@JohnMontgomery, thanks for your time. I'll not respond to any additional post here. I'll likely stop responding to post in SO [fortran] and [gfortran]. Nothing like kicking someone with 39 years of Fortran program experience and 25+ year of contributing to and helping maintain what is likely the most used Fortran compiler on the planet to the curb. — steve 55 secs ago
2 hours later…
From a quick test, I can't reproduce this, but someone else who's not a moderator should probably try it. — Ryan M ♦ 42 secs ago
@cafce25: Yes, I apologize, that's a good question, and one I should have addressed: This has happened across at least a half-dozen different connections. — Jeremy Caney 17 secs ago
@RyanM: Do you know what per-user considerations factor into this queue that might impact performance for me? It's worth noting I'm the top reviewer in the queue. Obviously, items only require one review to be moved out of the queue, so there shouldn't be any consideration of whether I've already reviewed an item. And as it only applies to a contributor's first answer, it shouldn't be based on e.g. a restriction on the number of reviews from a contributor one reviewer can review. And, regardless, as there are so many new first answers per day, I'd expect the queue to refresh pretty quickly. — Jeremy Caney 58 secs ago
@cafce25: Yes, I apologize, that's a good question, and one I should have addressed: This has happened across at least a half-dozen different connections. I've edited the post to clarify that. — Jeremy Caney 14 secs ago
One other thing that comes to mind, do you have any filters on? My quick test was done without any. — cafce25 38 secs ago
@cafce25: Another good question. I totally forgot there were filters in that queue. But, no, I'm not using any filters. — Jeremy Caney 43 secs ago
Yeah..., even if the Qt was closed for "the uncorrect reason" (it's often 2 Closers with 1 reason, or 3 Closers with all a different reason, the "System" just picks the last one), you could still have improved your Qt... I was an early "noticer" of your 'Meta'-Qt and gave you some advice, but you only followed about 30-40% of it, all my previous Comments now deleted. but I told you exactly like what's in all the +4/+7/+6 Comments (+ more), Qt (on 'Main') ended up at -4 as I can see (<10k, but I still had the Tab open), and I gave some specific advice to avoid DV's but that got ignored... — chivracq 24 secs ago
@cafce25: I decided to play around with this. I added c#, java, and javascript, and found that the response time for
was reduced from ≈8.5s to ≈1.5s. That's a dramatic improvement, and will at least allow me to continue doing reviews—yay! Though it obviously doesn't solve the original problem, it should be useful if the dev team chooses to take a look at this. — Jeremy Caney 16 secs ago05:04
@chivracq If all 3 have different reasons, it doesn't pick up the last, it just gets closed as a generic not on topic for SO. — M-- Save the Data Dump 28 secs ago
Personal Msg to Asker = OP, you seem to be an active Editor [251/215], always nice to edit and improve the quality of other Users' Posts, => you may want to have a look at your own 2nd Qt you ever asked, which contains some typo in the Title... ["entier" => "entire"](+ In that same Thread, you use "behavior" in the Title (US spelling), but then x2 "behaviour" (UK spelling) in the body... Choose one for the whole Post I would say... // (Flag as NLN once seen..., I still have that Qt open in some Tab, but not sure I will notice an Edit, ah-ah...!) — chivracq 26 secs ago
@DanMašek And how are they supposed to do that when the "uninsulting" meaning is barely findable? Do you check every perceived insult if it’s some obscure ingroup joke? Maybe, just maybe, people shouldn’t use words that are rude, huh? — user5349916 44 secs ago
I don't really get the downvotes on the issue—but, as always, Meta be Meta! ¯_(ツ)_/¯ — Jeremy Caney 14 secs ago
This issue is still there when browsing Stack Overflow on mobile, so I am casting a reopen vote. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 10 secs ago
Wait, my bad actually it's not. We can click on the popup to autocomplete. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 12 secs ago
@M, oh...!, yep-yep, I'm not "too versed" in the "finesses" and "fine prints" of the Closing-System, I just knew it was "a bit weird sometimes", from the many-many Threads on 'Meta'... — chivracq 24 secs ago
@DanMašek, but that is not a representation of what happened here. I did not "insist", nor did I "coerce". At the time I first read the comment, I looked up in dictionaries if my first hunch was maybe wrong, and from what I found back then I got it should be taken literally. I flagged the comment, which means I asked a moderator to have a look at it. Then when I saw their decision I came here to ask the community about it. From the reactions I learnt that it is hyperbole, but also a topic where opinions diverge. No-one was coerced in the process. — trincot 8 secs ago
Sorry, this issue is resolved now. I am always concerned about the reasons that questions are marked as closed. If this protocol for completed issues then I understand. — brettinternet 34 secs ago
