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Q: Export picturebox image to localdisk

codeGENI want to export the image in the picture box to a location in the HDD, this image is set to the picturebox from an image type column in MSSQL database table. I have already written the following code to acheive this task. However I get a generic GDI+ error by the try catch code. This code e...

__IMAGE_FROM_STREAM = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(img), True). Don't declare the MemoryStream with a Using statement. Dispose of the Image before you set another (e.g., PictureBox1?.Image.Dispose() PictureBox1.Image = [new Image]). The underlying stream is released when the Image is disposed. When you save the Image, specify the ImageFormat.
@Jimi what is the ? meaning in your code, you have mentioned PictureBox1?.Image.Dispose(). I am not used to ? symbol, am I missing something, is this a valid syntax. Thanks
Well, that's the Elvis (null-conditional operator). It performs a null test before accessing a member. So, if the PictureBox.Image object is null (Nothing), it doesn't try to call Dispose() on it. If the Image is null (never assigned to or set to null), it won't throw an exception. In this case, it's a shortcut to If PictureBox.Image IsNot Nothing then PictureBox.Image.Dispose()
@Jimi thanks for the clarification, it showed up as an error in visual studio code editor as an invalid syntax.
You probably have an older version of VB.Net. But, IIRC, it was introduced in VB.Net 14.
@Jimi can you kindly explain or direct me to a explanation link as to why we have to keep an stream open when getting image from database. Since the image is already loaded into the picturebox, why can not we just use the image property from the picture box to save to disk. I quite don't understand the logical reason.
This requirement is simply determined by the internal functionality. I don't know what you're doing with these Images, I just saw this: __IMAGE_FROM_STREAM = Image.FromStream(mStream, True). Here, you have bytes coming from a database and a Stream is used to bring in those bytes, in a form that is known to the object that will use it. The Stream needs to remain opened for the life-time of the Object. GDI+ locks the Image file on disc, if you load the Image from a file. The MemoryStream has the advantage that it doesn't use critical resources and it's released when the Image is disposed.
So, you don't actually need to dispose of the MemoryStream. But, of course, you cannot declare it with a Using statement, otherwise it will be disposed of right after, causing the Image object to become unusable.
@Jimi I removed the using statement and it worked.! Now do I have to manually dispose this or will the framework automatically destroy the stream once the form is closed?
As described, you don't need to worry about the Stream, you need to diposed of the Image object. You do that each time you assign a new Image, to a PictureBox, for example, with PictureBox1.Image?.Dispose() (or using the long form, it's the same). This way, when the Form closes, the last Image set is also the only one remaining: you can disposed of it or leave it as it is, if (in VB.Net) the PictureBox was created in the Form's Designer. You can also call PictureBox.Image?.Dispose() in the Form.FormClosed event (safety measure: controls are not actually disposed of when the Form closes)
What's up?
jimi, thanks for your kind explanation. I have solved the problem by leaving out the "USING" statement. It is just the way my application is setup I have trouble disposing.
The form which contains the pictureboxes are actually a separte form which is loaded by the ShowDialog() method. If I dispose the picturebox.BackgroundImage at formclose and user clicks the show dialog again. There an exception is thrown
Will the stream be disposed if I dispose the object which is used to open the dialog window?
From a parent form I am calling "Dim attachmentsForm As New frmAttachmentUploader"
the "attachmentsForm.ShowDialog()"
If I dispose the attachmentsForm object at parent form closed event will it destroy the stream that was left open.
If you instead use the normal way, e.g., Dim myF As New MyForm() myF.ShowDialog(), then you have to call myF.Dispose() when the dialog closes. In any case, what you have to do is to dispose of an existing Image object before assigning a new one to a PictureBox control. The last one assigned, you can forget about it. If you use default instances, the you have to forget about it (i.e., leave the last one as it is).
Well, this is VB.Net. If you're using default instances (e.g., you have a Form class named MyForm and you open it using the default instance, so with MyForm.ShowDialog()), then you must not dispose of the Form's objects. These objects are preserved for future use. The same way, you never call dipose on a default instance, otherwise it'll become unusable.
Is there any tool or method to check objects in memory, it may actually be easier to work with if it is possible to see what stream/objects are actually in memory.
There are actually 3 pictureboxes in this frmAttachmentUploader form which I call using the ShowDialog() method. All the 3pictureboxes are created dynamically through the code not in the designer.
If you call Dispose() on the disposable objects you create, then you don't need to worry about it, the Garbage Collector will pick them up as soon as possible (or, when required). You, of course, can use the Diagnostic Tools panel, where you have the Run-Time memory profiler: the yellow cone will show when the GC comes by.
If you have PictureBoxes (or any other Control) created at run-time, then dispose of them when the Form closes. Also, never use Controls.Remove() to get rid of Controls. Always call Dispose() on them (and nothing else).
Dispose of the Image, if any, before disposing of the Control.
I am using VisualStudio2010 Professional Edition. According to Microsoft documentation the diagnostics tools is under : Debug > Windows > Show Diagnostic Tools
the Show Diagnostic Tools is not available there. is it only available in later versions
Sorry to keep troubling you jimi, I disposed image like picturebox1.BackgroundImage.Dispose() at the form closed event. Now when I re-open the form which has the 3picturebox controls there is an "Parameter is not valid." exception thrown.
As already mentioned: If these controls are created at run-time, dispose of the Controls themselves, after you have disposed of the Image; otherwise, dispose of the Image IF you're NOT using the Forms' default instances.
I.e., if one of these Controls is created a Design-time AND you're using a default instance of a Form, then leave it as it is.
Like you said I disposed the background image of the picture box 1st and then also disposed the relating picturebox. Then when I reopen the form this above error is thrown
The error is thrown during form opening when running this code
Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {.BackgroundImage = image, .Width = 269, .Height = 400, .Margin = New Padding(0), .BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch}
Do I have to dispose the background image at the parent form or at the ShowDialog form closing event.
Because If I dispose the backgroundimage at ShowDialog() form closing event and then re-open ShowDialog() form then the above error is thrown.
Why would you dispose of an Image when a Form loads? You should post the code you're using. With {.BackgroundImage = image ...}. What is this image? Where does it come from? You still haven't said whether you're using Forms' default instances. If you pot you're, make sure it can describe your current context.
I though posting the full code would be time consuming for you to go through'
image variable is sent to this ShowDialog() form from the parent form when calling the ShowDialog() method
    Public images As New List(Of Image)

