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(Start of day report)
Currently, there are 1249 banned reviewers, out of which:
- 1111 (89.0%) users are banned for Triage reviews in one way or another
- 942 (75.4%) users are banned for selecting "Requires Editing" in Triage when the question was unsalvagable
- 115 (9.2%) users are automatically banned for failing multiple review audits
- 309 (24.7%) users are banned for the first time
- 351 (28.1%) users have at least five review bans
- 84 (6.7%) users have a duration of at least 100 days, of which 18 users are perma-banned
2 hours later…
I've put together previous stats in Google Sheets to generate some graphs, will add more data points as we go along
2 hours later…
@SamuelLiew Yeah, it's possible. I just gotta reverse the order of some joins. I'll get that done within the next 24 hours
thanks, and no rush
8 hours later…
^ done
just handed out 60 manual bans
Hello guys, I was banned for this triage https://stackoverflow.com/review/triage/25528395
Having a lot of helpful flags, and passing "attention tests" for spam or quality questions, I think banning someone for 15 days, over a single mistake, is a bit drastic, don't you think?
Having said that, I try to have a positively influence on the site.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.
Let's see, you had a 8 day ban on Feb 05 that you didn't read, so this time is doubled to 16
Do you know why "Requires Editing" is the incorrect choice now?
The author should have provided more information by editing the post himself?
Yes, so what would the correct action have been in this case?
Mark as Unsalvageable, in order to close the question.
Ok, lifted the review ban
(but be careful, next is 32 days)
@hitter You may find this post on images of code/errors in posts helpful
I don't participate a lot in meta (to see if it is been suggested), but they should upgrade the review ui and the help messages, they still are slightly misleading.
Thanks for the help and the info guys.
Trust me, I'm doing what I can already to bring it to the attention of admins.
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 11 hours ago, by Samuel Liew
@CodyGray I'm getting more people talking about Triage & H&I (meta/chat); I'm getting SE to review and fixing Triage; and I'm applying pressure to these feature requests: Make it more obvious that you're review banned and Retain a link in the top bar review queue menu for users in review suspension
I'm only here for the bad reviews ...
@SamuelLiew FWIW, when I interviewed with SE most of my complaints were targeted specifically at Triage and H&I (I also apparently was not the only one that brought them up)
I super pinged a couple of CMs into the mod room to complain :P
I guess it's still under internal (company) investigation and discussion
They certainly can't claim they weren't/aren't aware ^^
I am not sure if I can ask your opinion for this here, but should I flag this as spam or unsalvageable low quality? The irony is that the user has over 3000 rep.
well, if you refresh the review you can see the outcome of the question
I see, thanks again
Super ping? There's something more powerful than a regular ping?
@Das_Geek He could tell you, but he'd have to kill you review ban you for a week
I was expecting "It's not a power the jedi would tell you" or similar
It's a line from Top Gun if you've never heard it
I feel old now
@Machavity Oh I'm aware.
waves hand This is not the conversation you were looking for
@Das_Geek yes, it is @@userid It would send you a notification and chat popup telling you were to report. It can only be used by diamonds and SE staff: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/104918/…
@rene Oooh, thanks
@Machavity Pssst, should have at least one close vote or be closed
Well now it does xd
Yeah, added a CV to the first one. No MRE
@Nick Amazingly, telling the OP to edit it actually yielded results
@Machavity No CVs anymore (retracted after OP edit) but still a bad review (H&I could not have fixed it in its previous condition)
@Machavity Impressive
@SamuelLiew Done. You shouldn't see any more posts that were closed as dupes. The way I did it made it so if the post was ever closed as dupe it won't show, but hopefully this won't be too much of a factor given the timeframe of one week. I also included the review ID as another column in case you want to feed those numbers to a userscript.
2 hours later…
Found this chat via the "Review" discussion found here. I think I understand the Triage review a little bit better after reading the discussion. Is there anyway I can get my ban lifted from this review: stackoverflow.com/review/triage/25523391
@GRU119 As you probably know, only Diamond Moderators can lift your review ban! However, such mods are known to visit these chat rooms, from time to time, so maybe you can just wait until your message is seen by one. Alternatively, you could try making your case as a 'question' on the Meta Stack Overflow site.
But whatever you decide, do not even think about trying to contact a moderator directly through the 'pinging' mechanism! This just annoys them.
@AdrianMole Thanks for the insight! Hopefully a Diamond Moderator comes across our conversation and can take a look and possibly lift my ban. I noticed the "Requires Editing" seems to be a common issue among new reviewers which I unfortunately fall under. I should have made an edit and improved the questions vs. just selecting "Requires Editing". Now I know! I'm in no rush and will just wait the 7 days if it comes down to it. Thanks for your reply!
@GRU119 You're very welcome! However, in the case of the review you linked, the only acceptable options in the Triage Review Queue would have been "Unsalvageable" or "Skip!"
@AdrianMole Hmmm...I don't think I understand then why I got banned?
You selected "Requires Editing!" But, the point is, no amount of editing (other than, perhaps, by the actual poster) could have made that an acceptable question. What do you think you could have changed to make it better?
Ahhh Ok
Yeah - I for sure picked the wrong choice. Ok, i'll be more careful next time. Makes sense
appreciate it!
@Machavity that's a great article! Thank you!
@SamuelLiew Just wanted to pop in and say this room is awesome, and thank you :-)
It'd be cool to have a bot for this room. To run queries in the background, make duplicate checks, and track ban stats
@Das_Geek Sam, Martijn, and I have all been here. How much more “bot” does it get?
@CodyGray Well if you get a real bot, mod-bots like you and the rest could focus on doing bot-things elsewhere
@GRU119 Since you’ve shown that you now understand why your choice was incorrect, as well as a willingness to improve your reviewing skills, I have lifted the review ban from your account. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help in the future if you have any questions or concerns!
@CodyGray I appreciate that! If I do have a question, should I ask in this chat room or what is the best way of communicating my question that I may have? Thanks again for the ban lift!
@GRU119 If it’s a question you think others may have, too, and you have the time to write it out, it may make sense to ask on Meta Stack Overflow. Otherwise, you’re welcome to ask here, or in another chat room like SOCVR. But in order to ask in chat, it should be relatively brief and simple to answer. Otherwise, it may annoy others in chat.
@Cody Gary got it. Thanks again!
Hehe: "Cody Gary" - requires editing! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) ;-)
Tab completion has saved me from needing to spel naems gud so many times
Yeah… My first name gets frequently misspelled as “Code”, and the last name tends to be mangled to “Gary”.
The misspelling of my first name as “Code” is a distinctly Stack Overflow phenomenon. In other contexts, it gets misread as “Cory”.
Thanks everyone for your help. Have a great evening!
I was going to suggest "unsalvageable" rather than "requires editing" - but that would probably annoy a moderator.
Most of my problems can be fixed by editing. Usually just need to remove the snarky undertone.
And replace it with a snarky overtone? I like it

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