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Q: filesystem compile errors in VS2019

forest.petersonwith #include <filesystem> there are the following errors; previously, these errors went away if I compiled without and then compiled again with (VS2019 16.3.8 compiles with errors in locale) I found one other recent source online that describes a similar situation https://developercommunity.v...

I can't repro this. Can you provide an minimal reproducible example
There's something you're not showing us. Please try reproducing the problem in a short "hello world" .cpp, (minimal reproducible example) and copy/paste it into your post.
@selbie I tried previously to make a minimal example and could not; the issue went away but now it is back. I will try again, see sample.
If the problem is indeed a compile error with #include <filesystem>, then you SHOULD INDEED be able to reproduce it with a very small MCVE! Just copy/paste your includes, and a short main() { ...}! Like I said ... there's something you're not telling us. Focussing on reproducing the problem will help us determine "what" that might be ;)
@selbie I moved #include from before to after and it compiled #include <string> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <string>
Please show the full error output including the filenames and line numbers from the complier output window
Now it compiles again after commenting out #include<filesystem> compiling and then uncommenting. If I change settings compile, then return the settings and compioe, the errors go away. It isn't consistent
@AlanBirtles see edit -- I added the header to another class and now it doesn't compile again
still looks like you're posting the content of the errors window not the compiler output
after fixing basic compile errors with your example it compiles:
you aren't using using namespace std somewhere in a header are you or anywhere before #include <filesystem>?
@AlanBirtles yes, namespace std in header but not before <filesystem> in that header. I added output to question.
Using using namespace std in general can cause issues, using using namespace with any namespace in a header is a definite no-no. That output is the debugger output not the compiler output. we still need a minimal reproducible example though removing using namespace std is probably the solution
i just saw that...‌​l so, namespace is top of cpp file?
@AlanBirtles moving the namespace didn't fix the issue
if you must have a using namespace is must be in the cpp file after the last #include
@AlanBirtles yes, that is the situation now, namespace is after #include in the cpp file--however, compiler errors remain. Does filesystem have a custom namespace 'std' and gets messed up by the actual namespace std?
@AlanBirtles are sure you cant define namespace std in the header? I moved namespace in all my classes, some go back a decade to my c++ courses and were witten by well known lecturers at an ok university. Now there are 2,500 errors... all relating to moving namespace std from .h to .cpp
university lecturers often don't know how to create good production level code. I'll repeat one more time that we need a minimal reproducible example and the compiler error output
@AlanBirtles he looks like he knows what he is doing
The quality of your university lecturers coding isn't really on topic for this question
@AlanBirtles (a) all the namespace declarations are out of the .h and now are in the .cpp, everything compiles without filesystem; (b) with filesystem, the errors remain; (c) with filesystem declared before my classes (and Prof. Robert's), everything compiles; (d) with string declared before filesystem, everything compiles--so it is something in my custom classes and not the std classes. However, it works (grab some of Robert's classes online and you should be able to replicate; his cs106B custom JAVA'ish C++ classes are everywhere online). Post a solution and I will accept it.
why on earth was the above moved to chat
Samuel's war on comments continues...

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