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A: regex match starts and ends with expression using angular

Pujan ShahTry with below code it will work. const editable = data.match(/{+.*?}+/gi); if(editable){ => { data = data.replace(word, word.replace(/\s/g,'')) }) } As per above code the token {username}!! will not work as we are splitting with space. To resolve that pr...

is it possible to add another condition in match like { and } (or) {{ }} because even words with {{}} is showing as {
and one more issue, replacement is taking for first occurence alone its not taking for next occurence. reference…
use this regex /{+.*?}+/gi in the match method. g is for return all the matches not only the first one. Could you share the stackblitz for the first issue as its not clear to me.
In my previous comment I have shared working stackblitz with my issue can you check that
In the previous comment stackblitz it is taking first occurrence only which solves with the regex with /gi options. Is there any other issue?
Its all absolutely working thanks alot for your help
one small thing , {{}} cases are replaced with { its because we have only one condition for { can we change that case too?
and I found one more case {{user-name}} then its taking as { user name } and its not been highlight.,… here i have all type values to find issue
Can multiple words with space be there inside { } ? As we are splitting with space we are replacing every space with empty string inside { } bcoz if we put space inside braces then splitting should be the problem.
My issues is if someword contains - and any special character its splitting that single word into 2 with space
so i need to add one more condition like check whther element is having any special chars or not
any special chars part we can take, but assuming space won't be inside it between words
{{user-name}} we can solve that it will display as {{user-name}} only
but if {{user name}} will be there then it will be problematic as entire string we are splitting with space
so one option is which I gave earlier to remove all spaces inside curly braces
yes i just need to display as it is like {{user-name}}
if(editable){ => {
data = data.replace(word, word.replace(/\s/g,''))
return {
data: !editable ? data: data.split(' ').map(word => ({word, editable: word.match(/{+.*?}+/gi)}))
checking give me 5mins
its fine in case of {{user-name}} but somewords like {{hsrp_key}}``` highlight taking together with ``` thats y i asked filter from { to }
for this {{hsrp_key}}``` in my solution I have added one space before and after curly braces
won't be ok if we make {{hsrp_key}}``` to {{hsrp_key}} ```?
can u check now ths
3rd line contains ```
and 4th line showing entire word instead of kavya alone
data = data.replace(word, ' ' + word.replace(/\s/g,'') + ' ')
replace earlier line with this, if you are ok with extra space before and after curly brace the problem solves
its great working good
but if somewords are like this USER.SNMP.{{app-name}} why its taking
not working in this case
ok, will check and update you soon
have you checked?
/(\{ *)?\w+( *\})?/g i hope instead of this w+ any expression which accepts any type of character will resolve this problem

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