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I'm here
Yoo mate
how you been?
Sick... but going better
Its been a while since we talked, and a long time migrating that application from 3.5 to 7.0 lol
was a total of 38 screens, have already migrated 30
But its been good alot of learning for sure
Since when you work with Primefaces?
since version 1.x, so over 10 years
Nice mate
And in your company they use it alot I guess?
And with jsf longer
No, currently only in my own projects. We've been bought by another company and forced to use other old things
Like what things?
What about angular
You good with it?
No, don't like the pure client-side framewprks
They have some noce thongs but to greatly hyped
And to much additional code needed for nor,al business applications
Using optimusfaces now a lot. Nice for datatable stuff
Noce thongs=nice things
I see, im new to angular its nice visually but its very long learning curve I can tell
gotta check out optimusfaces, is it developed by primefaces too?
jsf has too
But that has sort of been stable
Client side frameworks change a lot
Not good for serious buisiness apps that need to run 7-10 years
Hmm thats why almost all projects here where im working use java and primefaces
But they took alot time to update the version of primefaces lol
Yoo mate and hows your laboral journey? I think you told me it is from 8 to 4 pm?
Peraonally 10am-6pm
But flexible 8-4 is possible to
10-6.30 or 8-6.30
Sounds good
Hmm what about lunch or break?
Also what database do you work mostly? postgres or oracle?
or maybe mysql
30 minutes and lots of small coffebreaks
In the bosses time
Mysql and some postgress
I work for www.descartes.com
Cool mate
I know Postgresql is what I learnt in the university
Now in the company I use oracle, pl/sql is cool too
I will check your company website
Optimusfaces is even greater, from BalusC
sorry, meant omnifaces
Both are from balusc
Wait a second
He created them?
omnifaces and Optimusfaces, yes
Nice lol, thats why he knows so much about all that stuff, wonder where did he learn all that stuff
does your company hire people from other countries?
We have locations al; over the world... including the america's
Maybe you could get me an interview, id like to travel and keep a job that works with the things I know :)
It be cool
I don't have that many international contacts in the compamy
And in the netherlands we are curremtly not hiring
Oh its fine mate, netherlands is a good place to live and work, so maybe if you know that you are hiring you can call me im currently open for offers, and more if its international, remote is fine too
and since you work with the things I know it would be nice to keep learning and working with that hehe
What about your vacations there mate? how is it work over there
24 days a year
Job openings are always on our corporate site
Okay brother
thanks for the chat :D

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