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Good Morning
I'm working on an app that offers locked content (Premium features). I'm relying on a value stored in firebase isPremium. is it a good practice? or is there another better way to implement a better backend logic
3 hours later…
Hey @MartinMarconcini I'm using java for android development, and it has only 6 month when i started. Should I switch to Kotlin. Any suggestion
@MartinMarconcini good morning
Do yo have any idea about MPAndroidChart Library
@EgorRandomize what do you call "overflow" content?
@JaiprakashSoni good morning!
@MirwiseKhan it depends, that works too, what other alternatives did you consider?
@Kaunain I do recommend people to learn Kotlin, yes. It's a predominant force and it introduces you full force to a more functionally oriented language. But Java is fine too if you need it and don't mind it.
@jyothichandra unfortunately, I only know this library by name, but never used it myself.
Hello @MartinMarconcini How are you?
Hope this room not like another Android room in SO


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
@GurumoorthyArumugam I'm doing ok, all things considered thank you.
This room is a boring place to be :)
@MartinMarconcini great
The other one is the android room :)
But the Android room is to talk about things, not to ask questions (if I don't incorrectly recall)
The above room owners
This room is to ask specific questions and get (sometimes) a (mostly bad) answer from someone who has been doing android for almost over 10 years. That's all :)
showing so much attitude
I don't know much about the other room, I occasionally enter to say hello, but I don't really know people there; I'm sure they have their reasons, I don't know all the information about how the room came to be or who maintains it and what the purpose is to be honest.
yeah, They not helping beginner putting so much rules to accept the request.
Q: Counting occurrences of an item not giving exactly in android

jyothi chandraHi in the below code counnting the occurance of the each string .if the month is matches with current then displaying count of the that string . suppose this month is 07 and modifiedtime months are like the 07,06,09,06,07 in that what are the month 07 are there for that month what is count of the...

StackOverflow is not a great place for new people, unfortunately.
what is the use of SO chat when you not help beginner
But there's not much that can be done, you have to understand there are thousands of users every day, it would be a full-time job to answer all the questions (which more often than not are very vague and difficult).
To... chat? :)
@MartinMarconcini It was not like that few years back, there are so many developer help each other
@MartinMarconcini ha ha
@jyothichandra you should add the output you're getting (vs. the output you're expecting) to your question to make it better.
@MartinMarconcini ok and thanks for you suggestion
Any how I'll come to my question which unanswered for few weeks
@GurumoorthyArumugam yes, but there are more people now, i, for example, am donating my time here. I am working right now and yet here I am. Not everybody wants to do that, and that's fine. Anyway, sorry to hear you're not happy with the Android room,. unfortunately, I don't own/control it. Feel free to come here and post your question, someone or maybe I can help you, no warranties. :)
Q: How to read httpbody from android webview?

Gurumoorthy ArumugamI'm developing app which have payment gateway, I redirect the payment gateway using Webview from app, After successful payment I need to read the response from webview, I done that successfully in iOS using below. - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)re...

This two developer made my beginner life so easy. I did't see them here now days.
I hope I have made some developer's life easier, I would be very sad otherwise.
That being said, I don't know the answer to your question to be honest. I never thought about doing that.
but let me look
because the current app I'm working on, does support reading a specific value from a WebView...
@MartinMarconcini pls have a look once
@MartinMarconcini That's okay, Keep this room more friendly and helpful :)
but there are a few things in common: the webview and the value are "known" by our code. so we know what we're looking for (like a string, a number, a boolean, etc.)
@jyothichandra give me a few minutes, I'll be back and will take a look.
@GurumoorthyArumugam like I thought, this app hacks around the Chrome web client in a horrible and unsafe way...
It basically sets a new WebViewClient() like webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { ...
and in ` public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {`
using JAVASCRIPT... oh boy.. never actually looked at this in detail
yeah.. not a good idea
yeah its for payment gateway, its not good to use it on this way
doesn't the gateway offer a REST api or similar?
(be right back everyone)
I'm back, let's see
@jyothichandra do I understand this correctly? You have a list of Dates and you want to count how many times a specific month appears?
@GurumoorthyArumugam and what exception is that throwing for you?
@MartinMarconcini response
"blocks": [
"label": "Basic Information",
"fields": [
"name": "sales_stage",
"value": "Opportunity",
"label": "Sales Stage",
"uitype": "15",
"type": {
"defaultValue": null

