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Q: Why is the console so useless?

MugsSo, I understand that the last invoked function is the only one whose result appears in the console. But I don't understand why I can't invoke a function or variable in the console. I try typing aeri.attack() but it comes out with aeri is undefined. Or I try just aeri, which is a variable / class...

I can't invoke a function or variable in the command line - because "the command line" isn't a javascript engine
@JaromandaX then why can I do something like object.__proto__ and It shows me its prototype and all its methods?
what is the "command line" you speak of then?
@JaromandaX the console thing
Are you referring to "console" and calling it "command line". The two concepts are completely different
@charlietfl oh uh.. maybe...
The Windows console?
@melpomene yeah that thing
oh, right, the console - if you type all that in the browser console, you can type aeri.magicAttack(); as many times as you like. BUT, if the variable aeri is not in the global scope, then you can't
The Windows console doesn't run JavaScript at all. Are you looking for Powershell?
@JaromandaX OH. NO WONDER. Thank you omg. That solves everything. I love you
@melpomene I thought by window you meant like the browser window? I mean like the inspect thing in google chrome then go to console
@melpomene stop going on about the windows console :p that's not what Mugs meant
@JaromandaX wait but why if I just type aeri does it say aeri is undefined? I did const aeri = new Elf as a global variable
Change const to var if you want it to be a global variable
@some oh really? Okay thank you. Ill have to look more up on the difference between the two. Appreciate it
const and let creates block scoped variables, but var can create variables in the global scope. In the browser you can also create global variables on the window object window.myGlobalVar="Hello";.
@some Thanks!! Your the best
@melpomene thanks for the link
@some Sorry for all the questions but I changed it to var aeri = new Elf and it still says undefined. As it does if I do var whatever = 0. Both in the global scope
I just want to be able to test my methods in the console :/ why is this so hard
@some nevermind got it. Apparently its because I was using codepen. When I switched to brackets it worked fine
When you are using codepen or other services, the code is often run in a sandbox and not in the real global scope. They are used for examples, not for production code. You can (most of the time) force it to be in the global scope if you assign to the window object window.myNameOfAVariable=42

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