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what if...
8 hours later…
Q: Can Stanging Ground Be Bypassed By Using The Wizard?

David C. RankinI just ran across a question on StackOverflow that seems like it should have been caught and improvement required in the Staging Ground before being posted to the site. Specifically Different spaces in the data section between C and C++ Checking the "Activity" it shows the question was created in...

3 hours later…
Q: In standard Logic app workflow facing issue when I am trying to complete message in session which have peeklock trigger with another topic

bigBIn standard logic app we are facing issue while deleting the message after receing the message from service bus topic subscription with session enabled Trigger: When a message receive from topic with peak lock ( Say servicebus topic subscription : TOPIC 1) ACTION: Complete the message in topic ( ...

Just checking: this is an answer, right? I mean, technically an answer but it's all in an image - that should still count, correct?
@NewPosts The user has 21 questions on Main, of which two positively scores (2, 1) and three negatively scored (-1, -2, -3). Rest are zeroes. They are probably q-banned.
3 hours later…
So, how's life in Europe, guys?
Asking for a friend
a few friends
We are all the friend
@TylerH Not distanced enough from the red wave.
@E_net4 from which direction, the US or Russia?
Maybe Australia?
sure, there's drop bears....
I would ask, but not sure I want to know
@TylerH Both seem to be red right now
@TylerH I've lived all my life in Europe and can't complain. Certainly won't be moving to another continent. Let's just randomly pick and say "USA".
OK, what... I had a SQL connection string with a typo in the username for this application. When I run the application in Visual Studio, it connects just fine anyway and does what it needs to. When I deploy the application and have it run on a schedule, it fails... how is it working in VS?!
is it just like "oh sike we're not using these credentials for real, we're using yours since you're running Visual Studio"?
Is the connection string different? There is a paramter (IIRC, "IntegratedSecurity=true") that does exactly what you describe - takes the current Windows user's credentials and uses them for the database. Could be that it's what you use when running through VS but when deployed it's using a different connection string.
No I'm not using IntegratedSecurity, I'm using an explicitly enumerated user id and password
And it's the same connection string in both cases? Weird.
oh wait
I am using Trusted_Connection=true which is basically the same as Integrated Security, no?
Uh, maybe?
> If any of these two settings is present (Trusted_Connection=true or Integrated Security=true/SSPI), then the Windows credentials of the current user are used to authenticate against SQL Server and any user iD= setting will be ignored and not used.
Silly me
pretty sure I was meaning to use TrustServerCertificate=True instead
lol, yes. How would you ever think Trusted_Connection is anything about certificates /s
or that trusted_connection would mean "use my current credentials that VS is running under"
@VLAZ It's horrible from an accessibility standpoint, but that's not enough to get it deleted as NAA. The image link won't break, after all
2 hours later…
@VLAZ Little did I know at the time, you can't simply specify Windows credentials for a C# connection string. Just like the rest of the properties, the user id and password properties only work for SQL Server authentication, sigh...
2 hours later…
To illustrate a point, Thorm forgot the numerous different editions of Windows IoT, Windows on ARM, and Windows Home Single Language. So, at least 6 more options would have to be added, for just Windows 10 and Windows 11 and you don't even get into Windows Server. — Security Hound 1 hour ago
> Thorm
Q: Incorrect [Graduate] badge awarded with single published Staging Ground post

dan1stToday, I got a notification about receiving the Graduate badge: This badge is supposed to be awarded to users who asked two questions in the Staging Ground that are then published. And while I did ask two questions during the beta tests (we were given a way to directly ask questions in the Stagi...

Q: Why was this rejected?

Richard KeeneI asked a question starting with Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. (...

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