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A: Structs and pointers in C used in a while loop

Vlad KaponirThis code rely on agreement (not standard) that for array (allocated for N + 1 pointers) for N not empty elements (pointers to structure) N + 1 element (pointer) will be equal to zero. This zero pointer will identify end of range. And of course this is responsibility of coder - not compiler. Do t...

How can the N+1 pointer ever equal to 0? Imagine p starts as a valid pointer. Tell us how it is possible for p to ever becomes NULL again just by incrementing it?
Yeah, that is the thing I do not understand either. If pp is a pointer then its value is an address, right? If you increment that address with 1 every time, how can it ever be zero?
You should assign N + 1 pointer to zero before calling function. Otherwise loop will continue until it randomly encounter 0 in the memory - in trash.
How would you do that assignment? And isnt pp the actual pointer? How will the value of pp ever become 0 if you are increment it each time in the loop?
"You should assign N + 1 pointer to zero before calling function". That doesn't make sense. It's an array of structs not an array of pointers. You only have one pointer which is the array p itself.
Easy: PPOST pp = new PPOST[N + 1]; pp + N = NULL;
pp[N] is a struct not a pointer. Assigning NULL to it is not right. And this question is C not C++.
pp + N returns pointer - please read some C book
@VladKaponir In your example you are making the value of where it is pointing NULL. Not the actual pointer? So wouldn't you need to de reference pp (*pp) to get the NULL value?
Even your C++ example is incorrect. It needs to be PPOST pp = new POST[N+1]; We need an array of structs (POST) not an array of pointers to strutcs (PPOST).
No its not right. He is making an array of PPOST and assigning it to a PPOST.
Yes that is true. My bad. The correct code should be: PPOST pp = new POST[N+1]; then the assignment should be pp+N = NULL;
Another way to do it is simply: PPOST pp = calloc(N+1, sizeof(POST)); then we start filling the array with our N values.
just like how c strings work
No it's not correct. This is why pointers shouldn't be typedefed as it really confuses people. The function takes a PPOST. Which is a pointer to a struct. There is no way that value can ever become NULL again just by incrementing it (excluding pointer wrapping).
why do you think that a pointer cannot have the value of NULL?
Consider. If I start with a value of p which is a valid pointer say 1. If I increment the pointer I get 2 and so on. You guys are thinking of an array of pointers. Which we don't have.
This is hard to explain in a comment. This is not an array of pointers. This is a single pointer to a POST. Which can be dereferenced to get the value it's pointing to. But can also be incremented to point to p + sizeof(p). Then when you dereference that you get the value of the next p and so on. Until at some point you increment the pointer but you encounter a NULL. You do not dereference the null, you just know that there are no move POSTS.
That means you can actually have an array of POSTs that is null terminated just by having a pointer to a POST. The same exact way you can have an array of characters just by having a pointer to a single character (char*)
@AdamZahran No it's not the right. For a string char *s you need to dereference s to check each character for NUL. That is, the check is for *(s+i) and not checking s itself.
what? nooo lol. that is simply incorrect :D
you check for s+i not *(s+i). if you dereference without checking first that it's a null you can get a segfault or an undefined behavior.
If s is a valid pointer and you increment it you can't get NULL. It's basic pointer arithmetic. char *s="ab". At that point s will have the value of the memory address which stores "ab". That is *s is a. When I increment s it will point to b. Finally if I increment it again it will point to \0 (the NUL). s itself is not NULL. *s is the one that is the zero value.
yes. I stand corrected.
Me and vlad are wrong after all lol. we probably need a C book :'D
Signature should be changed - I was talking about array of pointers. I clarified this in code - My fault - I didn't noticed that function takes not array to pointers.

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