What's the approach to create Yelp like price button expansion ?
See below screen shots for an idea.
Price button with ... On click of Price button, it expands like below
Yep. I've been dabbling with SwiftUI, but I haven't dived deep into it yet. I'd look at an HStack with buttons in it. I could implement that in a few mins in non-SwiftUI, but I need to read some documentation to see how I'd do it in SwiftUI. With a stack, you get a lot of the animation and book keeping for free. I'd poke around on YouTube and documentation and fiddle with it.
I'm too lazy to type an explanation, but here's the basic gist of what you wanna do. This implementation is half@$$ed on a view controller, so make sure you subclass it to a UIView, add formatting, etc. You'll need to muck around with the animation, too. github.com/AdrianBinDC/YelpishButton
You can't draw borders on a UIStackView, so whatever you come up with you'll need to embed it in a UIView or figure a way around so you can slap a border on it.
Yo...so I'd look at making this a subclass of UIControl. developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicontrol. My code is a bit half-baked b/c it's late, so save what you need b/c I'm nuking that repo tomorrow when I get up :)