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A: Two Form_For on One Model

Cyle HunterRails doesn't really care where you have your forms so long as you provide it with the necessary information, & there's nothing that says you can't mingle various models together into a single view. Assuming you're making use of RESTful resources(as you should), you'll have something like: ...

Hi Cyle
Thanks for the reply, this is what has confused me.
Making use of Restful resources and thought that the form for's can go anywhere.

The Models i Have in my App is Client and Business (Registration Forms)

Below is what i am getting in the Log
<%= form_for @business, :url => businesses_path do |f| %>
15: <div id="contact_form_name">
16: <p>Company</p>
17: <%= f.text_field :company, :class =>'form_input_small' %>
app/views/ftemplates/_getregistered.html.erb:14:in <code>_app_views_ftemplates__getregistered_html_erb__1422578663_67722762447340'
app/views/pages/show.html.erb:74:in </code>_app_views_pages_show_html_erb___1556847543_67722438021560'
Can't really tell what that is, I'm going to have to see a little more to help. Edit your question with your view code (just the necessary bits) and the error message you're getting.
Done edit the question with the code
I still don't see the error message, are you sure that's all the outpout you see? Also try explicitly adding the :url option as shown in my example, i.e., instead of <%= form_for (@business) do |f| %> try <%= form_for (@business, :url => businesses_path) do |f| %>. If you're getting the undefined variable businesses_path error message then your routes might not be setup correctly or you're not using the correct named route, look at the output of the rake routes command to verify.
that makes two of us confused lol
if i go to businesses/new works and routes are correct.

But for love or money it will not like the form for
it is giving undefined method 'model_name' but everywhere is correct
How are you setting the @business variable? You should be doing something like @business = in your controller action. Alternatively you should be able to change @business in your view to and that will work as well - I don't recommend that approach, however, if you wish to display validation warnings back to the user upon unsuccessful submission as that will wipe out and previously sent data by reinitializing your form builder.
Making use of @business = +1 for the Assistance on this but i have a feeling that it cant be done. I have change the form for to another model that i have same error. Thanks for the Help again will leave it open and see what comes in.
It most certainly can be done I just told you how to do it lol. You won't be able to swap out models in a form for willy-nilly unless you re-parameterize your form_for to accommodate it. For instance, form_for, :url => somethings_path will work for the model "Something", however if you were to change that to form_for, :url => somethings_path then of course it wouldn't work, you would need to change the :url argument to accommodate the new model.
lol i understand that
what i was meaning is that i also have enquiry model which i use on the contact page so i try using that form for got the same error. I might be missing something here
How are you defining the form_for? Assuming you have RESTfull resource routing setup for your enquiry model their shouldn't be any difference. A couple things you can ask your self if you're trying to create a new enquiry 1) Are you setting your instance variable for the new enquiry properly? (e.g. @enquiry = 2) Do you have :resources setup for your enquiry in your routes.rb? 3) Are you specifying the correct url argument in your form_for?
Both are available in the routes
resources :businesses, :clients, :enquiries
def new
@business =

respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.json { render :json => @business }
<%= form_for(, :url => businesses_path) do |f| %>
<div id="contact_form_name">
<p>Company Name*</p>
<%= f.text_field :company_name, :class =>'form_input' %>

<%= f.submit 'Submit', :class => 'button' %>

<% end %>
The above would work only for your business model. Can I see the form you're using for your contact page to make new the Enquiry?
<%= form_for(@enquiry) do |f| %>
<% if @enquiry.errors.any? %>
<div class="notification error png_bg">
<a href="#" class="close"><img src="/assets/admin/icons/cross_grey_small.png" title="Close this notification" alt="close" /></a>
<% @enquiry.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li>- <%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div id="contact_form_name">
<%= f.text_field :name, :class =>'form_input' %>
<%= f.text_field :telephone, :class =>'form_input' %>
Two things, make sure you're setting @enquiry = in your controller or else you're get the unknown model error. Additionally you're not specifying the url option in your form_for, this is important because if you're generating a new form builder for some model by default it'll use the current controller in the params hash. In your case it will be the contacts controller.
That said it will try to post your enquiry to the create action of the contacts controller instead of the desired Enquires controller.
ok cool understand
The main thing i am trying to do but understand it is same thing you are saying is the business model and the clients model form for's on the page view
On second thought I'm pretty sure Rails is smart enough to determine which controller to Post to on it's own even without specifying a url action. That said my best guess is that you weren't setting the instance variable properly.
the enquiry is at least on another page lol
i have a feeling there is something to do with the business model
for sure as i did the follow now
You're certain the @enquiry object is being set in your controller? That still doesn't work for you?
Enquiries working perfect
This is what i tried now
and it is still coming up with error on business
but skips over client
so there has to be some on the business model or controller it does not like
I see what your problem is.. the line
<%= form_for(, :url => businesses_path) do |f| %>
That's not quite correct.. in your controller it should say @business = and the form_for should just be <%= form_for(@business, :url => businesses_path) do |f| %>
let me try
Your client is being skipped because it belongs to a separate form, so no data is being sent for client if you're submitting a form for business, of course.
same error
Let me see your controller action code and your business form.
def new
@business =

respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.json { render :json => @business }

# POST /businesses
# POST /businesses.json
def create
@business =[:business])
@business.role_names = 'standardbusiness'

respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to '/pages/registration-complete', :notice => 'Business was successfully created.' }
You're misunderstanding. See your business form is on your pages controller, yes? So for instance if you were on the pages show view your current controller action would correspond to PagesController show action. That said your business form is only going to have access to variables you define in the PagesController show action. If you move the @business = to your PagesController action corresponding to the view it should work.
If your url looks something like "localhost:3000/pages/id" you're in scope of your pages controller, not the business controller if that makes sense...
oh ok so i need to move the new and the create
No not the create, the create action is fine in your business controller. I recommend you read that link I sent you. Your form_for tells your application to post your business data to the business controller create action, not pages controller create action.
should i move the New function and the create
oh ok does make sense
You don't even have to move the new function, all you need is @business = in your pages show action.
Sorry i have tell you that i am blonde
This why my Client model was not giving and error because i had added it there already
def show
@page = Page.find(params[:id])
@client =
@business =

respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render :json => @page }
Thanks for the Help :-)
Yeah that looks better. Now the flip side is that once you post either of those forms their going to redirect you to the business and client controller respectively. If you want to stay on the pages controller after you submit some business data you'll have to change the redirect_to statements in your business controller create action where the data gets sent. It might all be a little confusing at first, but trust me with a little practice it all starts to make sense after a while.
And don't worry I'm blonde too so I know exactly where you're coming from. I highly recommend give that link I sent a quick read as it will make everything a lot more clear than I possibly could.
Thanks South Africa yourself
I'm from Canada, it's quite cold here :)
Will read through Thanks
it Hot here now by 8am it is 20 degrees
up to 34
cold negatives ?
Yeah it's negative 3 degrees Celsius as we speak. Today's actually a warm day for us, usually much colder.
Wow that is cold
I think i am off to bed over midnight here
Thanks again chat soon
Maybe for South Africa, but we can get up to 40 below weather on the worst winters.
Happy to help have a good one
keep Warm
Thanks, stay out of the sun :)
i believe so

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