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I am interested @roganjosh, depending on what kind of projects are we looking at
@DeveshKumarSingh At the moment I'm waiting for a follow-up on this. Depending on that outcome I might have a hackathon of my own
Okay, this seems specific to data science, ML etc if I am not wrong
The particular issue is around logistics, which I'm pretty comfortable in solving. But for deployment etc. I will struggle
Ultimately, I'm going to need someone to handle my server because I'm just not comfortable enough with Linux to be developing an app and ensuring the deployment is fully secure
Ohh, what framework/s do you have in mind to develop this on?
In the short term I would just expand my digitalocean instance and drop my website, but I'll need some devops type help. This is all theoretical but I'm trying to roadmap for potential scenarios
Also where are you targeting it to be deployed? On a cloud provider like aws?
And you are good in the feature development side of things?
It would be a Flask app. I already have the facilities to build distance/time matrices for real-road networks, and I have a vehicle routing solver with an API that I can work with. So the meat of the problem, I can solve.
Front-end would be clunky because I'm not great; I could make it broadly functional for browsers and phones, but I couldn't ensure compatibility across multiple browsers etc
Sure, I haven't worked much with devops thingy, just tinkered a little with docker, ansible etc
I'd be happy to offload anything anyone was willing to pick up if I can just focus on the backend logic
So you want help in frontend and deployment
Pretty much
I can try and help you out in deployment, frontend isn't my strong suite as well
Also flask is something I have worked in the past, so I can help you there as well
I can do enough to build a functional front-end so it's still covered until someone else comes along to help :) But deployment and just general help with the server health would be great
Sure, is the task you are handling for a hackathon?
Nope. It's from the link I gave earlier and the result
I'm just waiting to hear back. Maybe they won't respond but, if they do, I will build it
Sure thing, I will wait for you then
@DeveshKumarSingh Cool. Thanks for offering your support :)
No worries
I think if you refer me in this chatroom by @, I will get a notification on the SO main site right?
Yes, you should do. I'm not sure how long this works for (people in chat become unping-able after a few days but that's probably just for the autocomplete). I'll find you, don't worry about that, @DeveshKumarSingh :P
worst-case I'd just find an answer of yours and leave a comment there, then delete after
Sure man
Otherwise if you are on LinkedIn, we can connect there
Alright, sent you a connection request, we can talk there
4 hours later…
I'm keeping an eye on the I have programming skills board to see if I can pitch in with my non-data-sciencey skillset
If anyone needs a tkinter app or an ASP.NET page that looks like it's from 2001, I'm ready to spring into action
@roganjosh what kind of input are you looking for on the linux front?
Incidentally, my "visit the covid room" pin in the Python room doesn't imply that all Covid-tech-related chat has to take place in here, and none of it can take place in room 6. I'm expecting a fair bit of cross talk between rooms.
@MisterMiyagi I push code to the server and run it. I have no idea how to check whether someone is logged on to the server that shouldn't be. I anticipate it could be hacked and I wouldn't know
I might even go so far as to bend the standards for what counts as "on topic" in room 6, since it's for a good cause... Within reason ;-)
I've always been fairly tolerant of SuperUsery questions anyway, so a bit of Linux chat doesn't bother me
@roganjosh I see. I assume the setup is basically ssh for login, plus some HTTP/HTTPS web server, correct? Can you reprovision the machine if need be, i.e. is there anything vital stored on the machine itself?
@roganjosh fail2ban is a common utility for handling malicious IP pingers trying common admin and user passwords
I also have done some simple AWS deployments, and there are some good bullet-proofing steps when standing up a new instance. I'll try to track them down.
@MisterMiyagi I can wipe if need be. My site isn't really important in this case. I'm happy to start again with a blank slate
@roganjosh There's no need for that now. But things are a lot easier if you can respond to potential intrusion via wiping and reprovisioning.
I can't respond to what I can't see. This is what I'm most fearful of
I can fix the logic just fine. Once it's deployed on the web, I shit myself
^^ not specific to AWS, but more general Linux.
@roganjosh Don't sweat it. You don't have to be faster than the lion, you just have to be faster than the tons of completely unsecured systems out there.
@MisterMiyagi that's a nice way to put it. Thanks
Enabling fail2ban and closing all ports that aren't needed (likely everything but SSH or HTTPS) will already make you very, very unattractive to hack. It also means only two services need watching every now and then.
It is pretty crazy how the auth.log file gets hammered with crap ssh login attempts after first deploying an AWS instance, or any server really.
3 hours later…
Ping me if I can be of service :) I didn't realise this was here until just now.
4 hours later…
was anyone else in that session right now?

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