        Public Overloads Function ShowDialog(ByVal images As List(Of Images))
            If Not images Is Nothing Then
                For Each img As Object In images
                    If img Is Nothing Then Exit For
            End If
            Return Me.ShowDialog
        End Function

Private Sub addImageToList(ByVal image As Image)
        Dim flpWrap As New FlowLayoutPanel With {.Name = "flpWrap_" & flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1, .Width = 269, .Height = 466, .Margin = New 
Private Sub frmAttachmentUploader_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
    For Each ctrl As Object In flpImageContainer.Controls
        If Not TypeOf (ctrl) Is FlowLayoutPanel Then Continue For
End Sub
I looped through to the picturebox controls and then Dispose() the backgroundImage first and then dispose the picturebox iteself.
The dispose is done at subform which is opened via ShowDialog()
As for the question regarding forms default instance. I don't know, I am reading out online on identify if I am using default instance or not. Sorry about that..!
For i As Integer = flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If TypeOf flpImageContainer.Controls(i) Is PictureBox Then
Dim pBox = DirectCast(flpImageContainer.Controls(i), PictureBox)
If pBox.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then pBox.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
End If

For i = flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If TypeOf flpImageContainer.Controls(i) Is FlowLayoutPanel Then
End If
Jimi at what event should I call this code?
I will try this at ShowDialog() form closed event and tell you
Form.FormClosing or Form.FormClosed
I really don't understand the use of a ShowDialog() overload. You just need a public property, say ImageList, so you can simply have: dim frmUploader as frmAttachmentUploader = new frmAttachmentUploader() frmUploader.ImageList = [The list Of Images] frmUploader.ShowDialog(). Note that I'm not using a default instance, here.
In this case, when ShowDialog returns, you also call dispose on the Form (as you would do in any other language)
is it bad practice to overload the ShowDialog() menthod?
the MsgBox("1") doesn't seem to get called which could mean the pBox.Dispose() also didn't happen right?
only MsgBox("2") was called..
The controls inside the flpImageContainer is like below :

flpImageContainer -> anotherFlowLayoutPanel-> picturebox'
The reason I am having another flowlayout panel inside flpImageContainer is because each picturebox has a small remove image button below them.. the inner flowlayout panel groups the image and the button together.'
The flpWrap is that inner flowlayout panel
No, the first loop is wrong. I really had a hard time posting it here. I can't see a thing, this box is the worst editor ever seen. The first loop should find the inner flowLayoutPanel and THEN loop its Controls collection. After that, also the inner FlowLayoutPanel is disposed of.
...and it's missing a piece. The first loop should find the inner flowLayoutPanel and THEN loop its Controls collection and dispose of the PictureBoxes.
If each and every control has to be disposed of why not just use a foreach loop to find all the controls and just do Dispose()

