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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

..going to meta was a bad idea! Making "Not an Answer" a red flag with a -100 reputation point penalty.. What in the world?!? I think people get the impression that if you punish a user, everyone else in the world will notice too. They don't.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Scratte Too much whitespace at the end of the line?
Like, an excessive amount of whitespace.
4 hours later…
Sure, but why doesn't it line break?
Huh? How is this edit considered vandalism?!? It's correct. But so it the original. I'm not sure about those types of edits to be honest. Is it better than the original? Probably not. Is is worse? No.
I'm not sure if the Kotlin version makes the handler final. If it doesn't then the edit is probably more correct.
I'd say "no improvement" rather than "vandalism". It's not done with ill intent. I guess "clearly conflicts with author's intent" might also apply but "no improvement" is a good catch-all for stuff like this where you can say "the edit is technically valid, but why did you waste my time having to look at it".
If the replacement code does the same thing, then there is indeed no improvement. I refuse to take "shorter" as "better" in such circumstances unless the original code was excessively verbose or something similar.
I find it kind of to be an improvement in that the original makes it final.. and it makes Java out to be more verbose in that example that it needs to be.
Also, if you're not sure if the code is better and it looks like it does the same thing...well, ultimately it's not for you to decide very subtle code differences. The editor should have probably supplied better information.
The thing that bothers me is that someone clicked "spam or vandalism" which I find it to clearly not be at all. I'm 50/50 on approving it.
Yeah, that'd be valid, too. I do prefer declaring a variable and assigning it before calling a method. Doing new Foo().someMethod() without any assignments feels iffy most times.
I suppose it depends. But compare it to the Kotlin version :) It doesn't declare it at all :)
Which is why I figured that the edit is valid.
I find that sometimes declaring a variable first is messy :D If I'm never going to use it, then what's the point of declaring it?
Someone.. please make me some coffee :)
in SOBotics, 31 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
@Shree brews a cup of Macchiato for @Scratte
Thank you both :)
*brews coffee* Do you take it with spiders or with clowns?
I only eat or drink spiders by accident. Normally I just kidnap them and put them in my flat.
ohhh . By accident drink spider :)
@Scratte Gotcha *puts two spoonfuls of clowns to the coffee* there you go
@Shree They're usually not the big ones, when I drink them by accident :P Have you never drunk a spider? :)
@VLAZ Are those real life clowns or am I missing some slang? :D
Pfft, everybody knows clowns aren't real.
They are just government propaganda.
Oh, well in that case I don't need them in my coffee. I usually blow my nose in them.
I just love audits :D Proposed title "Why am I Unable to install flask jinja2 exceptions in the (PIP error)?"
Please.. do not approve this edit
Thank you :) They made it compare seconds instead of day.. :O Or miliseconds? :)
Why would somebody see date1.getTime() / MILLIS_PER_DAY; and think "Oh, obviously the / is supposed to be a comment"
Yup: getTime() "Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this Date object."
@VLAZ I have absolutely no idea!.. I bothers me that someone else approved it too.
Sometimes.. not even. They just don't understand what they are looking at. But then I think Skip is a really good button :)
Hmm.. with a score of 65 in Java, I'm going to just drink my coffee and pretend I never saw that.
Seems like a honest mistake. The reviewer stats aren't of a robo-reviewer. There are rejections and an improvement.
Thanks for checking :) They could have clicked the button by accident.. though they don't have buttons. But I have :)
3 hours later…
Arrrrrrrggggggh! I just pushed to GitHub and I noticed a bug :(
@OlegValter Here it is.. with the bug I just noticed. Please call your branch/fork "v0.69-beta-review" or something starting with "v0.69-beta-" :) Or not.. I can rename it ;)
On second though. I'll just create it myself.. Then the merge will initially to into that.
"go into", not "to into"
It's fine. Release it and then fix it in production. That's what all the cool people do.
Nope :) I'm going to see what magic Oleg comes up with first :)
..and I'll fix the bug. An element is getting the id="undefined" :/
..especially since I'm not a web-developer :)
You think id="undefined" is because you're not a web developer? I guess that means you have to become one and it'd fix itself. Easy :P
Heh.. no. That's because I was sloppy and didn't actually check what I was doing :)
I know I'm not a web-developer because I'm using excessively long id-strings :P
Like "StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework-UserCards"
It's nice.. I can identify my stuff very easily :D
You know who else uses excessively long id strings?