"label": "Opportunity Details",
"fields": [

"name": "modifiedtime",
"value": "2020-07-22 14:18:16",
"label": "Modified Time",
"uitype": "70",
"type": {
"defaultValue": null

modifiedtime month is matches with current month 07 then count of Opportunity is 1
like this
@jyothichandra are you using Java 8 and/or Gradle 4.0+ ?
Yes to which? :)
so if you use Java8+Gradle 4.0 (or ThreeTenABP), you shouldn't need to be using "SimpleDateFormat" or similar "Date" (from java.util.* classes)
` "value": "2020-07-22 14:18:16", ` is an ISO8601 (IIRC...) date YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MIN, SECOND. There's no TimeZone information, so this is just assumed to be -in Java 8 Time parlance- a "LocalDateTime".
So you could do LocalDateTime.parse(yourDateString) // where yourDateString = "2020-07-22..."
Once you've done that, you get a LocalDateTime instance.
same way only
Month: 07
not the same, but still...
once you have that parsed date...
modifiedtime: 12
you can do parsed.monthValue -> this will return 07 (there's month and month value)
(don't remember if it returns 07 or 06 since I believe January is month ZERO... yeah...)
SimpleDateFormat I am using get the month
SimpleDateFormat should not be used for that.
SimpleDateFormat should not be used at all... but if you still want to use legacy deprecated (and inefficient) classes, that's fine, but still, the purpose of the SimpledateFormat is to FORMAT a Date, not to extract it.
That's what (if you still want to use the legacy Java.Util classes) Calendar is for.
No I will change it local to localDate
But again, the problem may be elsewhere. My first comment is
let's start from the top
first relevant line ` if (success.equals("true")) {`
yes its true
That's strange, but ok, (I would write it: if "true".equals(success) if I had to.
If success is NULL, you'd get a crash in your version
not in mine :)
second comment is... I would invert that if because you're putting all your code in the if block, making it indent to the right and there's no "else"
return early.
if (!("true".equals(success)) { return; } // nothing to do if this was not a successful call.
this way, you eliminate an entire indentation level and your code has less "whitespace". Easier to read.
next you get various things from your response... and we'll look at the "syncupdated" one, since that's where you loop these.
ok you look these for (SyncUpdated syncUpdated : syncUpdateds) {
lots of instantiations here..
then you get another array...
ArrayList<SyncBlocks> syncBlocks = syncUpdated.getBlocks();
then you get this date here ` String date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date());`
yes based on the server response
first comment, don't name it "date1" it is "now" so name it "now" or "dateNow" or something that WHEN YOU READ IT, it makes perfect sense. To me: what the fuck is "date 1"? is there a "date0" or a "date2"?
second, there's no need to do what you did, you can do new Date() and it's the same.
remember, dates are just a long integer... (seconds since epoch time), unless you're going to FORMAT and PRINT the date somewhere, there's no need to have a "formatter"
now the fun part commences...
an INNER loop... based on the "blocks". for (SyncBlocks syncBlocks1 : syncBlocks) {
Second comment: don't call it synBlocks1 again.. wtf is synblocks1... call it syncBlock (or just block). It IS a single block...
@MartinMarconcini yes its array list
you get a label then... a String and compare against a hardcoded string: warning: *this won't be easy to LOCALIZE and it's tying your code to the api response. If they change the field, all your code stops working since it will no longer recognize "Opportunity Details". You're also not even comparing case INSENSITIVE, so if they introduce a typo... your if statement stops working too.. if you still find this ok (it can be), then I would invert it too if "Opportunity...".equals(label)
^ this prevents a potential Null POinter if label happens to be null.
since this is an API response, you cannot guarantee it won't be.
ok, let's continue. we're in the inner loop
now you get Fields...
same comment as above, synFields1 is not cool, name it a synField or just field
and the same comment applies to your if(xxx.equals("some string") if you're going to do that, invert them if ("some string".equals(xxx))
(this applies everywhere, so I won't repeat it, you get the idea)
finally... we made it to the modified date time we were looking for!
Ok, first comment here...
String date3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date()); form here i should get month
1. Creating SimpleDateFormatters is relatively expensive (there are a lot of dependencies behind the scene). So you're creating not 1, not 2, but 3 or MORE SDFormatters inside an INNER LOOP... this is really bad. Don't do this.
If you're in the same thread, you can create the SimpleDateFormatters in advance and reuse them (they are NOT THREAD SAFE so make sure you only use them in the same thread...) which you are here.
ok, so the meat of the meat...
can you give me example
you then try to parse the date with the expected format (you can replace that with the val parsed = LocalDateTime.parse(modifyDateTime)
Well, I will, but let's finish
so instead of all those lines (we're talking aboutr this block of code)
                       if (name.equals("modifiedtime")) {
                            modifydatetime = String.valueOf(values);
                            DateFormat inputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            DateFormat outputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                            DateFormat outputMonth=new SimpleDateFormat("MM");
                            Date date = null;
                            try {
                                date = inputFormat.parse(modifydatetime);
let's rewrite that.
this is all pseudo-code ok? so I may simplify the bits
Ok No issues
carry on
I would change the IF to
if (!("modifiedtime".equals(name))) {
that way, if the name doesn't match the string, you just continue looping... no need to wrap all this code there.
modifydatetime = String.valueOf(values); -> I would use a local variable here
final String modifiedDate = String.valueOf(values);
then you can try to parse with Java8... LocalDateTime parsed = LocalDateTime.parse(modifiedDate) (that should work, but if not, you can use ofPattern("xxx") and replace XXX with yyyy-MM-... etc.
String Month=dateFormat.format(date2);
Log.d("Month",Month); //Month i am able to get it later i will change it to localdate
of course, with the localDateTime, you can do int month = localDateTime.monthValue()
so parsed.monthValue() -> this will always return the month of that parsed date.
so you don't need much more code ithere, only the "break"
so all those line sof code are now replaced with
if (!("modifiedtime".equals(name))) {

