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Q: Unable to set focus on p:inputText in dataTable

codyLineI'm providing a button to add new inputText inside a cellEditor in a dataTable. I would like to set focus on this new inputText automatically (after clicking the button) such that the user may begin entering data without having to first click on the cell. My code looks like this: <p:commandBut...

You need something like so form:datatable:0:input where 0 is the index you wish to place focus on
What I do is I have an inputtext inside the p:column, with an id like "inputTextCredit" for example, and I use form:datatable:0:inputTextCredit to place it where I need to, hope it helps you
Also forgot to mention that your datatable needs a rowIndexVar which you will be able to access like so if using PrimeFaces 7 #{index}
My problem is not getting the id of the inputText. In my javascript "setFocus" I can address this element "elemLast". But setting the focus on it is not working. I don't know why. My guess is, it has to do with the cellEditor.
Hmm any possibility that you can try achieving the same via Java? Cause in my case I use PrimeFaces backend method PrimeFaces.current().focus(componentId); and it works mate, haven't tried with javascript but it has to do with ajax probably
@Kukeltje yoo mate any idea why javascript focus not working?
@BugsForBreakfast & OP Then it is a pure javascript/html/jquery thing and the HTML is relavant, not jsf or PrimeFaces. Maybe because it is not visible? Maybe a 'fake click' should happen first...
@BugsForBreakfast never heard about the primefaces method. Could you provide more info or even better a working code sample? Thanks
@codyLine ummm checking you html, yes its different I don't use cellEditor or f:facet, thats the difference with mine
@codyLine sure friend, use this method on the class (managedbean) you need it: public void focusComponent(String componentId) { try { PrimeFaces.current().focus(idComponente); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Couldn't focus the component " + idComponente + " via PrimeFaces method, excepcion: " + e); } }
checkout this for more info… hope it helps you Im attentive
@BugsForBreakfast Interesting. But now I have to figure out how to pass the component id to my bean!
I'm afraid I can't solve this in the backend. Cause the new inputText is created through or after the button click. The datatable is then updated with ajax and the inputText appears and get an id.
what about making the call to the focus from the backend on a remotecommand? which executes on the oncomplete attribute of the command button? if not then you gotta figure out whats wrong with the javascript mate
Also brother, try putting your javascript after the datatable has been created in your code, see this…
You can also use this attribute on that inputText onselect=";" and also try with onfocus=";" and keep using your;
and also another way would be to use the oncomplete of the command button to do a document.getElementById('componentId').focus();return false;
minimal reproducible example please. What you update is not in the vode. And please make it a real minimal reproducible example
@Kukeltje , just added a minimal reproducible example.
@codyLine did you try the options I mention? what happen, by the way I just noticed your Bean is sessionscoped, try ViewScoped
@BugsForBreakfast The scope doesn't matter. Couldn't fully understand your last suggestions. Please feel free to try my minimal reproducible example. And thank you very much.
@codyLine I will tomorrow when I can mate, please try this suggestion, on your inputText in your html, use onfocus=";" and see if it keeps the focus there, it has that property just like the required="true" one, and also try the javascript after all your html code, not before.
@codyLine I think I know what could the problem be, I just notice that "input" its the facet, not the inputText, try adding and id to your inputText and focus it with that one
@Kukeltje and OP, did you manage to solve this?
@BugsForBreakfast: it is not the facet. It is the html input tag that is read. OP: Did you debug with the browser network console what happens between the click and the focus? or after the focus?

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