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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 21:00

but the you do
                state.totalDeaths = deaths
                state.totalHospitalized = hospitalized
and finally
console.log('global', deaths, hospitalized);
so i'm missing total deaths
state.totalDeaths = deaths
state.totalHospitalized = hospitalized

so you have the total per state
on the given dates
ok yes got that
but what about the super total?
i don't even understand how can we output each state if we are saying
console.log('global', deaths, hospitalized);
look at the output
if it's an array, you need to loop
if it's not, just output the property
but we are not looping these
state.totalDeaths = deaths
state.totalHospitalized = hospitalized
deaths basically shouldn't be each state but the total
total per state
look at my codepen example
Alaska: 43 total on the selected days ...
though, 9993 sum of all states on selected days
refresh the page and select only NY
2293 total per state, but 2293 total as you only selected 1 state
does it make sense?
yes i understand the numbers logic of the states
what I don't get is I get the total
but to be honest I have one master question
I have built that js exactly like the other data I have for the maps, I did that because I didn't want to change the code
the problem is
all the other data is json
while this is an array
is that the reason why it didn't work automatcally?
json is the source of the object
you have arrays there
I only now the initialDataSet
thats' the issue
look at this
the only one you showed me
yes... and
this data has the exact same structure as we have apart for the data namings which ok, i could change them
but for that map I get a json
as I said, I only know the initialDataSet, no idea what are you talking about
that json I build it with php
now, initialDataSet has the exact same structure BUT
I know... you've merged data ...
I load it this way
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
so then I have an array not a json
stop saying JSON
JSON is the data format
if I had a json, the otehr code would simply work after the merge since the structure is identical
ok objects
you are saying you have ARRAY [] and not OBJECT {}
so stop saying JSON !
I will, promise
you have turned the complicator ON again ...
ok so
I still have no slight idea what are you trying to do
can't we just have this
            const filtererdData = []
            initialDataSet.forEach(state => {
                const filtererdDataOnThisState = => {
                if (isDateInBetween(new Date(Date.parse(, dateStart, dateEnd))
                    return vd
                    state: state.state,
                    long: state.long,
                    data: filtererdDataOnThisState
everything was working, now what :)
to be treated as a object?
@balexandre well kinda
your pen is perfect tho ahahh
treated as an object ... but it's an array of dates
you can calculate and merge them
but if you don't care about the ".date" just ignore it
use it for calculation and that's it
you already have the sum as totals per state
so why are you worried about that array?
well first of all, I do have the sum per state but not the total for the usa
secondly I will now need to grab the long and lat and build the map
you do, just put those variables samewhere
you mean these?
  totalDeaths: 0,
  totalHospitalized: 0,
> secondly I will now need to grab the long and lat and build the map

you will need to do that on your own, just get a map script and then loop through all states with forEach and just get the data you want
yes, those ... you have there in that function all alone, just return or use them in your UI
but we are pushing
to deaths not to totalDeaths
                    if(stateDataPerDay.death) deaths += stateDataPerDay.deathIncrease;
                    if(stateDataPerDay.hospitalized) hospitalized += stateDataPerDay.hospitalizedIncrease;
that's per state
where do you do the global sum then?
so you have

"state": "NY",
"totalDeaths": 1000,
"totalHospitalized": 2+000,
"dates": [ ... ]
that's what I said, just use it
is that totalDeaths already in my data?
you don't check the object you are working with?
date: "04/24/20"
dateChecked: "2020-04-24T20:00:00Z"
death: 9
deathIncrease: 0
fips: "02"
hash: "0b9cdafd1d82e743b065f4cd36e3a4f97a0d0f0e"
hospitalized: null
hospitalizedCumulative: null
hospitalizedCurrently: 36
hospitalizedIncrease: 0
inIcuCumulative: null
inIcuCurrently: null
negative: 11942
negativeIncrease: 118
onVentilatorCumulative: null
onVentilatorCurrently: null
pending: null
posNeg: 12281
positive: 339
positiveIncrease: 2
recovered: 208
total: 12281
totalTestResults: 12281
totalTestResultsIncrease: 120
am I blind?
I don't see this "totalDeaths":
you just said you are pushing the data to the object, so where's the data?
i said I am pushing this
 if(stateDataPerDay.death) deaths += stateDataPerDay.deathIncrease;
                if(stateDataPerDay.hospitalized) hospitalized += stateDataPerDay.hospitalizedIncrease;
state.totalDeaths = deaths
state.totalHospitalized = hospitalized
but thats' the state and goes to
not way
are you saying that
in that object you just pasted, where's totalDeaths and totalHospitalized
is pushing to
state.totalDeaths = deaths
var totalDeaths = 0;
but you pasted without that
hence my question, where's that data
did you checked the object after you sum everything?
this is how I logged it
function updateUI(filtererdData, dateStart, dateEnd, firstRunMap) {