String modifiedDate = String.valueOf(values);
LocalDateTime parsed = LocalDateTime.parse(modifiedDate);
where "break"
and a break; below :)
you can do
if (parsed != null) { break; }
so you know you break when parsed is finally not null :)
that means modified time was the "field" and that you were able to parse its value.
now, obviously, parsed is a local variable here in this for-loop block, so you'd need to put it outside because you care for it. Now I don't know what these lines do
PreferenceManagerMyOpportunity.getInstance(requireContext()).setMultipleDataOpportunity(scheduleDate, salesstage, supportrequired, winprob, modality,modifiedtime);
not sure what it is, but it's irrelevant here, since it's a setter for some static stuff.
storing full data into shared prefrence
irrelevant here, so continue, then you create a model...
using the parsed date from before.
so my advice is to use the LocalDateTime instance anywhere you need it, instead of "converting" it to a string, parsing it, formatting it, etc.
ok small doubt
Use the localDateTime for as long as you can before finally storing a "string" or any other representation.
yes, tell me.
if (parsed != null) { break; } after getting the month value or before i should use it
You don't need to get the month there, you need to ensure your parsed is declared Outside of this for/loop so it remains in scope and you can use it down below after you finished looping the fields trying to find the date.
So... it would be... where you declare String modifydateTime="" instead replace it for LocalDateTime modifiedDateTime = null
and below do LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
modifiedDateTime and now are all the dates you are going to need.
so you can remove String date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date()); and String modifydatetime=""; for example
now that you have now and modifiedDateTime... your check becomes...
boolean isModifiedThisMonth = now.month.equals(modifiedDateTime.month);
if that boolean is true... then the month has been the same.
so this line if (opportunityModel.getModifiedtime().matches(Month)) { is if (isModifiedThisMonth) { ... }
which reads much better :)
and you shouldn't need to do this sillyness:
            DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM");
            Date date2 = new Date();
            String Month=dateFormat.format(date2);
Aside from the SimpleDateFormat... why would you create a new Date() here if you already had date1 from above that was also "now" :)
I believe your confusion with Date/Formatters is very valid. They are very confusing APIs.
But remember this: a Date (in any of its forms whether it's a java.util.Date or a java.time.LocalDateTime or any of its variants), is nothing more than the number of milliseconds (or nanoseconds) since Epoch time. (January 1st 1970 at 00:00)
So it's rather a representation of an INSTANT IN TIME
"how much time has passed since January 1st 1970?" -> the same time has really elapsed anywhere in the world. since we all humans (as far as I know) share the same time line :)
let's say the current TIme is 10000 (it's not, but let's imagine)
if I look at my watch RIGHT NOW, it doesn't say the same time as yours (unless you happen to live in the Netherlands).
This is where the concept of TimeZones come into play. If we factor TimeZone, Offset, TimeOf The Year, etc. it turns out that in the Netherlands, it's 12:45 PM, and in London, it's 11:45 AM (I think). Yet our computers BOTH print 10000 (imaginary time)... so...
a Date object is just a representation of this 10000 number. Nothing more.
This means that with that "10000", I can FORMAT the REPRESENTATION in any way I want, say: YYYY-MM-DD or... maybe just the month...
Q: React Native Color Picker Not Giving Colors Except Black Color

