No, you cannot use properties from dependencies.
If you need common properties, you can define them in a parent POM that is used by the different projects (this does not require them to be modules)
I added (first)master project as parent .Got below errorProject build error: Non-resolvable parent POM for com.amd:filetounzip:1.0: Failure to find com.amd:master:pom:${artifact.version} in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of red-hat-ga-repository has elapsed or updates are forced and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
My question is not how to add parent tag My question is how to use properties of one maven project in other maven project Please suggest how to do this without creating one more new project and using parent tag
with this i am getting below error [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1] org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs: [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for com.amd:master:jar must be a valid version but is '${{master.version}}'. @ line 94, column 13
If you want to set your dependency version through a property, this property has to be either defined in the same POM, or a parent POM, or the settings.xml or on command line.
typo... when i change master version ,all projects which use master as dependency should be changed dynamically.. without manually changing version .. is my question i am ready to try all options
The best solution I know for that is to put all the projects into one multi-module project. Then everything is built together and you always have the newest version of master.
If you want to keep everything in separate projects, then I do not think that you can do this in a sensible way.
... any solution for with condition "no of modules/projects is not fixed. module/project will keep on adding as per the requirement"
any solution for question - "when i change master version ,all projects which use master as dependency should be changed dynamically.. without manually changing version .. is my question with condition "no of modules/projects is not fixed. module/project will keep on adding as per the requirement" any other solution except multi-module please suggest