The clowns *narrows eyes*
@VLAZ Makyen? :)
I think I've succeeded in making some variable names longer than most of Makyen's.
But do you have stuff called MasterDataPoolAttributeValueAttributeManagementDto?
Alas, no. But I have originalEditorUserCardContainerMadeIntoOverallUserCardContainer. It makes a nice "mark" in my code :)
That...is indeed longer.
It used to have an additional "Grid" in the end. Then Stack changes the classname, and the variable was changed to have "Flex" in the end. But I figured it was silly to name if after the class too, so I removed that.
@Sabito錆兎 Nice posts.. both of them. I don't get the haters on this one.
On a side-note: I'm having a strange issue with the ChatOvercharged - making inserting markdown links in chat convenient script. Dragging it works, but it snaps down and to the left when I grab it.
Pasing in https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/114/ask-a-super-user-moderator and highlighting it and clicking Ctrl+L gives me this.. which seems to be a little counter to what I expected :)
@Scratte Thank you :)
It also seems to get clicking slightly wrong, so when I try to edit the text, it thinks I want to move the modal.. and snaps to another location slightly off from where it was before.
I'm not able to mark the "Title"-field at all.. hence, I can't edit it, unless I use keyboard shortcuts or backspace.. a lot.
@Scratte check the version :) It was a problem before 1.6.2
I used the version that is linked to from the Stack Apps post. "// @version 1.7.0"
@Scratte hm
I'll retest in Opera
It refuses to put links in the link field.. it put them into the text field :)
@OlegValter No rush.. :) I just figured I'll check it out and see what bugs I could find :P
@Scratte can you clarify this one?
I always put the link first.. then the text :)
If I add a link to my chat. Highlight it and press "Ctrl+L" it puts it into the text field.
..now due to the fact that I can't move the mouse anywhere inside the model unless to move the entire modal, I can't mark the link in the text field.
@Scratte ah, of course :) it's by design - it takes whatever you selected as a title - but I'll think about adding logic for determining whether the selection is a link or title
:52759006 Oh!.. but how does it ever fetch the title then?
Ohh.. I see. I need to paste it into the modal Link area without having anything marked in my chat textbox :)
@Scratte well, the assumption is that if you want to select something first, then you already know how your link is going to be called :)
Any suggestions to programs I should use for making moving gifs?
@Scratte making as in from scratch?
@OlegValter Well, this is how I've always done it: I copy the link. Then I do the toilet, and I paste the link into the bowl.. and I go back to the tab with the page, and I copy the title.. that I then paste in the water-reservoir.
@OlegValter Just recording what I'm seeing on my screen. Preferably not the entire screen. Just like a cropped moving gif, so you can see what I see :)
The fact that the Link is on top confused me too.. since the toilet always has the Title first :)
@Scratte I've been recommended screentogif once - it's been a blast ever since. Works nicely and is open-source
So, you're using it to make gifs yourself?
This one? ScreenToGif
@Scratte well, yeah, it's just that logically, the link comes first, then goes it's title :) Never thought anyone would think of it in reverse, frankly
@Scratte yup
It has a portable version :D You made me so happy just now :)
@Scratte looks like it
@Scratte NP - yeah, it os also very lighweigh
@Scratte NP - yeah, it os also very lightweight
What happened? :) Too late to remove the redundant message? :)
No, no "aargh" at the back of the throat.
@Scratte yes :) And what's worse, both are botched
You've been squirreled ;)
@Scratte are you sure you don't need to force-update Tampermonkey? I just installed v1.7.0 and checked on latest Opera - no snapping as expected
@OlegValter I am not sure if this is from Stacks Or not. but why not to make the Modal more responsive. For example it take the whole screen which is bit annoying.
@KevinM.Mansour say hi to Stacks :) I did not change anything
Couldn't we make some space from the top of the screen?
I'm on TamperMonkey version 4.13.6138 and Opera version:77.0.4054.277
@OlegValter :)
@KevinM.Mansour but feel free to file a feature request - it shouldn't be too hard to make it shrink a little on smaller-height screens
@Scratte can you test ScreenToGif on the behaviour? :) No-repro, same setup (unless by snapping you mean something else)
@OlegValter Yes.. I was going to do that. But slow squirreling it, as usual ;)
It's telling me to "Restart Opera to update to version 78.0.4093.112", but since your version is the same as mine, I'm going to just ignore that for now :)
Can making beautiful websites with CSS be taught? Is there any good book/video/tutorial series you know that can help me design my sites better and write better CSS? Or is this something that you gain purely from experience?
