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Q: Python in worker has different version: environmental variables are set correctly

Jessica ChambersI'm running a Python script on a Jupyter notebook on Linux Mint. The code is hardly important but here it is (it's a tutorial for graphframes): import pandas import pyspark from functools import reduce from graphframes import * from IPython.display import display, HTML from pyspark.context imp...

Did you verify which version does python call ? you can try to symlink python to /usr/bin/python3
@RMPR how can I check which version is being called?
python --version
@RMPR I get this: Python 3.7.4
Trying to reproduce the error by installing pyspark, In the meantime, what are the outputs of: pip3 list | grep jupyter, pip3 list | grep pyspark
@RMPR I'll add them to my question
Unable to reproduce the problem python 3.7.4, jupyter-c-kernel 1.2.2 jupyter-client 5.2.3 jupyter-console 6.0.0 jupyter-core 4.4.0 jupyter-kernel-test 0.3 graphframes 0.6 pyspark 2.4.4
@RMPR Guess I'm boned then, thanks for your help :)
@RMPR I also have Python 2 installed on my system, could I maybe remove it and all my pip modules?
One last thing import sys;sys.version_info try to run this inside jupyter notebook.
@RMPR I get this sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
/usr/bin/python3 --version
I wouldn't advise you to remove completely python 2 because many things on your system may depend on that
Also, do you have anaconda ?
I do ahve anaconda
I do have anaconda
`/usr/bin/python3 --version`
`Python 3.6.8`
I have anaconda 2 and 3.. should I remove the 2?
Likely yes
OK I'll try that
I think that you have three python versions installed
at least
More likely four
How can I streamline them?
python 3.7 provided by the system.
python 3.6 provided by anaconda 3
python 2.7 provided by anaconda 3
python 2.7 provided by the system
like, you said some software might need Python 2... So how do I filter out the ones I need?
The more straigthforrward way is to use venv
what's that?
If it doesn't bother you to manage paquets with pip instead of conda
I prefer pip
Oh so I need to create a virtual environment?
It's the less painful way to manage python versions
I ran python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Now what? x) I've intentionally avoided VRs since forever
As a side note, you can uninstall all the anaconda and default your system to use python 3
all of it? ok
Which distribution are you using ?
Linux MInt 19
Feel free to ping me , I'm recording a terminal session and I don't think stackoverflow supports videos.
I'm on my work computer, I can't watch that :(
Will send a series of commands then
cd ~
mkdir spark_test
python -m venv spark_test
cd spark_test
source ./bin/activate
pip3 install jupyterlab pyspark graphframes
OK done :)
You must be able to launch your script with jupyter.
put the jupyter file inside the newly created folder
When I said script it was a typo I meant jupyter file
ok so technically it works
but I had a bitch of a time setting up graphframes on my main environment, and it looks like I'm going to have to go through all that again on this virtual one
Okay, don't forget to mention the answer as accepted :) I edited it with the venv solution
Oh I just saw! will do, thank you for all your help :)
To avoid all this pain next time, I'll advise you to clean up your python versions keeping only what is necessary.
Yeah, I didn't even realise that it was out of hand
Glad it finally worked, you know how to reach me, now I'm going to clean up the comments a little bit.
thanks :)

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