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I was thinking that that if else if else was kind of horrible.
userInfo.querySelectorAll(`div:is(.user-card > div > div)`)
^ how about this? We can go for #user-card, but this selector is heavy
@OlegValter The userInfo is a child of #user-card :)
@Scratte just try it :) Of course, in the above case, you don't even need template literals, a normal string will do
That seems to work :) How does it even do that?
I need to put in a comment :) Else I will confuse myself.
                                                   // parent             me    kids
    const userInfoItems = userInfo.querySelectorAll("div:is(#user-card > div > div)");
Is that about right?
Oh. I think I know how to make the horrible if statement go away :) With one of your tricks :)
@Scratte more like "select all (direct and indirect) children of userInfo that are divs but those that are also direct children of a div that is a direct child of an element with an id user-card" :)
A > B means "A is a direct child of B"
A:is(B) means "A must also match B"
It makes sense now :)
the beauty of the trick is that it is not scope-restricted :) Meaning you can do whatever in B (well, mostly)
cool thing, huh?
but not that old, poor folks used to live without it
as for the if...else if...if, I think you'll manage it yourself :) Not that in this situation it looked too bad
    const getit = ([...elements], className) => elements.find(element => element.classList.contains(className));
    console.log("getit", getit(userInfoItems,"overflow-x-hidden"));
But I think it does more work than the other.
Since it traverses the elements every time.
How many elements you have?
3 :)
The problem with this solution is that last else statement :) the one that's not the other two.
@Scratte that... looks a bit like an overkill :)
You don't say :D
on an off-note - well, someone's team is going to have a good weekend :)
Aaron's team
I'm waiting for the post to get under -431 so that it's on the last page :D
as a heads up - I am going to go get some sleep - so if there are any queries, I won't be able to respond until later
@Scratte judging by an overwhelming hatred for the change it does not seem implausible
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 hours ago, by rene
While I agree featuring is preferred I am also not sure if -300 would change much of the direction this is going
The powers that be "fixed" something that now really does need to be fixed. — WJS 33 mins ago
frankly, what baffles me is the utter lack of retention of lessons supposedly learned in previous installments of "we made a change that directly makes lives of our community more miserable without prior discussion and expected everyone to just let it slide"
and a final bitter note for today - and where's our nice and shiny new VP of community while all this is going down (in every sense of the word)?
@OlegValter They asked for the change? :P And is now hiding in the loo.. until this all blows over, or they blow up :D
I've noticed something funny. You seem to be OK with things at first. Then you think about it for while and you get upset when it hits you how bad things really are. While I get angry at the moment and then I come to terms with "jerks will be jerks" while I fix it.
@Scratte it's kind of in a state nuclear fallout right now, isn't it too late to duck and cover? :)
@Scratte you noticed correctly :) I just have a slower fuse, but I do blow up. Hard.
it's just the inability to learn anything from previous interactions that slowly gets me boiling. AI networks learn faster (and more reliably) than SE, jeez.
@OlegValter Not for the high payed decision makers. They seem to be excellent at taking cover behind someone that never actually wanted it..
@OlegValter I don't think it's the A that makes the difference. It could be the I ;)
Want another entry to the BS going on?
They claim that the lost metrics are "vanity" while they've put the shiny trophies on top of the actual contributions in profiles.
well, there is a term for that, called "doublespeak". I just discard it as such - obviously, if it is about removing a feature/metric, it will be called "vanity" whereas if it is about adding some, it is always about "incentives for users", etc
I call that lying..
Hmm.. I need to find a user that has only and exactly 2 pages of acitivty.
@Scratte Which page?
@KevinM.Mansour When you go to Activity -> All actions -> All :)
^ When Luck smile for Shree. :)
My puppet :P
@Shree Thank you :)
It broke my script :D
This is quite nice. I was going to text the 2 pages.. but my script broke due to something else :)
@Scratte What is your script do :P
@Shree It fixes the profile pages :) Stack Inc broke them :P
ohhh. ok.
The post is setting at -134...
They are wasting their time and others time.
Yep. If this is in plan why they touch profile page ?
Worst decision. Seems that upper management force dev to show work.
sBot looks nice with my script :)
@Shree The following cake touches will probably appear on the Activity page in Profile.
