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@MartinMarconcini I wanted to scroll to bottom of recyclerview and i found your solution: stackoverflow.com/questions/11431832/…
On applying it i get to the bottom of my RecyclerView but the element inside item of recyclerview loses focus
Basically i have a RecyclerView with item divided into 3 columns one TextView and two EditText on insertion of new item to my recyclerview i want to scroll to this new item and set focus to the first EditText
I fixed the insertion of new item and scrolling to it but the problem is i am not able to set focus to my first EditText
Everything works fine upto insertion of 7 items and after that the EditText is not focused so i have to manually focus it
Please see the question and solution for better understanding the problem
@Ahtisham Apologies, I'm slightly complicated this week and have been unable to help people. I'll be back soon (maybe later this week) and take a look at everything still pending, apologies for letting people down :/
@MartinMarconcini Man its a just a piece of 🍰 for you ot would take a min.
Its just a piece*
@Ahtisham I have no idea how to do this because I have never had to do this kind of interaction; it's an interesting problem, but at the same time, the solution is going to be always tied to the rest of your architecture. To me the problem is divided in different pieces. Detecting that it's time to add a new item to the list; determining what type of item needs to be added; modifying the model to insert this (so far NONE of this involves the adapter). Once you have that...
you can repopulate the adapter. now you have the problem of the FOCUS...
now the focus should be slightly simpler, since what you need is to scroll to the last item in your list, and then... check which of the 3 "colums" is the one that should get focus (this has nothing to do, again, with the adapter or fragment or anything like that)
once you have found which position and which column will receive this, you can signal the adapter to scroll to that position, and rebind the viewholder. (notifyItemChanged...) but making suire your Thing (whatever your Adapter List is made of), has information to indicate the actual VIEW HOLDER when it's binding, to "request" the focus.
So you see, the problem is not an Adapter problem. It's not a RecyclerView problem either, nor a Fragment or activity. You have the mechanisms for a view to request focus, you KNOW what your last item is and whether is should have focus, then provide the adapter and such, the information they need.
Don't make this an Adapter problem.
To put it differently, imagine if you did NOT have a recycler view. You manually added views.
You'd still need to solve the same problem.
In fact, I'd argue with a ScrollView, you could add simple LinearLayouts with 3 edit texts and you'd still have the same problem (and some new ones, but ignore that). So, SOLVE the problem outside the context of your adapter/recycler view. DRIVE the model towards your data. You have, I hope a model that is a List<ThreeEditTexts>...
or something
drive that List outside the adapter, simply pass the adapter the list and make sure the OBJECT (ThreeEditTexts) has enough information so the ViewHolder that wil receive that instance of a "ThreeEditText" can make an informed decision and ask for focus.
I think you have not fully understood the question
I have one TextView and Two EditText
Ok, rename your model as OneTextViewAndTwoEditText :)
My point is, you PASS the adapter a list of the things you want the adapter to ADAPT to your Views (holders)
data class YourThing(val columnOne: Boolean?, val columnTwo: Boolean?, val columnThree: Boolean?, val focusedColumn: Int?)
if you had that
for example
you could have a list of those
and your adapter would have all the information it needed to create the edit texts
you'd need more info of course, like.. the actual values for each :)
but the point is...
a view holder will receive one of those
the view holder can then chek: Do I need to show this text view in column one? it's true: yes. It's false, not, or it's null, so no.
Then do I need to add an edit text in column two? Yes.
And columnt 3? It's null, so no.
Do I have a focused column? No, it's null. Ok, next.
The last one, will have a focused Colum, so that particular view hjolder will be able to say: oh, I need to put this edittext, and request focus for it. Done.
That's it. The MANIPULATION of said list, happens OUTSIDE the adpater.
When you determine "I should add another row or column", you tell whoever is managing that list (a viewModel?): hey add me another... and it will return a new list of YourThing with a new row, or with the last row modified...
and your adapter will rebind, and the viewholders will do the thing.
Did I get the problem right this time?
It's an interesting problem, I've never had to do this, but if I have time, I'll make an example (because I also want to know if it works) :D
but it cannot happen today, sorry. And for the record, it's not "piece of cake" :-) I'm not John Carmack :)
If i take all the code out of adapter including the listener then i would not be able to set focus to EditText i think
I will still try it and inform you thanks anyways :)
I maybe doing stupid things because i know nothing about android i am a beginner
haha no worries, and no, you don't have to take ALL the code from the adapter
a listener if fine
what you don't want is the adapter making a lot of decisions instead of the adapter "accepting" the data it's supplied with.
I think you're somewhat onto a good track, also keep in mind the RecyclerView is... a controversial class (and our "only choice") for the most part.
It doesn't always "work as intended", especially when you need to scroll to specific positions or in specific ways. it's gotten a lot better, but still...
Are you using the the actual implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.1.0' ?
In gradle i see " com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:28.3.1 "
oh you're using the old support libraries
keep in mind that RV version is no longer updated (but I may be wrong)
I don't think i can take anything out of adapter all of them are tied to listener
All of the functions are tied to listeners
Will updating to never libraries help ?
nono, don't touch your libraries yet unelss you have too.
Is this a new project or an old one?
because if this is a brand new project, you should DEFINITELY NOT use the support libraries anymore (unless you have a very valid reason to, which there are some but very rare)
New project my first android project :)
I changed it already
oh, if it's a new project then absolutely yes, use ALL androidx artifacts (it's a checkbox when you creat the project)
if you still see any support. in the Gradle, then you have work to do :)
(create a new blank project and compare if you need help with that)

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