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Q: Segfault in Merge - Sort in C

willyhunting1337I am trying to sort an array of structures of size 5500 using merge sort. However, I am getting a segmentation fault pretty quickly because I am not allowed to use VLA. so I have to create 2 extra arrays of size 5500 each time I call merge-sort recursively. I would appreciate a fix for my proble...

uff ... creating two arrays of such size: Student leftArr[5500], rightArr[5500]; on each iteration doesn't seems a good idea, poor stack ...
"segfaulted pretty fast because I am not allowed to use VLA". Why do you think it is related to not using VLA? If you really think that is the problem then use dynamic allocations (ie. malloc).
@kaylum because when im using VLA it works fine.
@DavidRanieri What can I do though?
mergeSort is typically implemented in place. That means no new memory and no copying of the original array into a new array.
@kaylum the time complexity must be awful then, no?
@TomKarzes Any ideas / modifications?
@TomKarzes How can I do that? i'm pretty new with C. sorry if im asking the trivial questions over here
@TomKarzes I can't use malloc.
@TomKarzes Would asking for your help in modifying my code by your soultion is way too much? im kind of undergoing a stress attack right now
@TomKarzes The size of the array to be sorted is restricted to 5500 aswell.
@TomKarzes mind helping me with that Tom?
@TomKarzes Thanks man
@TomKarzes I really appreciate man!
Just a note about vocabulary: you might use numberOfStudents instead of amountOfStudents, unless you intend to slice and dice them :)
Can you use alloca()?

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