@Shree Of course, a company with 1.8 Billion dollars should do.
I've created a userscript that brings back the 'Member since', 'profile views' and 'Last seen' info: LegacyProfiles
I expect that to be shut down in the API
Source files still mangled? :D
Nope :)
Nice :)
I just recreated the old style. Not sure if I should post it or not.
@Spectric Awesome. :)
And it is not UTC. ;) CC. @Scratte
@Scratte You should. :)
I need an profile as an example..
@Scratte Old Profile?
Some user's profile that wrote a lot of text in it. But I can't just go and take a screen dump of someones's profile.
@Scratte What do you need exactly, I will edit my profile.
Heh.. you'd put your own profile up for scrutiny.. That's just crazy :)
@Scratte No problem, just tell me what to do exactly.
I just need to show that the profile text will have a max height with a scrollbar.
I think maybe I should ask someone in SOCVR that's used to scrutiny, no?
@Scratte How many lines?
Hold on.. for a moment :) Let me ask first :)
Anyone here a member of a Team?
As in Stack Teams?
@Scratte What do you need?
Are you in Teams? :)
@Scratte What do you need? :)
If you open up any profile, is there anything related to Teams on it?
Or if you open up a profile of someone that's in a Team with you?
We need another script. One that retains moved messages..
@Scratte What's next?
@Scratte It's not much of an issue to do three O(n) operations then. Perhaps this is a good time to introduce you to higher order functions and currying:
const byClass = className => element =>

const userProfileText = elements.find(byClass("overflow-x-hidden"));
const userStuff = elements.find(byClass("my16"));
const userName = elements.find(x => x !== userProfileText && x !== userStuff)
Since there are three elements anyway, it's never going to be a full O(n) iteration. One of these will do 3 iterations, one will do 2 iterations, one will do 1 iteration.
Oh. That looks nice :)
@KevinM.Mansour Is that a "no"? :) There's nothing related to Teams on another profile?
How.. is there an edit profile button on Community?!?
@Scratte On Teams, yes.
@KevinM.Mansour Ohh.. can you edit anyone's profile if you're in a team with them?
Becasuse.. I've removed that button entirely in my script.
@Scratte I can change Community Username in Teams.
Hmm.. I'll prepare the post. I made some coffee and I'll try to write it up a little later. Maybe I'll post my script in a pastebin and we can find out if the button is removed by my script. I don't think it is, because I removed the 4th element only, which Community doesn't seem to have.
@Scratte Bug. :)
So.. you have an edit button for all other team members?
@Scratte Yes, but it does not work and I get "Oops! Something Bad Happened!".
I have renamed Community to Kittens. :)
@KevinM.Mansour That's sweet :) Ok. I'll work on it for a little while, then I'll ping you.
@Spectric Too many requests from this IP, more requests available in 57480 seconds. :(
@KevinM.Mansour Huh?!? How many profiles did you load?
@Scratte Hmmm. Not a lot. Just hundreds.
@Scratte What?
It seems to have var apiKEY = localStorage.getItem("legacyprofiles-apikey");
Do you have such a key in your localStorage?
Oh.. They didn't put a key into the script. They're asking users to get it themselves. That is very very strange.. That's really irregular.
No. Nothing in Local Storage.
I see.. read the comments on the Answer by VonC :)
You can use the key posted by rene in the meantime.
Are you in a Collective?
@Scratte What do you want?
@KevinM.Mansour Do you have any special stuff on other members on their profiles?
@Scratte In teams?
No.. in Collectives :D
I remember in the beginning there would be a button on other user's profiles.
But if you're not in one, that's fine. I think Yatin is.
There are only a few things that I rearrange really. And then mess with the spacing.
Because nobody needs a 48px space
@Scratte I have joined Go Collective and nothing special for other users.
Are you running my Collectives Off script at the same time? :D
@KevinM.Mansour you'll have to register a key. See the updated post regarding exceeding the 300 request limit.
@Spectric It's your script. You're suppose to register the key for the script.
It's not a client secret. It can be added in plain text into the script. And everyone will use the same key. The key itself isn't limited. It's limited by the IPs using it. So each IP can go to 10K requests per day. The throttle isn't per key per IP either. It's per IP that uses keys.
