able to simply run it by name
for example, if you install TypeScript, you can simply type tsc into terminal, and it will compile the .ts files (or whatever your config is)
for normal packages, you need to run them from a node_modules folder with Node directly node <entry file path> where they are installed or via npm scripts (look for the scripts field) in your package.json file via npm run <packagename>
@OlegValter That's strange. It would have to change the environment path for that, no?
@Scratte not exactly - Node adds its installation folder to the path
global packages live in "Path/To/Node/node_modules"
those that are runnable as binaries have a bin field in package.json
this field is an object with keys equal to command name and file path to run as value
if you go to your Node installation folder and open package.json, you will see this:
  "bin": {
    "npm": "./bin/npm-cli.js",
    "npx": "./bin/npx-cli.js"
^ and this is why you can do npx <packagename> in your terminal
or npm run <packagename>
if you then go to ./bin
Hmm.. I understand that if the node folder is in the windows environment path, then running npm will enable windows to find that and then node will have it's own way to finding out what to do.
If node changes the windows environment path when installing "runnables" packages, then I understand how that works.
no, it does not
but if you go to the Node installation folder, you will notice a couple of files (for each of the global packages installed)
Hold on.. I didn't install it yet :)
@Scratte an explanation won't hurt :)
No, of course not :)
you will find 2 files for each of the packages. One simply named the same as the corresponding key in bin
the other <packagename>.cmd
We are going to made it complex. It's all bout json file with instruction what and where. All others depends upon how you use them :P
let's take a look at Gulp package file:
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")

case `uname` in
    *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;

if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
  exec "$basedir/node"  "$basedir/node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js" "$@"
  exec node  "$basedir/node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js" "$@"
OK :)
and this is the content of the corresponding .cmd file:
@ECHO off
GOTO start
SET dp0=%~dp0
CALL :find_dp0

IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
  SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
) ELSE (
  SET "_prog=node"

endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%"  "%dp0%\node_modules\gulp-cli\bin\gulp.js" %*
So.. for TypeScript, there a tsc.cmd file in the node installation folder, so Windows will run that?
@Scratte yup, for TS, there will be 2 mostly identical files generated with the only difference being paths to corresponding executables :) Same for every other package (installed globally)
And.. it looks like it sets the pathtext temporarily in that .cmd file.
@Shree That's OK. I just like to know what I'm doing.. or at least have a vague idea of what I'm doing :P
and if you go to any locally installed package that is runnable, the same thing basically repeats, with those files being put into the bin folder (or whichever contains executables, but by convention it is named "bin")
But those cannot by run by using "tsc ...", you'll need "node" or something else first, no?
@Scratte yup, either node ./node_modules/,,, or npm run <name_of_the_script>
When I went to the node.js download page, there's an .msi and a .zip file. Of course I downloaded the .zip file :) this is the content. From my understand I can just unpack it, and add an environment variable, and I'm good to go (with a portable version). Even if I install a package globally, it will be contained in that folder.
because not every local package has those files
@Scratte yeah, it looks exactly like an installation directory
Thanks :) I'll do a little more reading. Then I think it's time I try out a command or two. The worst that can happen is that I find bugs or my laptop explodes :D
@Scratte well, the only thing is that I wouldn't call the zipped version portable :) It just bypasses the installer
To the point exactly:
Could you please brirng back the "Member for...X years"? Yes, it's a vanity metric - but so what? What are badge counts, and reputation, if not vanity metrics? We're volunteers here, and vanity is the currency we're paid in. — Steve Bennett 2 hours ago
I think Aaron talked about profile views, though
they dropped the "member for X years" silently
> Dropped the profile views metric entirely. It’s a vanity metric and we don’t think it’s worth keeping around.
^ from the announcement
so it's not even explained away as a vanity metric
they just dropped an incredibly useful metric that many users (me included) used to check to attune interactions with other users with no explanations
I think you're right about that.. I used to wonder if that could wasn't just all myself from when I needed to find my own flags or one of my Answers or just checking that I hadn't lost a post somewhere :)
@OlegValter I call anything that doesn't interact with the window registry portable. What I prefer is "clearly portable" meaning I'm not forced to trust that the installer doesn't interact in ways that I don't want it to. This is why I'll avoid .msi files if I have options.
I downloaded the meld "portable". It's an executable, not just a compressed file. And the entire thing is making me very uncomforable pressing the button on it.