@Sabito錆兎 Is your project on GitHub?
No matter how much time I spend trying to fix my CSS the end product ends up looking meh :(
@Sabito錆兎 Those are two orthogonal things, if you ask me.
@KevinM.Mansour Yeah the same one I have been working on...
@Sabito錆兎 Link for the repository and where are the HTML and CSS files?
One is about design, which you can do on paper or in your head. It doesn't require any technical experience. The other is about making what you've designed into an actual page. That doesn't require design skill. It requires technical skills to take an idea and make it happen.
@Sabito錆兎 no, "making beautiful" things can't be taught :) CSS can
@OlegValter Yeah I though so :(
@Scratte Hehe I guess I am lacking in both right now
@Sabito錆兎 but do you get the reason why? :) "beautiful design" does not exist
Pressing "Ctrl+L" while the screen recording is running does not open up the modal.. :)
you'll want to learn about making layouts (which involves diving into typography history), how fonts are made (because the forms of characters are far from accidental), color theory, UX principles cc @Sabito錆兎
@Sabito錆兎 Use Bootstrap. Link :)
This is my main chat page: imgur.com/a/MG9uYDq and this is my login page: imgur.com/8SE7gqR
It looks like nice. I liked the dance Group. :)
@OlegValter Oh 🤔 I'll make a note of all of that
@Sabito錆兎 the rest is, yes, experience :) Just as with anything in life, honestly... But don't worry, making beautiful design has little to do with "natural talent" or something.
I don't know.. I feel like I cheated by using images as backgrounds. Nothing in the design is feels interesting or eye-catching :(
@Scratte odd
@Sabito錆兎 It's because you're using lorem ipsum. Use this generator to make the filler text much better.
^ clearly works for me, same screen capturing program, same Opera version
@OlegValter Yes. I'm sorry.. I hadn't reloaded the chat in that window. I'll go stand in the corner for a while :(
@Sabito錆兎 As far as I know, Same as most chat apps.
@Scratte :)
@Sabito錆兎 Does it need to be "catching"? I mean look at this chat. It's useful. Like it it. It's simple and it works :)
Ok I guess I'll focus on actually making it work first :p
Here we go.. my very first moving gif of snapping modal for chat-overcharged
I can't believe it was so simple to make that :O
@Sabito錆兎 of note - your "type a message" input seems to overflow the rounded corners element on the top side - why did you use 2 elements here instead of just rounding corners for the input + adding some padding to shift the prompt to the right?
@Scratte hm
I expect my use of "snapping" is correct, no?
@OlegValter Yeah it was a weird hack I did for a reason I no longer remember. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll fix it.
@Scratte yes. hm...
If I'm the only one that gets this issue, it could be some other script messing with it.
Though I just disabled all other scripts and reloaded the ministry.. and same issue.
@Scratte I am not sure, I can't repro on my setup - the drag is smooth. And it should be, as the drag here is implementing by shifting the element position relative to previous position + mouse move distance. It definitely should not "snap"
I'll write it up at as a squirrel-quirk
so odd. But I'll check, maybe I am forgetting something. The problem is that we have the same setup (at least from what you told me) and use the same version
I'm also on Windows 10 :)
But.. I have a small screen with a 1920 x 1080 resolution.
@Scratte "small"
It's.. 13".. so it's small, no? :)
Ah, I see.
I find it irritating that there's a daily limit on reviews. One should get a higher allowance when making scripts :)
Same fell about flag limit . :)
@Scratte make a feature request :) I think SE will be happy to grant you more if it means they get more free work from us :)
@Shree What's the problem?
100 flag are fine.
:D need more :P
@Shree Heh.. now I understand the limits :) Else people would just say "I'm making a script. It's going to take a year. Please give me 10,000 flags a day" :P
@Shree Not always, sometimes but rare. :)
@OlegValter I think the response will be "You can nominate for moderator. You just need to post some more content first.. but it's all for your benefit ;)"
published v1.8.0 "sabertooth" of ChatOvercharged. Two changes made:
1. If selected text is a link, it will be inserted into the link input (and even fetch the title for you if it can)
2. When focusing link/title inputs, drag will be disabled (select input text to your heart's content :))
Thanks you. Love the version title :)
It works! :)
@Scratte great :) I have no idea what causes snapping in your case, though. But will look into it
I can live with it.. I really like the auto-fetch of titles to local links :)
And the notice of quota. That's very useful.
