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Hi, I see that you suggested an edit to the answer. Your edit is good in terms of conciseness. But for anyone, who comes looking for information, this edit is not readable.

I kept the answer minimal so that it is readable and understandable easily. You can create a gist of your improved edit and post it as a comment to the answer.
3 hours later…
While yes, the answer is concise and idiomatic, the primary reason I suggested the edit in the first place was because I believed the edit was more readable. Making a callback interface just clutters the API with the "object : Callback { override fun callbackFun(...) }". This prevents the answer's main point from coming across, and it becomes hard to read.
I'll leave it up to you, but I'd also like to add that the DateTimePicker could easily use composition instead of inheritance (implementing onDatePick and onTimePick).
Can you show me a demo of "composition instead of inheritance (implementing onDatePick and onTimePick)"?
@VivekYadav perhaps I am not understanding this.
I will surely come back to this, and add your edit if I am wrong.
@rupinderjeet I might have used 'composition' loosely, as I'm not entirely sure this would be composition, but you can just define the functions onTimeSet and onDateSet without them being any sort of implementation of an interface, and in createDatePicker, instead of using this, just use ::onDateSet and similarly for createTimePicker. It's not really concise than your original answer, but it's less ambiguous than this.
You don't need to look for the implementation of DatePickerDialog(...) to understand that ::onDateSet would be a callback, but thisis ambiguous in the sense that this may be a context, or it may be for that one function that you defined in the class. Clearing the doubt may require you to look into the implementation, decreasing the readability.

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