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A: Don't convert NULL value to empty string when exporting mysql data to csv

scaisEdgeyou could manage the proper output from select instead of repalce the null value during writing the csv so try using a proper select for null value select col1, col2, ifnull(your_possible_null_col, 'NULL'), ... from your_table where ... and you could take a look also at INTO OU...

@PanagiotisKanavos you comment have not sense to me .. try explain better .. the OP could prefer N/A .. or others string and the problem remain the same .. each db have a function for manage the mapping of null values ..
I was hoping if we can achieve it using python instead of editing sql query. May be possible using raw pymysql cursor and map them to python objects manually? I couldn't find any resources for raw pymysql cursor and its mappings other than this: mysql-docs
Why manage the resulting rows one by one when you can get the result directly from the query.. should also take a look at select INTO OUTFILE
My table has many columns with many nullable among them (and not sure which are nullable). This makes the query too "manual" and is hard to extend my approach to another table. select INTO OUTFILE is good until the table is too large for the outfile command to run out of memory.
Using parquet format better solves my problem but I don't want to change my whole code to load into dataframe and dump into parquet.
what do you mean for "parquet format" ?? parquet ?? ..anyway if you want change null with a string .. you have only two choice .. or change in sql on repalce each value in string
how to replace each value in string? I want to distinguish between empty string and NULL. But for both of the cases pymysql outputs only empty string.
you are using mysql ???
and a python script to dump mysql to csv
then you can only manage the proper result by sql .. adding the proper ifnull in the select
Is it possible to output None for NULL values?
None object in python
select ifnull(my_col, 'None') .. return None for null value and emprty string for empty string
Without changing sql?
In sql you can manage only string not python ibj
ok, I will try and will update
In python you have not evidence of the different content you have only empty string .. so how you can manage the situation in python
If pymysql generates None type object, then it will be possible
I thought it is trivial for pymysql to generate None type object for NULL values in mysql and empty string for empty string.
I will try mapping python objects manually and will update the question. Thanks for your time.

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