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2:09 AM
> Gutenberg autosave in their type is on my programming that it pushable hashrouter not leave
^ the audit generator is getting suspiciously close to how new user titles look
> Edit summary: Grammar, as it does not make sense at the beginning, and a little example.
^ clearly, grammar only makes sense to the end
> Edit summary: edit was wrong, I wanted to answer not edit
fun fact: you can't retract suggested edits
that's about the best you can do
ah, @RyanM, I haven't gone crazy! It's my own userscript that deceived me back then :)
@RyanM yeah, I know - quite a pity
never understood why not to give the suggestor the ability to retract if there is no vote yet
because then someone would've had to think about the edge cases
(e.g., abuse: retract and resubmit as soon as you get a single reject vote)
or how locks work - seems like the beast SE hasn't been able to tackle yet :)
I'd go with allowing retraction until any vote is cast + unless the edit is locked to a reviewer
You could still abuse that to block other edits by rapid-fire submit/retract
Of course, if it left any sort of trace, that'd be an instant suspension the moment a mod saw it.
That would be reasonable, though.
You could put a cap on it, like "no more than 5 retractions per day" or something.
2:24 AM
Yeah, rate-limiting would be nice too
are we daydreaming again? :)
2:36 AM
Probably :-p
do Android programmers dream of electric donuts?
goodness, that would be a very outdated dream
These days, I try to only dream about electric lollipops and above.
I wouldn't advise licking one then!
13 hours later…
3 hours later…
hmmmm, does SOCVR have any Apple ecosystem devs? I don't know of any off-hand...
~2 the edit is going to be rejected for going against author intent, however, the discussion in comments suggests that the edit is correct and simply transfers a valuable comment into a highly upvoted answer. But I am not an SME and cannot really assess the correctness
@RyanM neither am I, I'll try to make a shout-out
btw, what have we decided on suggested edit redactions? Today, I received additional guidance in response to a helpful flag to make the edit on the post. Unfortunately, the post had a pending edit on it that did exactly that, and I stumbled upon another one a bit later. I am fluctuating between "approve and edit" and "reject and edit". It does not make sense to me to punish editor for good intentions, however, approval is more visible, whereas rejection has less visibility.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine damn it! used "u" again :( redactions
expected: any outcome (misses noise; needs improvements)
actual: approved (1 rejector, 1 approver)
link: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/31838752
^ I have to explain that one - that's not a self-report :) It's about a rejection for "conflicts with author's intent", most likely meant because the edit introduces "she/he" instead of "he". Nowhere in the rest of the edit it conflicts with author's intent either.
7:44 PM
expected: rejected (very close to copied content; "any question" is not usage guidance)
actual: pending (1 approver, 1 rejector)
link: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/31809892
^ lol, apparently, you can open any number of "why are you rejecting..." modals programmatically
another snoozer:
> Edit summary: asdadsdasdsadsadsa
> Edit: Just pay me a portion of what you're paid and I'll do it.
^ non-anonymous!!
@OlegValteriswithUkraine like the flags?
@VLAZ oh, Jesus
since they agreed it's a bug, I am off for some MSE points, I guess, brb
And it was fixed!
8:16 PM
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I think the keyboard shortcuts allowing it is different than running custom JavaScript :-p
@RyanM oh, I already decided against it :) I examined it further, and it seems like SE provides enough safeguards for normal users (f.e., they disable the submit button) in this case for this to not be a problem

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