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A: How can I update a date field format in mongodb

whoamiWith MongoDB V4.0 & since this is one-time operation, You can try this : db.collection.aggregate([ { $addFields: { expected: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: { $dateFromString: { ...

How can I give a condition for this add field?. Like for some cases I don't have expected field. or its an empty string.I updated my question
$addFields: { actual:{ $cond: { if: { $eq: [ "$actual", "" ] }, then: "", else: {$dateToString: {format: "%Y-%m-%d" ,date: { $dateFromString: { dateString: "$actual" } } } } } } }
I added a condition like this. but it is updating as null
@user1187 : Is that updating as null if actual doesn't exists ?
yes as per my condition. I wont it to be empty string
@user1187 : Do you mean to say if you don't have actual field at all then you need to have empty or don't want actual field as original doesn't has it ?
yes. If the field not empty then only I need to format
@user1187 : No I mean if field it self is not there then ? for "_id" : ObjectId("5ceb7e71636566fe77187340") what should be the o/p look like ?
it won't really effect me if if we give "expected" : "" , but as per my condition it shows "expected" : null,
can't we do a condition expression without else?
give me a min
updated my answer, you can check now
this is more optimized ::
yes thank you its working :-)
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