I don't usually do that, but I am going to self-post here just in case it goes poof:
What is very disheartening about this change is that it comes amidst reassurances from the company that they value the community's input and are trying to change for the better. And this is days after they tried to silently drop custom 404 pages with the exact same reasoning. P.s. Given the reception, if this change is not reverted soon, we can all be certain that all the assurances are complete and utter talk and no substance. — Oleg Valter 34 secs ago
I'll translate: "complete and utter talk and no substance." -> "Just BS" ;)
@Scratte yeah, I don't doubt your decision :) I try to avoid installers if possible too
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 4 hours ago, by Mad Scientist
@JourneymanGeek I'm quite sure the score doesn't matter at all here, meta is very far from a representative sample of the SE users.
@Scratte that's exactly what I wanted to write, but I figured it will likely end up in the comment being NLN'd or R/A'd to death pretty quickly :)
@Shree There was a meta post about that, and it's not true. They correlated meta users with curators, and found that a lot more users are interacting and especially visiting meta.
@Scratte ugh. Have something gone wrong with encoding?
What does "humm" mean from a Shree? You've started your engine and about to go on a meta search? :)
@OlegValter I think not. I have no idea what would happen if I pressed it. Meaning double clicked on that .exe file.
@Scratte :P
@Scratte probably self-extract. But I tend to avoid those too
@OlegValter Yes.. I have no idea what that is going to do. So it's just sitting there in my download folder.
yeah, that's the usual excuse when they say "meta is not representative of our users". What they either do not understand or, more likely, choose to ignore, is that MSO/MSE + child metas represent the most devoted users that were lead to believe they have a say in the matter
This one is an interesting one: "c) As ratio of (non-deleted) answers within last year (12.5%)"
If I read that right 12.5% of all users that posted an Answer on main, also posted an Answer on meta.. :O
Now.. there are a lot of users that just lurk on meta, so I expect that there's a lot more users checking out meta than one would expect.
oh, I missed the question :)
> NOTE: I am not a data scientist. These statements have not been evaluated by FiveThirtyEight. These queries are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your data scientist before beginning any protests.
^ just gold :)
This accounts for throw-away account that completely screws any metric they try to pull off about meta not being used by regular users, because it compares engagement, not total amount of accounts.
@Scratte I have no doubt that is the case - I knew about meta long before I started participating. And if not for a particular incident, I'd never start doing so
@OlegValter Yes :)
on an off-note, if we want to have this change reverted (because it definitely makes lives of many users worse), the community will be better off by shifting attention from the merits of the change to the fact that, once again, their input was considered absolutely unimportant
it's like telling a friend or a partner that they matter (or otherwise) while your actions show that they clearly not. Or vice versa, I am sure we've all been on both sides of this
Yes, and we know when we're lying about it :P
and the same is true for vice versa (unless one is particularly oblivious to their fellow humans). I wonder how many see what's going on here.
^ not enough, but that's not isolated to Stack Exchange.
People have a tendency to not understand, not spend time trying to understand or directly avoid seeing the bigger picture and the consequences with a critical mind.
It's not until it directly affects them, that they notice and starts to scream.
..that is how it's possible to kill 5 million innocent people in less than 5 years! In a nation that's suppose to be full of educated and intelligent humans.
what is also very upsetting is that the announcement seems to be intentionally be put at the end of the work week to let the tensions drop during the usually slow end of the week.
I'm not comparing the severity at all. Only that people tend to just trust authority and whatever excuse the authority makes.
@OlegValter Yes... and it's not featured.
This way they can say "But we did announce it".
@Scratte well, here is where we disagree :) If you refer to the historical event, that's not what happened. First, the world really learnt about what was happening in the camps when, well, mostly when those fell to allied forces. Second, as for the nation full of educated humans - no, of course not, it's always a tiny fraction of every culture. Third, the Jews were expertly portrayed as a common enemy + they (the nazi leaders) played off the feeling of national pride stumped after WWI
Except.. some people already warned about this even before the war really started.
And even before the allied found the camps, people knew that being taken wasn't going to end well for the one taken.
^ it's this.. only it applies to people from the outside as well.
@Scratte you see, the problem is that forced labor camps and even ghettos weren't exactly an unknown and unexpected thing back then. As well as the value of human life was much lower world-wide than it is now. Finally, the world wasn't as connected as it is now - you could manage a lot of atrocities before any news reached anyone
@OlegValter Which part of the world are you talking about? Tibet? Myanmar? ;)
@Scratte our normal old and new world
This is a list of internment and concentration camps, organized by country. In general, a camp or group of camps is designated to the country whose government was responsible for the establishment and/or operation of the camp regardless of the camp's location, but this principle can be, or it can appear to be, departed from in such cases as where a country's borders or name has changed or it was occupied by a foreign power. Certain types of camps are excluded from this list, particularly refugee camps operated or endorsed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Additionally, prisoner...
