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Q: Cannot use 'await' more than one time

shashwatI am caught into this very weird situation when I can only use await one time. See the example below: private async Task RegisterInstruments(byte clientId, RegisterInstrumentRequest registerInstrumentRequest, bool isPriority = false) { if (registerInstrumentRequest != null && registerInstrumen...

It sounds like your GetInstrumentAsync method never completes for some reason. The second await doesn't seem relevant. What happens if you put something like Console.WriteLine(r1 is null); after the var r1 line?
We just established, the last time you asked this, that this statement "I press F10 and the debugger will just finish as I would have clicked Continue and my winform UI will appear" is incorrect. This is not what's actually happening. And this has nothing to do with using "'await' more than one time."
Put try catch in Getinstrumenasync or a debug statement. Don't immediately return it, capture the result and return that.
@rfmodulator: I am just trying to add details and have explained the behaviour I am seeing. This is unusual as you can see the code inside GetInstrumentAsync is very simple and I should be able to call it twice and debugger should return to next line as expected or throw an exception as it does (even when I call it using await). I tried this by deliberately throwing an exception from GetInstrumentAsync method and VS is able to capture this even without try/catch.
Please don't re-ask the same question.
Sorry @mason. The previous one was closed as I didn't write it properly. It was suggested that I write a new question with proper details which I just did.
You haven't given proper details though. You need to provide a minimal reproducible example., have you tried ConfigureAwait(true)?
@John I tried it. It doesn't hit the catch block second time but a weird thing happened, it never reaches the end of the method too. Debugging stops here automatically and the control returns to my UI. I think this is a bug with EntiryFramwork or the Postgres version of it which I am using.
Is this a problem related to the VS debugger, or to the async-await in general? Have you tried running your program without a debugger attached? (Ctlr + F5)
@TheodorZoulias I just tried it running without the debugger attached and put my Serilog statements right after each async calls. It printed the log for r1 but didn't cross statement var r2 = ....
Does the program deadlocks or does the program ends? If it ends then the caller may not await the task returned from GetInstrumentAsync.
@TheodorZoulias It neither deadlock nor terminates. My winform UI appears (functioning) as it has passed through all the breakpoints. But actually, nothing after var r1 = ... (inside that method) executed.
I am not entirely sure where you have inserted the logging commands, and what output you get. Could you update your question by including the logging commands and the output? Btw I become a little nervous when you talk about "breakpoints", because personally I have no trust to the VS debugger, and I rarely use it.
@TheodorZoulias I updated my code with log statements and the output.
Could you also include the code that calls the RegisterInstruments? If it's a fire-and-forget Task then any exceptions will remain unobserved.
Hi @TheodorZoulias. I just possibly added every related code. I removed some unrelated statements to keep it short.
It seems that you should have a deadlock situation, because of the combination of Wait and await. Since the UI is not blocked, I suppose that the SocketServer_ReceiveReady is probably invoked in a background thread. Your problem seems to be quite more complex than what the initial question indicated!
@TheodorZoulias Yes, SocketServer_ReceiveReady is triggered from a separate thread managed by NetMQ. I tried one thing. I made SocketServer_ReceiveReady method return async void then it behaves correctly. But I am not sure the downside of doing this, because I always thought that async method should always return a Task to work properly.
Actually the reason that async void exists is exactly because of its usefulness in event handlers! Void-returning async methods have a specific purpose: to make asynchronous event handlers possible. (citation)
@TheodorZoulias: It makes perfect sense. I didn't know that fact before. Really thanks for looking that deep into this. Otherwise, I had fallen back to non-async methods already. Could you please write a short answer?
Yeap, I just did. I point to another potential problem, although it may not be related with the problem you face in this question.

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