@Scratte Good Squirrel, Just this.
@KevinM.Mansour Oh.. I don't touch that element at all.
I can see that too :D
@Scratte It is hidden by your userscript. :)
@KevinM.Mansour Yes. I know :) It works very well :)
@Scratte So even if I'm using 4 different keys in 4 different scripts, I still only have 10K requests per day.
rene is actually an awesome user and thanks for Spectric and I have entered the Key and everything is pretty cool. :)
Yes. rene is very helpful :)
@KevinM.Mansour What happens when you go to someone else's profile? Can you invite them to join the Collective?
The problem is that I open many profiles per day, And now I am limited. :(
@Scratte Personally, they deserve a flower. ;)
@Scratte No.
@KevinM.Mansour I see :) It's possible to turn of the script off, you know :)
@KevinM.Mansour OK. Thanks :) I know users can turn if off too. Nobody can invite me, f.eks.
Maybe it's only for admins and recognised members.
@KevinM.Mansour It doesn't work for me, because I turned if off :D
@Scratte What is that?
Profile -> "Edit profile and settings" -> "Your Collectives"
@Scratte I see but I still can't invite you, no?
Nobody can.. Only people that has this on can be invited.
@Scratte I can't invite you or anyone. :)
@KevinM.Mansour I expect that's because you need to be an admin or a recognized member yourself. I'll take bug-reports on that, I guess :)
@Scratte Hmmm, ok. I'll go get a key. Thanks :)
You're welcome :)
@Spectric And ping me, In case of rene key is exceed limit. :)
@KevinM.Mansour It can't get over the limit :) It can only get over the limit by your IP. Independent of the actual key used.
@Scratte Why?
We can all use the same key, and we'll have 10K requests each.
@Scratte Yes, In case of my IP. :)
And you can use 10 different keys for 10 different scripts, you'll still get a maximum of 10K requests per day. On the total. Not per script. Not per key. Per IP.
If you do not use a key, you get 300 a day. And it will remember your IP. So if you used a script and loaded it 300 times, you cannot get a reply on the API without a key, because it knows you already did 300 on that day.
@Scratte Wait?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Really? Hope the IP limit won't be exceed. Peace. :)
@KevinM.Mansour Yes, really. You get a maximum of 10K requests on a day. That's it. I've never reached that limit.. ever :) But I have used a script with a key and then made a test request without a key.. and it errors on me saying I have exceeded my limit.
@KevinM.Mansour v1.2 now has an api key.
@Spectric Great. :)
@Scratte OK.
@Spectric It was easy once you figured it out, no? :)
I like that it even tells you which one is the client secret and which one you can put into scripts in plain text :)
Hmm.. I have loaded Cody's profile so many times today, Stack develops is going to think I'm obsessed or something :D
@Scratte LOL! A fan?
Must be.. Since I've probably loaded it a few hundred times :)
-150 in a day.. on a non-featured post. There's potential there :D
Fun fact: This post made it to the top 10 worst scored list. If this does not send an obvious message to the staff, then we're hopeless... — LoremIpsum 58 mins ago
Yes, I just read that.. what I find puzzling is why isn't this featured?
Yep same
I hate it when I reach the daily comment vote limit on an announcement :/
I still have things to upvote! :p
Trying to find the post about the Trophies being too high now..
I preferred the old icon. I wasn't born 2 years, 2 months ago :p
Nice :)
Are you sure about that? :)
Heh :p
BTW have you ever tried learngitbranching.js.org
It is surprisingly good :D
I never understood rebase and merge this clearly!
Nope. Never seen it before :)
If you struggle with git then give it a shot :)
I will.. just need to figure out a little JavaScript first :)
👍 Sure :)
I'm messing up VLAZ's example of currying.. but maybe it's just too spicy for me ;)
@Sabito錆兎 I’m on mobile right now but I’ll definitely try it later.
@Scratte They know they’re in the wrong. They have no reason why the “member for” icon is removed so don’t discuss it. They know the profile changes are shit so they don’t feature it.
That's my impression too. They don't want more people to land on the post.
I could barely find it originally because it wasn’t on the front page.
It’s seems like they had to make the profile page responsive and they made the easiest changes, removed some stats which they don’t like for some reason while they’re at it (without actually thinking about it), and then post an announcement for the sake of it.