@Scratte I will go for cross-origin in v2 (as it can be achieved, just not as easily). Tried to revive Undo's old request, but apparently folks on MSE don't like the idea too much, even Makyen does not support it. Although it would be very nice to at least be able to freaking fetch pages between Stack Exchange own network of sites
Yes, it makes no sense to not be able to do that.
Yay.. I'm still under the URRS script in lines of code :)
@OlegValter Just installed ChatOvercharged :) . It's better to made it direct install rather than copy paste. If you have not enough time I shall made it and create PR :P
I'm thinking it's about how the organization is setup.
But I don't really know.. normally when you click on the "raw" tab, the "blob" changes to "raw" in the URL and you get a direct install. But that doesn't seem to work in the organization.
There it seems put put the "raw" in the beginning of the URL instead. It's like it redirects.
@Scratte See this. You get some idea stackapps.com/a/8994/53867
Oh! That's what it needs. Just ".user.js"? :)
@Shree :) Yeah, I know - it's a shortcoming of my lackluster knowledge about how userscript managers work. Currently, all userscript repositories are derived from a common template repository. Unfortunately, I've initially set it up to output normal *.js files without the .user suffix. It is included in an automated build step, so I can't simply rename the files... I will get to it, but a bit later :(
But I still don't understand why the organization doesn't change https://github.com/userscripters/chat-overcharged/blob/master/dist/modern/index.js to https://github.com/userscripters/chat-overcharged/raw/master/dist/modern/index.js blob to raw.
It goes to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/userscripters/chat-overcharged/master/dist/modern/index.js when pressing the "raw" button.
And I'm sure it's a redirect, because the link is just that change of "blob" to "raw" as can be seen when hovering over the "raw" button.
But maybe GitHub always does this and I never noticed it before.
you monsters! You guilted me into updating the build step :)
template repository updated
ChatOvercharged is the first repo to use the updated install links
cc @Shree, @Scratte
@OlegValter Good News. :)
I've updated the StackApps post to point to direct install links - seems to work fine with Tampermonkey
I will slowly update all of the published scripts in the upcoming weeks
@OlegValter We did not! :) Shree just "threatened" you with a Pull-Request :D
Thanks. Some time my suggestion works. :) @Scratte lol
@Scratte well, I am off to mark @Anonymous's FR as status-completed as soon as I update the "custom 404 pages" userscript :)
I took the part of least resistance and simply added a mini shell script that renames all the dist files to ".user.js" :)
@Shree and thanks for nudging! I guess third time's the charm indeed :)
I have 8 scripts running in chat alone..
And 36 scripts running in total.
I think I need to join "Scripts Anonymous"
@Scratte oh, I thought this room was the meeting place?
@Scratte Only 22 script on my Tampermonkey dashboard :(
@Shree Maybe I should make my colourful moderators public. It's a mess, but it works.. sort of. There's a small bug with rene.
@Scratte the colour's blurry?
It always gives room owners the red colour and I added the flower in the script for rene. The trouble is that it seems to override the diamond.
"I added the flower in the script for rene. The trouble is that it seems to override the diamond." seems perfect, IMO.
Well, it's harder to tell that rene is a moderator in the other image.
It should have both, if you ask me.
But I didn't take my time to try to fix it..
@Scratte Which userscript is this?
@Anonymous My own custom one, that I didn't publish because it's a little messy at the moment.
Yep blurry flower get some shine. Perfect. Only stack apps chat override rene diamond other wise it's fine. apps chat is not so active. Only regular member is Tim
@Scratte Ah. I'm looking forward to when it's published, it'll make it a lot easier to check when someone's a room owner. :)
@Anonymous Yes, it think it's annoying to just look for italics. Red makes it obvious :)
But I've been using this script for a very long time now, so i'm used to room owners being red :)
Does it have a separate color for staff?
@Shree Yes, but rene is also in the SEDE toom :)
@Anonymous No. I think it's not able to detect that.
