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@AndreasdetestsAIhype I'd rather have to justify myself to staff than to every single user on all my sites (including those who weren't involved), the press, and the rest of the world (which is basically what happened here)
@Mithical Personally, I don't need (and I don't think it is reasonable to ask) the company to refrain from talking to the press. Especially since we won't agree to an equivalent gag order ourselves. I would like them to be honest and truthful if they have to talk to the press. But if we have a dispute, it is fair for both parties to be able to give their side of it. So the real question, IMO, is how we can ensure that when the company talks to the press, it doesn't lie.
And... I don't think that's possible.
1 hour later…
@Laurel I'm generally happy to justify my actions to users. It just rarely ends as the user expected it.
1 hour later…
@terdononstrike Which is why, since we can't guarantee that, we were pushing for "no comment". Silence is far better than lies.
A: Discrepancy between Stack Overflow Blog's title and content for author's name

David LongworthThank you for reporting, this one is fixed. For any interested Wordpress developers, it was a bad interaction between two plugins we use - Co-Authors Plus and Yoast.

@AndreasdetestsAIhype I've gotten the impression that the sister is very different. So I think your concerns are invalid. Also, I'd be happy with a world containing multiple Zoes.
@E_net4isonstrike I don't see why that would be incredibly patronizing, other than the word "boy", which could certainly be read that way. Of course, when I first read that, I assumed it was in a comment. Given your later clarification that it was in an answer, I agree that that definitely doesn't belong and should be removed.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Aren't bitches also cute?
@ThomA My favorite part is when they go backwards. My company has some software (which I did not develop) that exhibits this behavior. It's "fun".
@VLAZ-onstrike- Wow, look at how "high contrast" that icon is with the button.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Hmm. It would make sense if the category "Pride" included exclusively songs by LGBTQIA+ artists, but that makes including Dolly Parton quite strange, dunnit?
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Never heard of this.
@VLAZ-onstrike- Yes, I've seen this bug noted by someone, but I believe it was in chat. (I further believe it was Ryan, but I don't recall exactly.) I haven't seen it reported on any Meta site yet.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Actually, Yaakov said he was working on fixing some of the bugs.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I don't think posting bug reports is something that needs to be avoided during the strike. The entire strike is a nuclear way of posting a bug report.
@VLAZ-onstrike- Wow, an entire blog post written about that one tweet. I saw the tweet somehow. I thought it was clever. But turning it into a blog post is too much. Almost like turning one nugget of an answer into an extended, highly verbose ChatGPT-generated answer.
@Mithical More importantly, you only made those statements after they made their public statements about moderators. Thus, your statements were a response, not an initiation. I would not have an issue with giving the company latitude to make statements in response if mods make statements first. That's only fair.
@AndrewT. So... looks like it is happening again? Should someone report it, or at least ping the dev there?
@CodyGray-onstrike Isn't she very LGBTQ+ friendly? IIRC, she had some stake in an institution that fights for LGBTQ+ rights. Or maybe has done fundraisers for such. I think I remember her being involved in something. If I'm not mistaken, that is.
Oh, perhaps? I don't know, really.
I don't associate the country music scene with LGBTQ+ friendly...
My knowledge of country music is extremely limited. My knowledge of Dolly Parton is ever so slightly less limited. News about her shows up a lot and I know she does a lot of charity and similar community stuff.
Yeah, you're right; looks like she has been a supporter of inclusivity.
@Zoeisonstrike wtf
It's still there
What did you think was going to happen when all the mods went on strike?
I imagined staff would've handled it
You probably also imagined Andreas would stop offering you licorice.
It's one flag
It isn't rocket science
Do you really think they know how to handle it?
Umm yes :p
At least a few of them
Q: The performance issue on spring batch (for delete date)

ReasonOur team uses a Spring Batch application to periodically remove DB data. In most cases, we work with chunk-oriented jobs instead of Tasklets. The components we use for Reader/Processor/Writer are as follows: JpaPagingItemReader ItemProcessor RepositoryItemWriter In the Reader, we initially read...

