Patrick's limit 500000 leads to 79582 triples (a,b,c) with 45084 different c-values, of which 20731 are prime. And the composites don't seem to have many factors. Looks like I'd indeed get many small classes. If the c in target ab/c² is prime, then ab/c² = pq/r² + xy/z² = (pqz²+xyr²)/(rz)² can only be if w.l.o.g. r=c and I can cancel z² in the last term. But that means z²|(pqz²+xyc²) and thus z²|(xyc²) and thus z|c and thus z=c. So pq/r² and xy/z² are actually pq/c² and xy/c².
In otherwords, for a triple (a,b,c) with prime c we only need to look for a pair of numbers from the "class" c. Which is small. Composites I guess similar.
If any of the above is faulty, I blame my sleep deprivation.