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A: Remove a DLL from the bin folder in the Build Pipeline

Levi Lu-MSFT Remove a DLL from the bin folder in the Build Pipeline I have created a sample to test, and it works fine on my side. To resolve this issue, I would like provide following trouleshootings: Check the build log, to found out if the PostBuildEvent is executed successfully. Make sure you have...

PostBuildEvent executed the del command but the same dll still exists in the Artifacts directory?
@mbharanidharan88, That's weird. Could you please share the log about your build task and the build definition about your copy and publish build task?
Here are the logs
Also updated the question with the build definition
@mbharanidharan88, Thanks for your quick reply. I have checked you build log and find the reason for this issue, you can check the updated answer for some more details.
Thank you for your answer. I am not referring the dll through project reference instead I've configured the binding redirect and pointed to the package folder where that dll exist.The reason Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll is automatically copied to the bin folder is the other DLL which uses it somehow resolving it automatically. So the only way for me is to delete it from the bin folder after the build. Any other alternatives please?
@mbharanidharan88, Do you need it for your current project? If not, you can delete it before the build starting. If not, I don't have a better way to remove it in the process of publishing at this moment.
I need that dll only when the project run and only on a fewer modules but the actual thing is that dll is copied only after building the project
@mbharanidharan88, Got it. This is indeed a tricky issue. My workaround is unzip the Artifact:…, then delete the file, then zip it and publish build Artifact.
It's not zip already, /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false and I am trying to delete from the folder only
Thank you for all your suggestions so far
Ya IF you get that, it is not zip
It is my fault. I have not noticed that you set /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false. Sorry
ya thats fine np
I even tried this
cd d:\a\8\a\$(SourceDir)\ezServiceCloud\MAIN\ezServiceCloud\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\bin\
del Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll
If it is not Zip, we could delete it with delete task.
but it is not working I may be wrong with what I am doing
No, that should not working. Because the post build event executed after publish that files.
Between I am a developer and not a Build Administrator and has only minimal knowledge on the CICD
As test, I could delete that file in the artifacts. Please try this syntax in your content
Contents: '**\Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll'
and the source folder?
for now it is configured as $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
Is that right ?
Yes, that is right
And sorry, '**\Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll' - need to have single quotes as well ?
Please give me a min and the build triggered
- task: DeleteFiles@1
displayName: 'Delete files from $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
Contents: '**\Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll'
OK, I am waiting for you.
Thanks and sorry for that. Simple Issue and its killing since Friday.
You are welcome. If it works for you?
it has few other steps sorry and it will take 2.5 mins.
Its in the build phase.. really sorry
Between I referred the below link and added the delete condition
'**\Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll' - and what is this pattern if you could tell me please in between?
Delete files - ##[section]Finishing: Delete files from $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
But it doesn't show any detailed message in it showing what is deleted and all but that task executed successfullly
let me check the artifacts folder
you can set the Variable system.debug to true, so that you can see the detailed log.
Yes, it actually deleted all the dlls (\Sage.Common.LinqBridge.dll) in the project
I have the dll in other place where i am referring with the assembly redirect binding in the web.confi
Is there a way to tell the pattern to look only under the bin folder
Can you help me with that pattern please?
I believe this should work now..
I've triggered the build and i will check that
Thank you so much for your time!
It doesn't matter, it is my pleasure to help you.
Perfect! It worked!
Thanks again.. I will update the answer in the question with the solution you gave..
Have a good day!
OK, applaud!
I will also update my answer for some more info about this issue, and you can accept it as answer. So it could help other community members who get the same issues and we could archive this thread, thanks.
Bye, pleasant cooperation!
sorry one last question
in the release configuration what folder to point ?
earlier i pointed to the package zip
now I changed package zip as false
You mean in the release pipeline?
I pointed to the drop folder and it worked
Yes in the release pipeline and now it worked.. Cheers..
ahah, OK.
So, I will leave this room to update my answer.
Have a good day too!
Thanks and you too!
I've updated and accepted the answer!

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