masud_moniI am using react-native-color-picker and every time I click the it is giving me black color irrespective of where ever I click. I am not finding such issues anywhere. Following is my code onColorChange(color) { console.log(color) } <ColorPicker oldColor='purple' color={this.state.col...

this is just FORMATTING. You can format the same date 20 times with different formatters, and the DATE IS THE SAME, they just print differently.
All this being said, a Date is never complete until you append its timezone/offset information, since if I tell you, let's meet at 5pm, unless you know where I live and what my timezone is, there is NO way you can meet me at the exact time. You NEED to know my timezone, this is what ZONEDDateTime are for, to grab a LOCAL date time (with no TZ/Offset information) and append the missing part... the TimeZone, which -very complicatedly- calculate what the OFFSET is (say, Amsterdam is +2 from UTC).
Does this make sense to you so far @jyothichandra ?
(or are you more confused?) :)
Hello @masud_moni I'll take a quick look but I am not familiar with ReactNative unfortunately
Yeah, no idea, this is mostly about Android, sorry @masud_moni.
Anyway, Thanks
@masud_moni no worries, good luck with that!
Pls have a look updated code I forgot to add some piece of code
Hi guys. Im getting this error when parsing with jsoup. Can you help me out?
W/System.err: java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: location
W/System.err: at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:608)
W/System.err: at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:498)
W/System.err: at org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil.resolve(StringUtil.java:207)
W/System.err: at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection$Response.execute(HttpConnection.java:751)
W/System.err: at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection$Response.execute(HttpConnection.java:705)
W/System.err: at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection.execute(HttpConnection.java:295)
@DevEloper not really, all the information to know is right there, your async task is trying to execute a network request and when jsoup tries to resolve the URL to use and make the network call, it finds a "string" that has the word location and that's not the expected URL format.
So you get a MalformedURL exception.
unknown protocol: location gives the idea that the "URL" you're trying to use looks something like: location .....
where ... is the actual URL (like https://...)
but all of this is imaginary things made by me based on the only relevant information you gave us. :)
Exactly. I understand that. But I cant find location in the url. The url I want to resolve is my-site.com
Oops "https://www.onweer-online.nl/" (without quotes)
hmmm if you can't find it and you're making the request, then what can we do here :/
oh, a Dutch url! :)
Honestly, I should have started with: I have never used jsoup but...
let's see jsoup
jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. ok, much like OkHttp I guess. (Not questioning you, but why are you using this library @DevEloper?) Is there any technical reason whyh this is "better" than the standard okHttp?
In any case, please show us a little bit more of your AsyncTask code... hard to tell what the problem is without looking at it first.
With this library you can easily scrape data.
public class connect extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
String string;

protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
try {
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements elements = document.select("div.tray_name");
string = elements.html();

