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Q: What does it mean "Could not find a part of the path"?

user13892Is there a limit to the size of the path the get-childitem and select-string can handle? If yes what is the alternative? When I run the following command on the path: PS E:\KINGSTON backup5\03 Learning\Softwares\Mathematica\Mathematica 12\Mathematica Directories Backup2\C,Users,atfai,AppData,Ro...

Actually, the real question should be, why do you include PS E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d‌​4999f5ea5b04589077ed‌​\Package_for_RollupF‌​ix~~amd64~~17134.677‌​.1.6\x86_wcf-system.‌​servicemodel_b03f5f7‌​f11d50a3a_10.0.17134‌​.254_none_d5ff175e12‌​d127c0> in your code like this? Makes it really difficult to understand what the actual command is you are running.
Whenever I had issues with locations (which certainly existed), using the -LiteralPath parameter helped.
@FatalBulletHit can you tell me how to add the -LiteralPath parameter since path in this case is found by one command and piped into the other?
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath 'E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d‌​4999f5ea5b04589077ed‌​\Package_for_RollupF‌​ix~~amd64~~17134.677‌​.1.6\x86_wcf-system.‌​servicemodel_b03f5f7‌​f11d50a3a_10.0.17134‌​.254_none_d5ff175e12‌​d127c0'
@FatalBulletHit tried: get-childitem -literalpath "E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d‌​4999f5ea5b04589077ed‌​\Package_for_RollupF‌​ix~~amd64~~17134.677‌​.1.6\x86_wcf-system.‌​servicemodel_b03f5f7‌​f11d50a3a_10.0.17134‌​.254_none_d5ff175e12‌​d127c0" -recurse -filter "*.nb" -file | select-string -pattern "ProcessObject" -casesensitive but still getting the same error.
I don't see where this would cause an error if the path exists. Double check the path maybe? Can you use cd to the location?
Yes thats exactly what i did and hence the PS E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d‌​4999f5ea5b04589077ed‌​\Package_for_RollupF‌​ix~~amd64~~17134.677‌​.1.6\x86_wcf-system.‌​servicemodel_b03f5f7‌​f11d50a3a_10.0.17134‌​.254_none_d5ff175e12‌​d127c0> was included since I was working from exactly this directory.
@user13892 Did you try to run the gci command without the rest?
wait let me try
just to see, if the error is down to gci (which I doubt if you can use cd on that path) or on something that happens afterwards
get-childitem -literalpath "E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d4999f5ea5b04589077ed\Package_for_RollupFix~~amd64~~17134.677.1.6\x86_wcf-system.servicemodel_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_10.0.17134.254_none_d5ff175e12d127c0" -recurse -filter "*.nb" -file fails with the same error.
in the other example get-childitem -literalpath "E:\KINGSTON backup5\03 Learning\Softwares\Mathematica\Mathematica 12\Mathematica Directories Backup2\C,Users,atfai,AppData,Roaming,Mathematica\Paclets\Repository\SystemDocsUpdate1-12.0.0\Documentation\English\Workflows" -recurse -filter "*.nb" -file this succeeds giving a list of matched files.
BTW the drive E is an external HDD drive which is connected to the main system via USB 3.0
should I try to create the same identical path on my main drive then use the command on it to see if it fails? can you also create this folder path on your system and see if the command fails?
powershell shouldn't care about it being external at all...
so I just created the path with new-item and created an empty text file in it, then used gci to that path and it worked flawlessly
so, navigating to the path and trying to create a new folder that throws an error:
The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path.
That is an error thrown by the windows explorer, tho
Then again, using new-item for additional sub folders and gci on that again, works...
so, I really don't know why your powershell throws an error if the path is definitley existing
just to be sure here, you did navigate to the path with the explorer and just copied the path or used some alternative way to get the path and are 100% sure it's correct?
@user13892 give it a shot... also, which powershell version and os are you using?
if i copy the path from the powershell command and paste it in the explorer and press enter. I get the folder
Windows 1903
what is the command to get powershell version?
but you'll have 5.1 if you are on 1903
BTW i opened cmd and then run powershell from there rather than running powershell in its own blue terminal. That can't be the issue right?
well, i dont think it can, but just try it out to rule out that option, too
also, you can customize the powershell window (color, font, size, position)
@user13892 did you try to create the folder on your c drive? bc for me it worked...
wait i will try that
I can't create the path "E:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d4999f5ea5b04589077ed\Package_for_RollupFix~~amd64~~17134.677.1.6\x86_wcf-system.servicemodel_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_10.0.17134.254_none_d5ff175e12d127c0" in my C
only managed to create "C:\Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d4999f5ea5b04589077ed\Package_for_RollupFix~~amd64~~17134.677.1.6\x86_wcf-system.servicemodel_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_10.0.17134.254_none_d5ff175"
can't add the additional characters "e12d127c0" in the final folder
well, that's weird... are you running 32bit by any chance?
no its a 64 bit machine.
my main drive C is SSD by the way
its file system is NTFS as well
I am creating folders one by one using file explorer.
Do it with PowerShell
command please
New-Item 'Computer Backup\Downloads - Current\Windows 10 Optimization\SoftwareDistribution.old3\Download\736aed4d238d4999f5ea5b04589077ed\Package_for_RollupFix~~amd64~~17134.677.1.6\x86_wcf-system.servicemodel_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_10.0.17134.254_none_d5ff175e12d127c0' -ItemType Directory
I can't even create it with powershell
my powershell is not allowing me to create this path
try it from within powershell and not the cmd
maybe that makes a difference
if that doesn't help, check this out:
however, that article is from 2016 and i cant find that entry in the group policies anymore...
maybe check this:…
@user13892 Anyway, it's late, so I'm out for now, let me know if any of the articles helped...
ok before you leave tell me your os version and powershell version
thank you! the articles looks promising, will check and confirm it fixes my problem

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