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I want to know, why declaring a variable outside main as static is not good approach, infact I am working on single threaded environment
Like my code is :
I want to use count and t in my stream.
Are you referring to any specific question right now?
I know that the variables inside lambda must be final or effective final
In general I am asking, why is it not good idea to make a variable static though in single threaded env.
It's not a good approach, because the variable can be changed during iteration by other thread
I can understand in multiple threaded env it can lead to write read conflict
but in single threaded there is no sch conflict
public class TestClass {
static int count = 0;
static int t = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] A = {1 ,2, 3 ,21, 7, 12, 14, 21};
int k = 4;
return count;
When there is a single thread, then I'd say it's not necessarily related to lambdas. It's cleaner to have static variables final.
Ok I see
One more doubt I have if I declare the count as int [] count ={0} inside main as as final
map shouldn't be used for side effects, it's a contract
I can do that na??
So I can change the variable count which is of type array, infact it is final.
but is it a good approach?
map turns A<B> into A<C>
Well, that's basically the same (even hackier workaround)
is it good idea that when I want to use a variable inside lambda then I use the trick of array?? Like final int [] count = {0};
I meant it's not a good idea
the result is the same and the code is even less readable
but the thread problem is solved na?
yes, the code is not unsafe, provided there is just a single thread
hmm...the static problem is also solved, right!
well, in this situation using loop instead of stream is cleaner actually
this would be turned into local variable then
Hmm... well, right then.
static variables should be used as rarely as possible
I like the cite about dp in your profile:)
Ahh, I got it , so using array is as cooler than making some variable static.
Yeah, Thanks. I learn from people like you. I read their answers and then try to make my own. Gradually doing so I learn and have my own concepts.
I have learned a lot from people like you.
That's very nice to hear. If you find any answers helpful, you might consider upvoting;>
@Andronicus I always do, and will be always doing that.
I do that too, there is a great mine of knowledge in not-so-highly-rated answers
Thank you :)
Thank you, have a great day and the whole New Year;)
Yeah, Wish you a very happy new year.
tata , Bbye

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