} catch (IOException e) {

return null;

protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
Every single website works perfectly with this code, just the one I realy want to resolve doesnt work
@MartinMarconcini I am confusing with break
@DevEloper and you're getting the exception on the Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get() line?
what is the value of url if you do Log.d("XXX", url);
@jyothichandra what is confusing you about break?
@MartinMarconcini unfortunately they are not, the asking us to use only webview.
@GurumoorthyArumugam interesting...
@MartinMarconcini if I use javascript in webview its showing like javascript not support on this page, I enable the javascript but still the gateway provider disabled.
@GurumoorthyArumugam I don't really have much to add, my experience with WebViews is often limited to loading a URL to display something or injecting some fake JS functions to retrieve some expected value (which is bad in general).
@MartinMarconcini It gives me the normal URL as described before
When doing Log.d("XXX", url);
@DevEloper so you have xxx.nl and Jsoup is still reporting that weird error?
@DevEloper unfortunately, I don't know what to tell you here because I have never used JSOUP before. It appears that yu're doing the "right thing" by calling Jsoup.connect(url).get() and that should work, but it's not. And you say this only happens with this URL?
@DevEloper what did the Gateway company said about this? did you check with them? Have they never done an Android integration before?
OK thanks for your help. I will see what I can do to fix this
@DevEloper apologies, the last message was not for you, it was for @GurumoorthyArumugam :)
@DevEloper but my point still stands, I have never used Jsoup before :/ If you want to try with OkHttp, it's quite simple to do so (to test and compare)
@MartinMarconcini isModifiedThisMonth is false
@jyothichandra did you debug the loop to see the values it was comparing against?
@MartinMarconcini company name is KNET yeah seems they are new to mobile domain I guess, they not giving any SDK as well. Its Kuwait based company they are outdated :)
@GurumoorthyArumugam yeah.... for something Pay-based, I'd stand against hacking the HTML response by hand, I can't imagine a great reason to do so.
What @DevEloper is doing though (trying to access the HTML DOM) makes sense for what appears to be the need to parse the HTTP response to find a specific part (in this case, I imagine that it's some sort of weather app trying to parse weather events), but for a PAY-gateway, no SDK? no standards REST API? I wouldn't trust it :)
That doesn't mean what you're doing is "wrong" per se; your question is valid.
@DevEloper the JSOUP documentation says:
Document get() throws IOException
Execute the request as a GET, and parse the result.

parsed Document
MalformedURLException - if the request URL is not a HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed
so for some reason, it believes the URL is otherwise malformed /shrugh
yeah, we were doing from web service now.

Problem with Android webview its possible in iOS, I don't know why google not providing such method for developer.
@GurumoorthyArumugam I'm surprised though, I think we just don't know how to do it. I don't think it's true that the Android WebView doesn't have access to the response (but I may be wrong)
@MartinMarconcini issue is still open issuetracker.google.com/issues/37014582
its reported 6 years back
@MartinMarconcini if the condition is there that time should break the if condition? AM I correct
@GurumoorthyArumugam yeah, and you got the "thank you but we are doing something more interesting and won't be fixing this" :)
@jyothichandra I am not following your question exactly, for the condition to be TRUE the if must return true boolean xxx = a.equals(b) -> xxx will be true only when a is equals to b, and false for every other case. So if "is modified this month" is always false, that means that your comparison between the two dates was never true (that is, the month of both dates was never the same), this means: DID YOU DEBUG EACH ITERATION to see what values are being compared every time?
@GurumoorthyArumugam yeah, not sure what else can be done, you're going to have to talk to them and ask for ideas, since they have control over the Gateway.
@MartinMarconcini so you can remove String date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date()); and String modifydatetime=""; for example
now that you have now and modifiedDateTime... your check becomes...
Confusing with this line
@jyothichandra What is the purpose of this date1?
@MartinMarconcini with my present i jsut added break
@MartinMarconcini have a look once
updated code
@MartinMarconcini Well when the user makes purchase, I'd store the token, purchase time etc into Room db, then check the integrity of the data with firestore at the start of the app. If the data can't be verified then fire a broadcast that will disable premium features.
Basically, I don't know the architecture on how to disable or enable the premium content based on a boolean, Do you think using shared preferences is an ideal method? Or do I've other options
@MirwiseKhan I think that's fine, but isn't having the data in Room enough? I mean, if you check the integrity of said data, why can't you ask the DB (once maybe, since once the user purchased, after certain time, there's no way the user can un purchase your feature, so you know it's going to be purchased forever now (or at least until you change the DB and the next time the user kills/relaunches the app, you re-verify).
@MirwiseKhan regarding enable/disable features it really depends how your architecture is modeled. If you have a ViewModel, the viewModel could push a state based on this verification so, for example, you either alter the layout, or don't enable certain buttons or behaviors.
Using shared pref is fine though, you can store this there and use that as the source of truth
but if you already have a DB? you can query/cache this in memory if needed.
It also depends "what kind of premuim" features are we talking about here, if it's complicated perhaps an entire different "activity" or "flavor" is better.
@jyothichandra link me what you need me to see please, I've already closed that tab (sorry, I can't keep up with all the tabs open) :)
@jyothichandra -> careful with break vs. continue (one ends the loop and exits, the other skips the rest of the code in the loop's block and moves onto the next item (if it exists).
Q: Counting occurrences of an item not giving exactly in android

