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A: How to sum array value of duplicate data

Manish@Cloud Try this. $array = array(array("ID" => "126871","total"=>"200.00","currency"=>"USD","name"=>"John",),array("ID" => "126871","total"=>"200.00","currency"=>"USD","name"=>"John",),array("ID" => "126872","total"=>"1000.00","currency"=>"Euro","name"=>"John",)); echo "<pre>"; print_r(...

A: Sorting by Regex Groups in PHP

mickmackusaAfter breaking your strings into their meaningful parts, I feel a cascading set of ternary expressions to be a bit tidier than if blocks to reach subsequent tie-breaking conditions. Also, using version_compare() is VERY appropriate for your middle substring -- this will ensure that when your maj...

@mickmackusa I don't know who downvoted it or why, but I do not feel strong enough about it to upvote it back. I prefer mostly downvoting stuff and I reserve my upvotes for answers which I truly believe will have a positive effect. In this case I would vote the question as "needs more focus" when it was asked, but now when it has answers my feeling about it is "meh"
@Dharman why does it need more focus? It has a clear mcve and show an attempt to parse for grouping. What else do you feel it needs?
@mick Why is regex involved? The different comparisons should ideally be in separate questions. Maybe it is just my opinion but I think the question is too localized. It's difficult to single out a clear problem statement. Is it searching? Splitting using regex? Conparison?
If there was an attempt by OP at least we would know what to focus on.
The title is rather declarative. The OP is parsing the strings (breaking them into meaningful parts), then executing multiple sorting rules for the new desired order. I am not sure where this is foggy for you.
Granted, it looks like the regex is not 100% correct.
But the sortng rules are pretty well defined. The OP has shown what they tried and is open to hearing new/different sorting techniques/algorithms.
As I demonstrated in my answer, regex is not necessary.
As I said, to me this is not a high-quality question. I choose to do nothing about it. I don't want to argue or change anything, I simply expressed my opinion.
It has been over 8 years and the question has only 1400 views. I doubt that many people have similar issues with sorting by regex. If they do then your answer should help them, but Toto's answer looks good to me too.
Personally, my fight is with misinformation and noise. I do not care about mediocre questions too much. There are millions of questions and I do not have time or enough votes to review all of them. I highly value your contributions though, because you do help with questions and topics I avoid. Keep your answer and it might help someone someday. Don't be discouraged by a single vote someone cast on your post.
2 hours later…
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