I see the issue. You can have a batch of springs perform really well for your date. Like, you can schedule a nice (but probably short) fly by for you two. I don't think springs can delete a date. I think that's called "murder".
But is that a performance issue?
Maybe it's related to a performance review?
@CodyGray-onstrike months ago, sure. And since then, complete and utter silence.
No, only a week or two ago.
It was discussed on Discord.
Great, first Twitter, now Discord. lol
I think Yaakov did mention it in the Staging Ground chat a few days ago
Well, there are existing bug reports about the new inbox on a site staff like to ignore, Meta Stack Exchange. Some still only in the announcement as answers, some as independent reports. Last dev/staff comment on all of those is months ago, people can't possibly go/look in other platforms or sites. but meh, if it's done it's good enough. Communication was never the strong side of SE and will never be.
Yes, Yaakov has seen those bug reports.
He wants to fix these bugs, but he's being forced to do other things.
@CodyGray-onstrike ah, now that makes more sense.
I know he saw, he commented on few that he's going to work on it. Months ago, that was my point all along.
At first a CM used the "holidays" excuse, then "Urgent projects" excuse, then I stopped trying to ask.
Now with recent events it all falls into place, puzzle is completed.
@CodyGray-onstrike reviewing a PR on it right now
@YaakovEllis Excellent!
@NewPosts ... This again?
"supports Moderator Strike"... complains about lack of moderation tasks getting done
@E_net4isonstrike I mean, are you surprised at this point?
It's the Nth time. What different answer are they expecting at this point?
It's madness.
"Raising awareness" :-)
2 hours later…
I chose to raise awareness of the fact that this "question" has been brought up too many times already.
One should also not expect to ask the same thing and expect a different answer. We still did not hand over discussion to GenAI models.
We didn't?
@CodyGray-onstrike That would be too much pollution for us to handle.
Zoe pollutes?
Do you have candid camera evidence?
Ew, I’m not a creep.
[citation required]
No, no, @Zoe doesn’t pollute much. She is the pollution.
I heard the British at Heathrow think you're a creep.
@CodyGray-onstrike No, they just think I’m deaf and dumb.
They see a lot of people, so they must have an authoritative perspective.
@CodyGray-onstrike They certainly have experience being rude with people.
@CodyGray-onstrike Not particularly.
Yeah, it's clear we have different tastes. ;-)
Maybe that’s why you’d like a world with more Zoes. ;)
@CodyGray-onstrike I am definitely the wrong person to ask for why that category even exists.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Probably! I have excellent taste.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Why is that? And who would be the right person?
@CodyGray-onstrike Because I don’t work for Apple, I don’t listen to that kind of music, etc, etc.
What do you mean "that kind of music"? Anything created by an LGBTQ+ artist?
No, the music that sounds like the kind of music I found there.
But you don't even know what type of music it was!
19 hours ago, by Andreas detests AI hype
@E_net4isonstrike It’s mostly pop, R&B, rap, hip-hop, etc.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype What's that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of me being awesome
You don't listen to any of pop, R&B, rap, hip-hop, or country?
What do you listen to? Exclusively jazz?
@Zoeisonstrike Noise pollution?!
@CodyGray-onstrike Blues to rock to extreme metal to gothic to soundtrack, etc. Stuff like that.
in conclusion, Andreas has no taste
is that like elevator musak?
@CodyGray-onstrike Ew, no.
@Zoeisonstrike Could not be more false.
So this is your jam? A soundtrack of gothic music...
@Zoeisonstrike What does it sound like?
@CodyGray-onstrike Not exactly, but I skipped over parts of it, and eventually found some niceties at around 30,5 minutes onwards.
I certainly didn't listen to the whole thing. I just found it when trying to Google for "gothic soundtrack music".
Yeah, that's not a bad section, actually.
So, you meant like orchestral music?
Firebird is one of my favorites, perhaps my all-time favorite.