no, after the SUM !
that's where the magic was!
so you are blind !
state.totalDeaths = deaths

will add "totalDeaths" to the "state" object, that is the item in the loop of the "filteredData"
i see
same as you write

filteredData[ index ].totalDeaths = deaths
but your
filteredData[ index ]
is the variable "state"
i see
so now we have
data: (50) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
lat: "9875.33.00"
long: "-8371.42.00"
state: "AK"
totalDeaths: 9
totalHospitalized: 36
if you dont use forEach, you used a normal for

for(i = 0; i<filteredData.length; i+=1) {
state = filteredData[ i ];

state.totalDeaths = deaths
same thing!
@balexandre this is how i understand it better...
because of my skills
now ... if you dont give a crap about the "date" array ... after the "state.totalDeaths = deaths"
write = null
"data" not "date"
your skills got bumped from 10 to 55 today !!!
sure, but I need first to understand which of the values are cumulatives o rnot
@balexandre ahhaah <3
ok, and then use it as you want :)
to output the TOTAL GLOBAL
you need to do a trick
because your object is just an ARRAY, makes no sense to add that data... so, you need to convert to an OBJECT
and you do:

filteredData = {
data: filteredData,
globalDeaths: deaths,
globalHospitalized: hospitalized
just make sure, you will need to change where you're using that "filteredData" as the loop will be now ""
ok nice to know thanks
I've been here 2h
it's 6h30am
i know
ops 3h!
need to sleep
how would you log this tho?
                filteredData = {
                    data: filteredData,
                        globalDeaths: deaths,
                        globalHospitalized: hospitalized
got kids, wife and dog to play with in a couple of hours
no way hahahah
log as?
go to sleep then
what do you mean "log" ?
i mean like $("#deatTotal").html(....?...);
console.log ?
yeah i mean console.log, anyway i can that place that data where I want basiclaly
@balexandre ok as I thought, so I have learned indeed a lot!
go to sleep
thank you so much
play around with the data in the browser console
window.filteredData = filteredData
then you can just "console.log(filteredData)" in the browser console
and play with "[0]"
VM84838:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: filteredData is not defined
just copied and pasted it in console
but nevermind
go to sleep man
after the SUM you need to assign it
window.filteredData = filteredData
"window" is the browser window object
it's like a global variable where everything else comes from
like "location"
i see
so we know what URL is in the browser
oh right
there's more, like geolocation
so we know where you are
needs to investigate about that => {
if(stateDataPerDay.death) deaths += stateDataPerDay.deathIncrease;
if(stateDataPerDay.hospitalized) hospitalized += stateDataPerDay.hospitalizedIncrease;

filteredData = {
data: filteredData,
globalDeaths: deaths,
globalHospitalized: hospitalized

window.filteredData = filteredData
(index):917 Uncaught ReferenceError: filteredData is not defined
in what line?
window.filteredData = filteredData ??
                filteredData = {
                    data: filteredData,
this one data: filteredData,
so not that line ...
why do you have this? => {
if(stateDataPerDay.death) deaths += stateDataPerDay.deathIncrease;
if(stateDataPerDay.hospitalized) hospitalized += stateDataPerDay.hospitalizedIncrease;

filteredData = {
data: filteredData,
globalDeaths: deaths,
globalHospitalized: hospitalized
that's not where I've asked you to add
thought after the sum
after the SUM LOOP, where you console.log the global
you need to loop first and do the changes no?
then you can re-assign
of course!
                data: filteredData,
(index):927 Uncaught ReferenceError: filteredData is not defined
vs link
please take more attention to what you are doing
ok lets go to sleep
oh well
7 global deaths
filtererdData = {
data: filtererdData,
globalDeaths: deaths,
globalHospitalized: hospitalized

window.filtererdData = filtererdData;

$(".updateTotDeaths").addClass("animated bounceIn").html(filtererdData.globalDeaths.toLocaleString('it'));
why 7 as global deaths?
it's like picking up the last item only
WY 7 54
(index):936 global 7 54
16 hours later…
I wanted to thank you very much for the help you have provided, I was really tired this morning
do you do any freelance job because I might call you and be able to pay
one thing I will do for sure, because I dream to, is to make a donation to stackoverflow, because if I didn't have this site, my startup wouldn't be where it is now
I really want to thank you for what you did
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 21:00

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