In 1993 every man of an entire town was killed in Europe.. while NATO just looked at it happening. Everyone knew it was going to happen.. but people just went "This is fine. It's not real.."
It's the "It's not my problem, besides it's not really that bad"-thing that people do.
@Scratte you can't blame people for that :) They have their lives, their interests, and most of us rarely know the extent of things. Much less can actually do anything about it. I only blame those that know and could do something about it but decided not to. As an extreme example is the behavior of world leaders during the late 1930s when, judging from the documents, it was extremely obvious that Germany is preparing for a large-scale war effort
Did I miss something or is there only one post that has a negative score on it? The one that suggest to remove the feature from the API too
I'm thinking about implementing the API call..
Only it will add another 350 lines of code.
@Scratte more like 20-30 lines :)
@Scratte do you mean answers?
seems like there is only one indeed
@OlegValter No. I need a notice to warn users if their quota is low.
And a calculation of time difference.
@Scratte still not a lot :) You can take a look at how I implemented it in the chat links userscript, btw (or simply extract it if you like it)
I made one for the other script.. :)
It doesn't tell people what their quota is, it loads a notice if they're low.
@Scratte ah, I see :)
@Scratte hm, on that note, won't it be more informative to tell people exactly how many times they can fetch the API?
@Scratte test
@OlegValter My notice just warns users if they're under 500 requests.
But then they get the notice every time :)
But I think I'll just focus on trying to figure out node.js. I'm reading a page to say to set the prefix to another folder, so it doesn't use the default user folder for global packages.
and then it says to reinstall npm, since that's now not in the global folder.
@Scratte I understand, just think that it might be a good idea to tell users how how much quota is left :)
@Scratte yeah, that mitigates part of the anxiety :)
@Scratte last time I checked npm is just another package too :)
@Scratte hmm
@Scratte another test, sorry :)
test away.. I'm off for a bit :)
@Scratte did you notice that most of the latest replies were an attempt to make test replies less obvious? :)
and thanks!
@Scratte there is one thing I can't seem to get right, and it requires posting replies
@Scratte I'll show what it is about a bit later, but on a high-level it is a userscript for parsing the chat live, creating a live map of messages (with cross-references for replies, etc), and then, in its initial implementation, updating the background of messages you already replied to :)
@Scratte plus another test
@Scratte and another, very minor test
@Scratte true, SE is just a small case of a larger issue
perfect, it works!
^ here's how it works
currently the colour is hard-coded, but I'll make it configurable later
also, every available message on screen is coded into a map
with entries as follows:
userId: string,
isMe: boolean,
messages: Message[]
where Message is:
at: string,
messageId: string,
content: string,
repliedTo: Message | null,
idDeleted: boolean
on another off-note, just stumbled onto this - look at the timestamp and note the change in behavior of the company. Don't see one? Good, that's exactly what it is about:
If I was pushing to production something not to be debated (because security constraint or legal requirements) without warning my users a bit in advance I know how they would react: mostly like MSO users actually. The fact you (company) are convinced something has to be done and is not up to debate is not a reason to push it without a word and doesn't help its reception. I'm not talking about turning your kanban board public, but announcing changes a week before they're live is just respectful communication IMHO. My 2cts. — Tensibai Jul 30 '19 at 9:17
Benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) is a title given to a small number of open-source software development leaders, typically project founders who retain the final say in disputes or arguments within the community. The phrase originated in 1995 with reference to Guido van Rossum, creator of the Python programming language. Shortly after Van Rossum joined the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, the term appeared in a follow-up mail by Ken Manheimer to a meeting trying to create a semi-formal group that would oversee Python development and workshops; this initial use included an additional...
^ I love this easter egg :)
It is a shame that it isn't used often
@OlegValter wait.. you have the element or a copy of it retained?
@OlegValter Oh.. so you're colour-coding conversations? :)
@Scratte hm? Not sure what you mean (but I will be able to show the source soon). There is mutation observer + initial run that parses all messages into a neat cross-referenced structure :) Because I thought that making it just about new replies is boring
> That attitude - the feeling of being ignored - became very much more prevalent as soon as something else happened. Something on the site was brought to the attention of someone with admirable goals - to better the web for especially women and other unrepresented groups in tech. Something on Stack Overflow was brought to her attention, and through Twitter, she made her displeasure known.
Do you know which Twitter thread they are talking about?
@Scratte yup, and I am now having a blast from it :) I can finally satisfy some of my autistic tendencies by making sure I clearly see which messages I've replied and which I ignored
I am thinking about taking it further and add dynamic grouping of connected messages into "conversations" :)
@OlegValter So those two green ones are suppose to have each their own colour, no?