@CodyGray-onstrike That’s nice too. But no, that didn’t occur to me while trying to list out what I like. But I certainly listen to that, yes.
Scheherazade would definitely be in my top 4. Along with Planets.
@Mithical I'm fine if they respond to the press with wording like: some percentage of moderators feel that (etc.) without naming the site - obviously for small sites naming the site would be next to identical to naming the operator anyway. I guess that this would translate into the following rules in direction to the press "moderators shall not be named by group" and "moderators shall not be blamed for actions taken".
@CodyGray-onstrike Thanks for the suggestions. :) Scheherazade certainly sounds good (though I found a lot of stuff when searching for it, that sounds like… something else).
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Rimsky-Korsakov is the artist you're looking for.
A lot of his stuff is good.
As for the last part, it is about the warning. It's fine for SE to say that they've got an issue identifying AI and that moderators may have a hard time identifying AI's. It's not fine to say that CS or Crypto mods have done a poor job identifying AI's. That would be naming groups and forwarding blame external to SE.
@CodyGray-onstrike That’s what I figured, and that’s what I put on. That sounds good.
This is a pretty good performance/recording, perhaps one of the better ones I've found on YouTube:
Some parts of it are stylistically different from what I'd prefer, but... overall, it's good.
@CodyGray-onstrike I found this
Yeah, Gergiev's recordings are generally very solid.
Much better to watch the videos than to be in the orchestra, as there's less risk of sweat dripping on you.
@CodyGray-onstrike free drinks! :D
Been a few years since I've listened to these all the way through, but it's coming back to me a bit... the bassoon solos in that one are really well done.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype it sounds awesome
@CodyGray-onstrike I much prefer to just have the sound, though.
As opposed to the sweat?
Or as opposed to the video?
@CodyGray-onstrike Opposed to the video.
I don’t like watching stuff. I wear headphones all day long; while I travel, while I play games (silent ones), while I do programming, and when I lay down on the couch, and close my eyes, just to listen to the music.
I mean, you can do that with YouTube videos... Just don't look at the video. Even easier when your eyes are closed.
Wearing headphones all day long makes my ears and head hurt, though.
@CodyGray-onstrike That’s why you make sure to buy the correct headphones.
I thought it was more about buying the correct head
Sadly, the new ones I got, Sony WH-1000XM5, aren’t as comfortable as the old ones I had, XM4 (eventually broke down after many years of use).
There's something to be said about being there to watch the orchestra. It's not the same as a video, but a video is better than nothing.
There were times when I was looking for the headphones, turning everything upside down in my search for them. Then, realizing… I was wearing them.
Ah, I never liked the noise-canceling stuff... I felt like it interferred with what I was listening to. I mean, they're great for traveling and stuff, when you want to keep out noise as a primary concern, and the music is a secondary concern.
@CodyGray-onstrike I’d rather go in person, minus the sweat.
@CodyGray-onstrike I think it has been played too hastily. Maybe that's how it supposed to sound but yeah, that destroyed the piece for me.
@CodyGray-onstrike It’s better than lots of outside noise interfering.
@MaartenBodewes-onstrike Hmm. Interesting. The one Andreas linked to is much more rapidly paced (directed by Gergiev), almost rushed in spots, but I like that. Segerstam's takes a pretty leisurely pace to me.
@CodyGray-onstrike I'm not against pace by itself, it depends on the piece & the way it is played.
Right, of course.
It is the same piece, just directed by two different conductors.
@CodyGray-onstrike Hmm, I think the pace-shifting in that performance is way better. They seem to have more time "left over" to play the piece well too. Paints a sharper picture for me.
Even though they finish sooner overall?
Q: Any way to fight downvotes spam?