Foreach ctrl as Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
End For
And maybe put in a if condition to know if the typeof the ctrl is picturebox and Dispose() the BackgroundImage also
For i As Integer = flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
    If TypeOf flpImageContainer.Controls(i) Is FlowLayoutPanel Then
        Dim flp = DirectCast(flpImageContainer.Controls(i), FlowLayoutPanel)
        For n As Integer = flp.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
            If TypeOf flp.Controls(n) Is PictureBox Then
                Dim pBox = DirectCast(flp.Controls(n), PictureBox)
                If pBox.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then pBox.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
For Each ctrl As Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
    If TypeOf (ctrl) Is PictureBox Then
        If ctrl.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then ctrl.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
    End If
if i use the foreach will it be wrong??
like above
AHH, it's indented now Gosh, it's hard. --- You have Option Strict Off. I suggest you use explicit types, it's also easier to see if something is wrong with the loops.
Since the objective is to Dispose() all the objects inside the flpImageContainer, is it ok to use the foreach loop
nested forloops can be hard to read later on.
For Each ctrl As Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
    If TypeOf (ctrl) Is PictureBox Then
        If DirectCast(ctrl, PictureBox).BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then DirectCast(ctrl, PictureBox).BackgroundImage.Dispose()
    End If
like this?
You cannot use a foreach loop. When you dispose of a Control, you remove it from the Controls collection, thus you modify the collection you're iterating, thus you don't reach all the Controls in there and it's like doing nothing or you get an exception. You need to use a for loop, as shown before.
oh. I understand. Did not think of that.
I tried your code now. the loop works properly
now after closing the form and the user reopen the form the Parameter is not valid error popsup
The button circled in red color opens this ShowDialog() window named Attachment Uploader.
Do I have to call the Dispose() in the form closing event which contains the red circled button or the popup form?
PS. Attachment Uploader is enabled by ShowDialog() method and it is called by the ClickEvent of the button with text "View/Upload Attachments"..
Parameter is not valid error is thrown at the line Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {...} in the below code..

Private Sub addImageToList(ByVal image As Image)
        Dim flpWrap As New FlowLayoutPanel With {.Name = "flpWrap_" & flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1, .Width = 269, .Height = 466, .Margin = New Padding(1), .FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown}
        Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {.BackgroundImage = image, .Width = 269, .Height = 400, .Margin = New Padding(0), .BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch}
Note that you do something like: Dim myImage = Image.FromFile("Path") PictureBox1.Image = myImage [...] PictureBox1.Image.Dispose(), then myImage is no more valid since it's disposed; doing this: PictureBox1.Image = myImage, you pass a reference, not a new object. If you still use the same list of Images (was it this one: Public images As New List(Of Image)?), those images are now gone. If you want to keep that List, you need to pass a Clone() of the original.
Or, if that List of Images is a keeper, don't dispose of the PictureBox.Image object: dispose of the Images in the images list or part of those.
I erased the line

If pBox.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then pBox.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
now the error has gone
is it okay to not dispose the BackgroundImage of the picturebox
Already described: your're passing a List of Images to this Form. If these Images are actually used elsewhere or again, the you cannot dispose of the Image (the reference) assigned to a Control, because, when you dispose of the Image (e.g., PictureBox1.Image), you're disposing the original object (the Image on the List you're passing to the Form, since that's the original object, while the PictureBox uses its reference ). It depends on what you're doing there.
I think I gave you enough information to decide what to do with your objects.
Yes friend. Thank you. Now I understood. I first didn't understand the concept that disposing the reference will destroy my original variable List(of Images) as well.
Thanks for your time and all your assistance.
Highly appreciate....!
You're welcome :)
Hi Jimi One last question.

Since List(of Images) variable is declared at the parent form as a private variable, this variable will be destroyed and GC automatically right? Do we need to specifically Dispose() the List(of Images) at the parent form closed event or not..
I just want to know for my knowledge because if automatically does this it will be redundant.

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