It gives moderators a fat green colour. I then added custom colours to the usual ones :)
And Samuel is a gradient rainbow, of course :)
What about explicit read/write access?
Ohh I forgot about SEDE room.
@Scratte Users with the explicit read access and write access permissions that room owners can give.
@Scratte It's surprise Samuel when he return from vacation :D. What about Cody :D
@Shree Cody is blue :)
But Samuel already knows :)
ohhh ok.
Hmm.. so, what is does is that it add CSS rules.
@Scratte make it a pointy flower if both conditions match? :)
 `${classname}::before {
       content: "${prefix}\\00202f";
       font-size: 120%;
So one is adding a diamond for the classname "moderator"
and another one is adding the flower with:
  .signature.user-${userid} ` : "")
 `${classname}::before {
       content: "${prefix}\\00202f";
       font-size: 120%;
@Scratte my life's never going to be the same - owners are highlighted with italics??
@OlegValter Did you never notice that?
@Scratte nope :(
Are you seeing it now? :)
@Scratte yes :)
Wow, I never noticed it either!
Oleg and Anonymous need Cody glass. :)
What's that?
Does no one ever read the chat faq?
"Wondering who is who? Moderators are displayed in ♦ color, room owners in italics."
Need eye glass to see italic font for RO .
Yeah... it's very subtle.
I guess I need to publish this script then :)
I just need to make rene both diamond and flowery first.
But.. I have no idea how my own script works :(
nope, the chat FAQ always slips my mind
it's, frankly, lacking in information
I'm going to guess that the two styles above are conflicting.. but I'm not sure how to make them both apply at the same time.
@Scratte you are likely bumping into cascading - the last one applied (given the same specificity) wins
you can't have content both ways, if 2 styles apply content, only one of them will win
I guess.. I could make a another special rule just for rene on chat.stackexchange :D
@Scratte can you show me the source code somehow?
I also noticed that my bring-back-404 script fails to add customization menu if you are not logged in to the site, huh, seems like the menu structure differs for logged in and non-logged in users
Hmm.. that's the chicken and the egg now. I'd like to publish it when it works. But I can't make it work without publishing it.. ?!? :)
You mean.. you.. log out?
@Scratte psst, private repo in the org would do :) Or read access to private repo on your account
@Scratte no, I am just not a part of every community on SE :)
$(".username.owner").css("font-style", "inherit").css("color", "red");
@OlegValter Ahh.. yes. I can create another repository in there :)
ah, that's on me partially - since SE (obviously) has something against ids for units of sense, I used "ol.user-logged-in" selector as the closest alternative. Notice the bug :)
@OlegValter Yes, you missed "ol.user-logged-out" ;P
I user the same one :)
@Scratte hehe :) Phew, done, 0.6.0 will be published in a sec
You seem to be a very busy user script writer :)
For prefixes, I have these rules:
prefix : {
    default : {
        moderators : "♦",
    users : [
        name : "rene",
        char : "✿",
        profiles : [
What I can easily do, is to split rene into stackoverflow and stackexchange.
Obviously it would be kind of a hack, but then I'd not run into the overright issue. Other than the overwrite would be a "♦ ✿", not just a "✿"
@Scratte I don't like having pending bugs/feature requests :) Even if I don't get a penny out of it
@OlegValter You too? :D
@Scratte :) Yeah, it just feels like I am slacking off when these things get stalled
@Scratte there is likely an easier method, but you'll have to show the code :) I don't bite
@OlegValter I did.. I created a repository on userscripters and put it there :)
But.. it's not very important. Do your own stuff first :)
ah, sorry, private repos don't get added to normal GH activity feed
just noticed
That's OK :)
@Scratte My script have small bug when I hardcoded RO name. Rob is Mod and another regular user also have same name Rob. SO user script puzzled between them. SO I don't like hardcoded name :D . What happen when another user with similar name appear on chat.
in SOBotics, Jul 28 at 10:22, by sBot
There are currently 4 RO in this room.
Shree (last activity: 2 minutes ago)
Rob (last activity: 6 hours ago)
Petter Friberg (last activity: approximately 2 months ago)
Rob (last activity: approximately 7 months ago)
@Scratte ahem, can you please make it a JavaScript file? :)
^ 1st one is real Ro and last one is Regular user.