Alexander NenashevJust notices that someone downvotes a question and all 5 answers which all are basically correct: JS object change String to Number Is there any action taken for such behavior? If no I would suggest at least reveal who downvoted. In that case the spam's author could be seen and reported...

@CodyGray-onstrike better sooner than later. No? ;)
Look who's showed up at the "moderator edits rollback" Q.
@E_net4isonstrike who?
The one who rolled back the edits.
And of course chose to call the OP the problematic one.
> literally the answer is older than his account, sigh
Oh sorry, I should know, people are completely unable to grasp questions that were asked before the same people registered for an account.
Also, gotta love the "Po-tay-toe v po-tah-to" response to a comment making a distinction between aggressiveness and criticism.
They sure know their potatoes.
> Update: It's not even a question, it's completely my DUMB. Plz down vote this question.
Well, now I am not doing it.</pingu-meme>
@VLAZ-onstrike- High quality.
Would anybody like to guess how many times "this one line fix" has already been suggested in the four pages of answers? I can't verify any of your guesses because I refuse to go trawling through the four pages of answers again. But I'd go with there being at least a dozen copies of this.
OK, not "copies" because answer authors are usually very quick to point out that it's not exactly the same. Just, you know, it doesn't say text but str or something in the other answers.
And some might use .slice(1) instead of .substrring(1) which is exactly the same in effect.
@VLAZ-onstrike- just repeating the top answer to get some easy votes.
Actually, when I think about it now, maybe there is a dozen just using .slice(1). So maybe two dozen total.
@VLAZ-onstrike- indeed, so valid only if e.g. adding some stress test to prove their way is better, otherwise just dupe answer.
Every day I am tempted.
Q: Why was [google-domains] tag removed

DharmanIn recent days, I have observed that hundreds of questions tagged google-domains were closed and deleted. Effectively, the tag is now gone. Why is that?

posted on June 27, 2023 by shanebp

When I add a row to a datatable, the link in the new row does not fire the class function in jquery. Reproduce Issue: Click on the Test Link for the Bill Smith row It will show the alert('test class clicked' ); Click on CLICK TO ADD ROW Then click on the Test Link for the Jane Jones row It will not show the alert('test class clicked' ); <html> <head> <tit

@NewPosts huh?! That's a weird onebox.
happens when the post is deleted
@KevinB so shouldn't post at all...
But it does have most of the data. So weird.
When it's deleted, it's removed from the feed
So feeds assumes all links in the feed are valid. Then there's some Caching:tm: at play
@Cody did you see @SPA request in Tavern? That's something I was also wondering about from the beginning, once you sign the letter, there's no turning back i.e. no way to remove your signature. Personally I don't care, but I know others do, as we now see.
@CodyGray-onstrike Yeah, the inbox improvements followup work ended up getting deprioritized due to other initiatives. The devs are still planning to make some fixes/improvements when they are able (particularly with the handling of merged notifications, which should hopefully be happening in the near future).
None of the open letter devs are available on SE chat, which is also a problem.
8 hours ago, by Yaakov Ellis
@CodyGray-onstrike reviewing a PR on it right now
So... is he doing it off-hours and without management knowing? I'm all for it, actually.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack No, that's related to the one issue I mentioned in the parenthetical :P
@V2Blast there's a slight difference between "near future" and "right now". but.... just nitpicking I guess.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack The difference is that I wanted to give Yaakov some wiggle room in case it took longer to fix than expected.
For the record, there will always, but really always, be "other initiatives" with higher priority. You will see. But you already see. Half year should be more than enough proof.
i.e. those bugs are lost cause unless devs will work against their orders.
4 hours later…
Q: Incorrect icon in Recent achievements tab

InSyncToday I surprisingly found out that the Recent achievements tab is shown with Cross Validated icon instead of the normal StackOverflow icon. I can replicate this on both Chrome and FF. Reloading doesn't help; DevTools remains silent. Why is this happening?

This again?
For fucks sake SE, make regression tests
@Zoeisonstrike Already done. The regression tests have been outsourced for cheap to the community. With all the savings, the company is investing back in the synergy of the future of the community.
2 hours later…
Q: Get rid of horizontal scrollbar from top bar somehow

αλεχολυτCan we somehow get rid of scrollbar on top bar of site while browsing on mobile phone in portrait mode (narrow screen)? It seems that easiest solution is to hide "Products" section somewhere, but maybe there are other options, and Products link a very useful for mobile users? As of me I never ...

@E_net4isonstrike Hmmm? Yaakov showed up to handle that one. Who else showed up?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I didn't; I don't generally monitor the Tavern. I only see stuff there when it's pointed out to me. The question is about "unsigning" the strike letter? Yeah, that's possible, it's just not built into the UI because you don't optimize for the 0.001% case.
@V2Blast Yes, I've noticed the "other initiatives" and their effects. :-)

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