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Q: I am putting PIDs in an array and valgrind is telling me that I'm out of bounds or I allocated too little memory

B.M. CorwenI stuck with this issue valgrind reported with my code. I am adding PIDs to a global array (done like this because I want to print PIDs within a handler for a signal). Valgrind seems to have issues with the line of code that puts a PID in the array: PIDs[number_of_PIDs] = cPID; This is my cod...

Show the code that calls funct(). It must be passing an argument that's too high.
Your main isn't calling funct, so this can't be the code that produces this valgrind report
Unrelated problem: You're setting cPID in the child, but using it in the parent. The parent should do PIDs[i] = rc;
My guess is you have a for loop that's calling funct(), and the loop uses <= number_of_PIDS instead of < number_of_PIDS.
The Zen philosopher Basho once wrote, "Example code...which won't not an example. And a donut...without a a danish". He was a funny guy...
Your so-called example is obviously incorrect or incomplete. In main() you call malloc() to allocate an array with number_of_PIDS elements, but number_of_PIDS is neither declared nor initialized.
There is no free
@Barmar That's the odd part - I printed the indexes and they all report fine. I didn't notice an issue until valgrind said something. The total PIDs are also correct. (I'll post the code here in a bit, I'm just filtering for unecessary code b/c it's a big main.)
"block of size 24" means that number_of_PIDS == 6. But you have i == 8.
@Barmar sorry, I'll edit that - i=5. And at the time I had allocated memory for sizeof(pid_t)*(i+1), giving number_of_PIDs = 6.
You keep changing the code in the question, how can we believe that what you're posting is anything like the code that's getting the error? Valgrind doesn't lie, you must be doing something wrong, but you haven't posted enough information for us to tell what it is.
Valgrind says that the error is happening inside malloc, not in funct1.
@Barmar I looked into malloc and played with the values - valgrind didn't report any errors after malloc(sizeof(pid_t)*(number_of_PIDs+2);. But I can't figure out why it would be +2. I saw on another SO post that you should allocate memory for the total needed + 1, but I don't understand why, either. I also edited the code to reflect more of what I was doing.
The only time you need +1 is when you're allocating space for a string, to allow space for the null terminator.
Please post the actual code. Don't tell us what a variable "reports", show the variable assignment.
@Barmar posted my code and the funct() function
What is count_total_processes()? How do you ensure that the while loop doesn't execute more than total_processes times?
process_line[strlen(process)-1] = 0; should be after the strcpy().
@Barmar count_total_processes() opens the file and runs through each line in a while loop, adding to a counter in every loop. I copied and pasted the while loop in line 260, except I only had a counter inside the loop, which I return back to main. (The counter being the amount of processes in the file.)
You have buffer overflow error somewhere, but now there's so much code it's hard to tell exactly where it might be.
@Barmar does the array for PIDs need to be exactly the amount I allocated for? Because I allocated memory for the total amount of processes/PIDs, but I only add to the PID array if the process is running. Meaning that I have less PIDs than what I allocated memory for. I thought that would cause the indexing to jump around initially, but I only add +1 to the index if I added to the array.
Of course you can use less than you allocate. You only get an error when you try to use MORE than you allocate.
@Barmar are there any issues with the way I allocated my memory? As in, it was okay to allocate memory like that for a global function? And did I traverse through the array correctly (line 151-152)? I'm sorry, I'm completely stuck - I looked at the type (pid_t) and changed that accordingly, and no matter how many processes/PIDs I stick in the file, it doesn't report any errors and it performs as it should.
If I saw anything obviously wrong I would have said something. But for all I know count_total_processes() has a bug in it. You need to use a debugger and step through the program, making sure everything is as it should be.
@Barmar I know what the issue is - I'm running extra processes. I'm guessing somewhere in the code, I'm running more processes than what's indicated in the file. I'm just not sure how that would work - I'm guessing the issue is now in the funct(), particularly with my fork()?
Maybe you should use waitpid(childPID, &status, WNOHANG);?
I don't see any way that funct() can add more than one PID to the array when it's called.
@Barmar This is really odd - when I run the process using valgrind, it results in running more processes than what's in the file (ie. there are repeats). I fixed it though so that if the childPID doesn't fit in any of the above conditions in funct(), I kill the process. This results in no reported errors from valgrind (even though it caused wrong behavior, ie. running extra processes). When I run the program like normal, it does exactly what I want it to do, WITH the exact number of processes I want it to
@Barmar I'm not sure if that means that I can continue on as if there's no problems...

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