@Scratte no, for now it's the same colour for every message I replied to - but that's a good idea that also comes close to what I was thinking in terms of converting linked messages into "conversation" groups :)
it's just that I started with an idea of "I want to know at a glance to which messages I replied"
@Sabito錆兎 I am not sure I can give you the exact tweet, but it was something about rejecting a suggested edit that changed "he" in a GIT answer to "person" if the memory does not play tricks on me
Oh. I was expecting something much worse
Like a death threat or racist remark
@Sabito錆兎 nope, that's the fun stuff with all this pretend empowerment - it is never about the real problems
it's all about looking good. In Hollywood, they have a term for that, methinks it is called "performative activism"
performative activism hm.. never heard of that but I appreciate giving me this phrase. I can use it to google stuff :)
but that's not the only twitter thread
I think people are too sensitive about the gender-language. I can read "I replied to their message" just as well as "I replied to his messages" and not put any gender bias on it. Once I see "I replied to her message" I wonder how they know the user is female :D
@Scratte well, I can understand this sensitivity if it is important to your sense of identity, especially if you are a minority or a part of a usually oppressed group. But the problem is that, of course, there are a lot of people who just push an agenda without understanding or caring about the implications
@OlegValter I understand that people are hesitant from sharing direct links to these tweets on meta but this really hiders my ability to gauge what really happened. My mind goes straight to the worst possible scenario
I don't think the problem isn't about the language. It's about the treatment of the minorities. Using "their" doesn't change that. It's the same with master/main. It doesn't change that a lot of people are treated with no value. They're just workers.
I hate phrases like something happened - Show me what happened and I will judge it with my own eyes :(
@Sabito錆兎 no, I just literally don't have a reference for you right now :)
@OlegValter No no I am not referring to you... I mean the meta posts I am reading right now...
ah, it's like an inside joke - it's enough to mention "the Twitter feed", and everyone involved enough knows what this is about
It is very clear that everyone who participated in that discussion knew which tweet they are talking about but either they didn't include it intentionally or they are probably deleted to avoid hate to be send to whoever wrote it
on an off-note, I used to think about Catija a lot worse since they were the person who overrode two rejectors of the suggested edit
@Sabito錆兎 The problem though is that newbies like me are left completely confused :((((
the funny part of it was that the reviewers were actually correct at once: the suggested edit made the answer incorrect
There is a more recent example of this stupidity on meta. Where people keep editing the post to reflect neutral gender, while in fact the user is very much a male.
here we are - we corrected the mistake this year :)
Q: Should I edit answer for : Merging between forks in GitHub?

Anonymous CowardI'd like to make an edit to improve this answer. The edited answer would look like this: You probably have a "remote" for each repository. You need to pull from the one remote and push to the other. If you originally cloned from your fork, that remote will be called "origin". If you haven't adde...

^ I have an upvote on that but I don't remember ever reading it
@Scratte Yeah well I know what you are referring to there :p
@Scratte yeah, that's a bit annoying - if that's a known part of identity (be it female, male, or non-binary), there is no reason to make it forcibly neutral
@Sabito錆兎 now I am not on the in-joke :)
@Sabito錆兎 I thought you've been here for a while
@Sabito錆兎 Ha! I forgot that it was you that started that one.. sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything :)
@OlegValter I was the one who first switched he to them. Then someone informed me that they where infact he. So I switched that part back and explained my mistake in the edit comment
People rolled back that edit though
Honestly, I was just acting like a bot and editing pronouns to be gender neural because I was under the impression that this was accidental and not intentional. But on clarification I admitted my mistake and fixed it.
The problem though was that others didn't find this ok so they rolled it back
Not just rolled it back.. everyone started to force their version of what that post was suppose to be rephrased to. Including one that I think never ever looks at context and just forces neutral gender on everything.
@Sabito錆兎 in part, yes, that's to avoid more hatred because despite the company being at fault, obviously people tend to unsheathe pitchforks and go for the poster
@OlegValter I did some digging and it seems like the tweets are deleted now. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@Sabito錆兎 Yes, that.. that was the stupidity that I was referring to.
Now I'll never know what happened
also, now that I think about it, this case might've referred to an issue with a controversial post making it to NHQ
@Scratte Yep. It was very weird. OP themselves were protesting the change but they went with it anyways
If someone tweets in the middle of the woods and everyone heard it, is it still there now?
Hold On.. A squirrel have pinged me. :)
@Sabito錆兎 there's nothing interesting - I think even the author admitted they didn't want it to go this far
@OlegValter I agree.