@VLAZ I'm mentioning you in my script, OK? :)
@Xnero If they hadn't posted an announcement, people would post about it anyway. And.. since they posted an announcement, I guess they.. announced it :D
> The "last seen" is not yet removed from the API, which I think you should certainly do as well. As long as it's still accessible the privacy implications remain.
Classic example of where they didn’t think about it.
I'm very upset that a user mentioned that. I had hoped they'd forget about it being there.
@Scratte Hopefully they don’t delete the post when they get fed up of it. :P
I was going to add it to my script later on when the dust has settled. First I need to see if they're removing that from the API or not.
@Scratte Maybe make a script to revert to the old profile design and replace missing stats that are still accessible?
@Xnero I already made the script :D But it's scraping the activity page at the moment.
Did the tags on questions suddenly start appearing weird? Or am I tripping?
^ on meta
I don't think so.. where?
@Sabito錆兎 Aren't meta tags always like that?
I don't think so...
Oh wait they are
My bad
They look normal to me :)
Wayback machine says they were: web.archive.org/web/20210714194028/https://…
I just noticed how weird they look now
Haha. Ok.
@Xnero yeah same. I just checked
LOL! That is really funny :)
They are almost plain text!
@Sabito錆兎 You also had the pleasure of dismissing the giant cookie box. :-)
^ I should really know better lol
You need more for a badge?
I wonder where I have my longest streak currently...
Anyone want to test the script to see if they can find a bug?
Sure 😀 Link?
Hold up.. I'm putting it in a pastebin.. because my GitHub needs to be restuctured.
Stack User Profiles.. valid for 1 day. cc @KevinM.Mansour
I'm sure it breaks some things with collectives. Not sure about teams. Any reports would be great :)
It does break a bit on teams. It doesn't show the badges
Under the avatar?
What does it look like with the script off?
And the watch emoji is very hard to see in dark mode
@Sabito錆兎 but.. it's bright white :D
I mean the black straps on the wristwatch ;)
Nobody looks for those. I only picked a watch because it's smaller than a clock :)
@Scratte Oh wait. This is interesting
Teams doesn't show badges underneath the user profile!
This might be a bug
At least I didn't break it then :D
Oh no wait
This bug has already been reported
3e's profile doesn't show the badges because they don't have any gold badges there
This is what I do: I go to the avatar element. I skip the first child. I take the second and remove the stuff I don't want. Then I look to see if there's a 4th one. If there is, I remove it.
@Sabito錆兎 Ohh.. that bug. Yes, I saw that. I have no words.. :)
🤔 Makes sense. I guess it will be easier to just wait for SO to release a bug fix
I expect my script to break when they do.
Can you read the current badge count off the page?
Yes, but it would be silly of me to create that, because it's very likely to get fixed.
👍 Yeah that is probably the best thing to do
I've fixed the right margin btw.. so it doesn't have that extra bit on the tags, posts and badges.
Now.. it's just a nice straight line down with confetti ;)
@Sabito錆兎 I even managed to break the tutorial!
Ok I checked another profile that had a gold badge and your script seems to be doing just as great in Teams :)
@Xnero Oh cool xD How?
@Sabito錆兎 I typed "git commit" twice and the main is at C1. No idea what that means but just shows how hopeless I am at git. :-)
Now I just need a Borg admin to tell me if it breaks the invite button :D
@Scratte Create your own team.
@Xnero I'm allergic to teams.
Hmm.. I never tried to commit when there's nothing to commit.
@Xnero If you get stuck anywhere type reset
You can chain commands too: reset;clear to, well, reset and clear :)
@Sabito錆兎 I think I checked out a branch or something. Don't know what that means but I refreshed the page and did it again and it worked. Seems cool so far.
reset;clear;uploadDirectlyToMyBrain it all works. Just not commit;commit. Nobody can deal with too much commitment.
@Scratte git commit;git commit :p
Right.. for some reason I get lots of errors using "gir" :P
gir : The term 'gir' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file...
This is why I don't like buttons. I never learn to spell that way :)
Try reaching 'Ramping Up' it get progressively cooler after that
I have to check it out later, because there's some other stuff I need to read first :(
Like.. what is node.js and why would I install that?