jyothi chandraHi in the below code counnting the occurance of the each string .if the month is matches with current then displaying count of the that string . suppose this month is 07 and modifiedtime months are like the 07,06,09,06,07 in that what are the month 07 are there for that month what is count of the...

@jyothichandra are you using Android Studio?
@jyothichandra the break is in the wrong place.
But I won't tell you where. I'll ask you to go to your Android Studio, open that file, and then open the menu (at the top) for android Studio and select -> Code -> Reformat Code (or, if you fancy keyboard shortcuts, the default on Linux is Control-Shift-L if I am not mistaken). (CMD if you're on a Mac) and once you have reformatted your code, update your stack overflow question with the correctly formatted code. It is NOT cool to paste a mess.
@MartinMarconcini have a look now
just formated
doesn't look too formatted.. but ok...
so, what is the problem with the break now? looks correct
(you moved it in the last update)
java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text 'New' could not be parsed at index 0
it is throwing this error
(one minute please, i'm in a phone call)
where is this error
what line
I can't find the text "New" in your code.
@MartinMarconcini Even I am also wondering
@MartinMarconcini pls knock me once your free
still on a call and may be for long (so I may return tomorrow) but can you tell me the exact value of modifyDateTime? (the string)
07 08 12 etc
nono, I want the exact value that is telling you a DateTimeParseException
Process: com.genworks.oppm, PID: 4238
java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text 'New' could not be parsed at index 0
at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved0(DateTimeFormatter.java:1949)
at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(DateTimeFormatter.java:1851)
at java.time.LocalDate.parse(LocalDate.java:394)
at java.time.LocalDate.parse(LocalDate.java:379)
it's saying the text "New" cannot be parsed
so PLEASE tell me what is the value that you are parsing
If you do LocalDateTime.parse("New") it's going to throw that exception, so ... what is the value that you're parsing that is causing the library to throw the exception, clearly, it's the WRONG value.
"name": "modifiedtime",
"value": "2020-07-22 14:18:16", value I am parsing and for this getting the month
do you want this information only right?
I don't get it.
what dont get it
LocalDateTime.parse("2020-07-22 14:18:16") doesn't throw that exception... I would expect a completely different one.
Something like
java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2020-07-22 14:18:16' could not be parsed at index 10
that would be "acceptable"
but "New" cannot be parsed means you passed the TEXT "New" to the parser
LocalDateTime.parse(modifydatetime); this line error
If you do Log.d("XXX", "The Value of modifydatetime before parsing is: " + modifydatetime); what does it print in the LogCat
modifydatetime: 2019-12-05 13:14:20
java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2019-12-05 13:14:20' could not be parsed at index 10 this error now
I wrote this code (in Kotlin)
            val date = "2020-07-22 14:18:16"
            val parse = LocalDateTime.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
            Log.d("XXX", parse.toString())
so, perhaps pass the DateTiemFormatter.ofPattern
to specify the correct parsing pattern, because if you're missing the T part
(the T part is for the date format to be ISO8601)
@MartinMarconcini Thanks @MartinMarconcini
So the correct format should be 2020-07-22'T'14:18:16
But since you don't have the 'T', you can pass your own pattern
@MirwiseKhan :thumbs up:
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.time.LocalDateTime.getMonthValue()' on a null object reference
month = localDateTime.getMonthValue(); //this line throwning an error
@jyothichandra The LocalDateTime value is null
@MirwiseKhan how to get the month
Use LocalDate
You could use this
String month = new SimpleDateFormat("MM", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date());
Here is how you can get it with LocalDate
java.time.LocalDate today = java.time.LocalDate.now()

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