@Scratte Cool.
@KevinM.Mansour Thanks :) Have you noticed how your avatar isn't displayed in a square box anymore? :)
@Scratte Yes, I see.
That's not my script btw, that's Stack.
Wait, Is that a new update?
You're running both mine and Spectric's script? :)
Oh btw @Scratte did you know that you can get the last seen from the network profile?
@KevinM.Mansour Must be. I've never seen that before.
@Sabito錆兎 It would be much better than your current implementation IMO as it would be closer to the original :)
@Sabito錆兎 I suppose I could scrape that too.. but it's bound to be removed there as well. And lots of new users don't have one.
@Scratte Yes, because both will save my life. :)
@Scratte Oh come on! Don't remove that :(((( (@company not you ;)
@KevinM.Mansour I think they may clash at some point though. It probably depends on the order of execution if it goes well or not.
Spectric's script is probably inserting into an element, that my script is moving
I liked the old square box.
@Scratte Yes, I was thinking same, Spectric Script load first then yours does. :)
You can disable the fetching of activity in my script by commenting out the call to scrapeActivity(rightSideBar); at the very last line.
@Scratte No, it is good. :)
But it's the same as Spectric's script puts in, no? :)
@Scratte Personally, I don't know how to read UTC. :)
I will have to convert it to Local Time...
@KevinM.Mansour Imagine you are in London.. that's it.
Did you move the badges table to the bottom?
Yes.. I did.
UTC is just year-month-day hour-minute-second on a 24 hour clock.
to be very pedantic, UTC (or UCT) is not a format. The format is ISO 8601 (and this is an RFC standard)
And the problem is in the 24 hour clock. :)
@OlegValter True.. but I think that's not the important bit :)
@OlegValter To be very honest, I don't understand anything. :)
@KevinM.Mansour that's all you need to read UTC (or, more precise, an ISO 8601-formatted date string):
   date-fullyear   = 4DIGIT
   date-month      = 2DIGIT  ; 01-12
   date-mday       = 2DIGIT  ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on
                             ; month/year
   time-hour       = 2DIGIT  ; 00-23
   time-minute     = 2DIGIT  ; 00-59
   time-second     = 2DIGIT  ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second
                             ; rules
   time-secfrac    = "." 1*DIGIT
   time-numoffset  = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute
   time-offset     = "Z" / time-numoffset
@KevinM.Mansour Right. So at noon 12 hours have passed since midnight. At 17, 5 hours passed since noon.
wait, I thought people usually have trouble with 12-hour clocks, not the other way around
OK, thank you, I will try to learn it. :)
@OlegValter Apparently seeing 17:00 is hard but 5:00:PM is not.. which I don't get at all, because I always get confused about what 0:00:PM is.
for anyone interested (cc @Sabito錆兎), here is RFC3339 defining the date string format
@OlegValter No, a big no, 12 Hours Clocks are easy and helpful to read...
unfortunately, ISO are major d****, so the ISO standards are paid
@OlegValter Please consider those fragile people that faint when they see a specification ;)
@Scratte how many of those are there? :)
@OlegValter At least one in here :) ..I think :)
@Scratte hm?
@KevinM.Mansour They're from back when people used a wrist-watch :D
And instead of having 24 divisions, they used 12 and had it circle twice a day :D Just to make it easier to see the details.
it took me one USA client, a 6-hour difference, and a GCalendar by default accepting dates in local time to go learn about dates properly :)
Have you never used a keyboard with 24 F-keys?
@Scratte No, And I don't want to see it. :)
@Scratte why would anyone need 24 F keys?
@OlegValter Heh.. they're used for mainfraimes where "front end" development could make for more options :)
@Scratte yup, exactly - and it made sense because when you are measuring time manually, you most likely know if it is day or night. Does not make much sense in digital world, cc @KevinM.Mansour.
that does not stop me from having this, though:
You get those ascii based user interfaces where you have to tab your way to a field, and a long list of options in the bottom that specifies "F2 to edit", ... "F19 to blah"..
@OlegValter Heh.. this is mine. Funny thing because when I look at yours, my brains says "6 is a lie, this is 18"
You could have a smaller division with just 6 areas and have 0-5 A, 0-5 B, 0-5 C and 0-5 D.. then 3:00C would be 15:00 :D
I think the AM/PM also breaks the rule, no? Isn't there a 12:00PM? And is that midnight or noon?
@Sabito錆兎 This is the uncompressed node zip installation
@KevinM.Mansour That's when I still had my nut :)
@Scratte I'm sure these have been great days for you. :)

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