@Sabito錆兎 And the 'Remote: Push & Pull -- Git Remotes!' blew my mind. I am surprised how I didn't find this resource earlier. Git would have been a piece of cake!
@Scratte I have it installed too - for npm that is all. Everything else I do in Django
What do you use npm for?
It is a package manager so you use it to install packages :)
I thought it was a dependency tool for building, like maven
You can use Yarn too - it does the same thing. I never used it so I don't really know much about it
@Scratte Not sure about that :/
I am very new to all this myself
@Sabito錆兎 What kind of packages? What do you use them for?
Like React - used for building single-page frontend apps
Or bable - used for transpiling js
Or (the hatted) webpack - module bundler
Aha.. so you're using React as a build tool, and npm to install it, even though npm is a build tool itself?
What about uglify-js? I have a 6K lines script that I might need to minify.
@Scratte I don't know if npm is a build tool
@Scratte no clue my friend :/
Right. OK :)
What is the node.js installation size on disk?
@Scratte @OlegValter is a far more knowledgeable person to ask these questions :)
@Scratte Node.js 12.22.4-0 64-bit 407 MB
^ googled it
Oh! Right.. I could probably have done that. I thought you'd check with your own system :D
One sec
Is this useful?
I am not entirely sure how you check the installation size.. Please let me know if this is not it...
Ahh.. yes. It can be a little tricky with actual installations, since they can spread out across your system.
So.. I already have 8 JavaScript engines on my system. I'm thinking that maybe I don't need another :D
In Apps & Features ^
Ahh.. yes. You can probably add that to the 166MB
But that's substantially lower than 407 MB
Yeah; not sure why they gave such a large estimate
Maybe I am missing something
If I install it, I can try to remember to do a before and after check of the used space :)
It could just be 100MB and the larger one is just all the packages you installed :D
I was wondering that but I think when you install packages they are stored in your project's working directory in a folder called node_packages. So maybe the globally stored packages are cached versions for reuse?
I think that depends on your definition of cache :P When files are stored on disk, that's not the normal term used :)
Unlike in Python, you can't use the same venv for different projects. For each project you will need a separate node_modules folder (at least that is what I think)
So this tends to bloat your device soon :(
@Scratte 😅 Yeah I just took a guess that that is what they are probably called
I'm pretty sure you can install node packages globally. It will probably store them under the user profile or in a profile shared by everyone. I expect that to be configurable.
Isn't that what you do with the "-g" flag when installing? Putting then so they are shared at least among different of your own projects.
Probably... I didn't know about this though. Never looked it up. Just assumed it.
I see. I'm making the mistake of reading about the software that I may install. Instead of just installing it and figuring out if it's useful afterwards :D :P
Aaaaaaahhhhh 😖 you are asking me to read the ingredients of a chocolate bar before chowing down on it and finding as I chew :p
Nono.. but if you're allergic to peanuts, it may be a good idea to it before you start biting on it ;)
I like to live my life on the edge :p
There's also this:
Jul 28 at 8:47, by VLAZ
Hours of trying stuff at random can save you minutes of reading the manual.
Yeah I am just kidding. I am trying (forcing myself actually) to RTFM :p
Um... which page is the top questions page?
:D :D :D That would be Stack Overflow :D
I don't understand their question :/
They asked a Question. Then they refreshed the front page and they didn't see their Question on it.
So they want to know what makes a post show up on the page.
On which page is it written: "Top questions"?
You asked that.. I answered it.. with a link to Stack Overflow :D
Go there and see what it says on the top ;)
Stack Overflow main page says "Top Questions". Stack Overflow Questions say "All Questions"
Is it because of teams?
@Scratte Not for me
LOL! How in the world.. ?!?.. Why oh why would they deceive Teams people with the title?
^ see the url in the top
@Sabito錆兎 Isn't that the same as the other image?
Ohh.. I see. You included the link :)
@Scratte Yep (with the url included as proof)
I will ask meta I guess
Heh.. it may become a bug :)
Or.. a duplicate :D
It is probably a dupe tbh
Are you in Teams because of charcoal?
Charcoal and SOBotics :)
@Scratte Hm.. surprisingly, I don't think it has been mentioned yet
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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