@OlegValter Ohh.. did I forget to call it .js? :)
@Shree should've hardcoded ids :) But given how chat gets confused by same usernames (or at least it used to be), you are in good company (or at least you were before they fired everyone who knew how to work with chat) :)
What about if a moderator gets removed? Then all hardcoded things fail...
@Anonymous there's no such thing as former mod! It scars you for life
@Anonymous Not a problem for my script. It finds the class. It will keep the colour for the user, but they will not have a diamond in chat.
@Shree There is a "owner" class that will say if a user is also a room owner.
Oh.. yes. I see. The "owner" class does not appear in "present-users"
@Scratte No not in all users section in chat. Below room description. Only user avatar is appear. Who is who ? mod, regular user or RO ?
rambling to myself: ah, I misread the commit name. @double-beep (I know they are not pingable until they return), when you return, disregard the "I need to revert the change" - I just checked the 5d9b9ac1bfb3e16f1ebb1944bc9f7ad6307e8bab commit. I thought I forgot to communicate that the JSONP remote stays given the discussion with Makyen, but apparently this is about not exporting to JSONP - thank you for the update!
@Shree You can if someone is a moderator, no?
I need to find how many RO in room ?
@Shree Scrape the info page under "Owners of this room" :)
And compage with present-users :)
var uName = $(this).find('.avatar > img').attr('title');
var aTime = $(this).find('.last-activity-time').text();
aTime = timeDifference(new Date(aTime * 1000));
var isRO = roomOwners.includes(uName);
I did this
Is that jQuery? I'm allergic to jQuery.. :D
Yes :P
I need to calculate last activity time when RO interact in chat :P
I guess it depends. Are they in the room if they are in the present-users, but have not spoken in 10 days?
Then "last-activity-time" works, no?
@Scratte I just found something: ROOM_USERS_BY_ID.
It's work
15 mins ago, by Shree
in SOBotics, Jul 28 at 10:22, by sBot
There are currently 4 RO in this room.
Shree (last activity: 2 minutes ago)
Rob (last activity: 6 hours ago)
Petter Friberg (last activity: approximately 2 months ago)
Rob (last activity: approximately 7 months ago)
@Anonymous How do you access that?
@Scratte It's a global variable, so unsafeWindow if you're using a userscript manager.
I'm just trying to find it in the console :)
Then you should be able to simply run ROOM_USERS_BY_ID.
Gaah.. I was using the wrong open devtools :/
@Scratte I've been there. :D
It includes all of the room owners (even those who aren't in the room) and everyone in the room.
One-liner to fake being a moderator (nothing actually works though): CHAT.user.canModerate = function() {return true;};.
Only problem is duplicate user name . Still thinking about solution :D
You could do it by ID instead...
@Shree Give a link to the account instead. The ROOM_USERS_BY_ID will give you everything you need :)
Yep 1 more condition to check which I want to avoid.
is_owner: true
is_present: true
last_post: 1628101528
last_seen: 1628101774.971
name: "Scratte"
^ that's me.. ;)
Object.values(ROOM_USERS_BY_ID).filter(x => x.is_owner) and these are all the owners.
Well.. hmm. No. It will only give you pingable users, I think.
Looking at this in the Ministry it doesn't list the Room Owners. It only lists the pingable users.
So, what do you need exactly? all ROs for a room regardless of whether they are present or not?
Not sure. It's Shree's script. But I think they want all present Room Owners and when they last spoke.
Which makes your filter just perfect :)
All present Ro on room and last activity .
"last_post: 1628101528" is your friend then :)
It looks very.. epochy.. :)
Naa all is well . Calculation is not a problem see above sBot reply message. There are 2 Rob one is RO and one is Regular user.
@Shree I was just about to give you a horrible version of the full.js version of a "prettyDateDiff" :P
@Shree I'm not sure why that is a problem.
You the id of the users, no?
I need to check ID if it's true , Go to find Name and time. 1 more condition which I want to avoid :P
You can make it like so [Rob](chat-user-link) (last activity: 6 hours ago)
@Shree But you do not have to check with the DOM at all. You can go with the ROOM_USERS_BY_ID alone.
Or you tell Rob that their username is conflicting with your script, and if they could just please change it for you :D
Humm need some coffee and rethink about that. I made it over complicated.
That is normal :) I do that all the time.
Let me know if you need a horrible version of "1 second ago" or "2 weeks ago" :)
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