Hmm, so the link in the sidebar returns a 302 redirecting to that link with the "undefined". Playing around with some of the links that actually work I can reproduce the error by changing the slug to be invalid / different. So possibly they changed the title / slug of the blog post but that hasn't reflected to the sidebar. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 44 secs ago
"...they don't even know what to search for..." You may not find the right keywords to search efficiently, but at the very least people could input their own question into google and check the first links that come up and then describe the results. While research may not be very helpful, it can always be done by everyone at all levels, I'd say. One just has to do it. — NoDataDumpNoContribution 7 secs ago
"Questions this well researched..." I would not have thought so for this question. There may be different standards out there for what a well researched question is. Maybe there should be a meta discussion about that. — NoDataDumpNoContribution 19 secs ago
@RyanM "...this advice regarding how to address that is unhelpful..." It's the opinion of the answerer. Could be that he genuinely thinks that not asking is currently the best options for information seekers. Maybe he/she is erring there, but unhelpful? — NoDataDumpNoContribution 11 secs ago
Why close this question? I agree we should reopen @AbdulAzizBarkat. This question was relevant during probably more than 5 years. Instead of closing, if it is really solved (I haven't checked recently), just post as answer explaining that it nowadays works, possibly with a note explaining which UX is necessary to make it work on mobile. I only see benefits: keep history, don't get this question eventually roomba'd, explain how UI/UX works on a specific use case. — Basj 37 secs ago
@Basj I think this bug was reported for the old and removed mobile version of the site and probably never got solved. When casting the reopen vote I thought it was about the responsive version of the site, considering the responsive version is basically the same version we view on the desktop (with responsiveness) they probably never needed to work on making it clickable. If my assumption is wrong though (that this was about the mobile version) feel free to cast a reopen vote. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 45 secs ago
@PresidentJamesK Isn't that yet another reason why we should move away from the reputation system for these privileges? — A-Tech 34 secs ago
@AbdulAzizBarkat I'm not currently logged in on mobile, are you? If so, does autocompletion of user name when typing a comment works nowadays? Thanks! — Basj 12 secs ago
You can click on the popup that shows up with the suggested username and it works. — Abdul Aziz Barkat 22 secs ago
In the sidebar link, there is an extra
between the date and the slug, not sure if it's related. It's not there on the other linked blogpost. — cafce25 9 secs ago07:43
Considering that thing lile c# Wiki Link is still broken, I doubt this'll be fixed before the next blog post. — Thom A 18 secs ago
@ThomA not sure what you mean, that is [status-completed], the links do work for me, do you still see that problem? — cafce25 26 secs ago
Thanks @AbdulAzizBarkat, so instead of closing this question, we could post this as an answer (so we keep all the information about past behaviour for future reference). — Basj 44 secs ago
SE duplicate: [meta.stackexchange.com/questions/398974/… a .gif doesn't work on some SE sites) — Cerbrus 18 secs ago
The downvotes almost certainly mean "I cannot reproduce", which is a totally normal reason for downvoting a bug report on Meta. — Cody Gray ♦ 52 secs ago
If you observe the network via your browser's developer tools, you'll most likely see an error message complaining that you're hitting the resolution limit (which is rather low for animated GIFs due to counting every frame), but it doesn't display for some reason. I've hit that in the past and just hadn't gotten around to reporting it. — Ryan M ♦ 31 secs ago
When did support for animated gifs actually role out? They were initially not supported and that post is still [status-review]; could it be the feature is still rolling out but the modals have been updated? — Thom A 54 secs ago
@chivracq And if two voters pick the same reason, that reason is picked unless at least one vote was for migration, then it will do the same (generic off-topic message) as if all three voted differently. The only exception if a duplicate vote is cast by someone with a gold-hammer, then that applies. So, it never picks just the last vote. — Mark Rotteveel 1 min ago
@ThomA the "status-review" for that post is not related to GIFs not being supported, and support being in review. What's supposed to be in review is the unhelpful error message. That post shows that GIFs are supported, but that the total pixel count for all frames comprising the GIF is checked. This new question is about the error message getting even worse. — yivi 52 secs ago
Hmmm, speculation: I wonder if it's somehow specific to people who've done a lot of reviews in a particular queue? It needs to filter out the reviews you've already done, plus the ones you've skipped, although I think the former doesn't really apply to First Answers... I tried skipping a few dozen reviews in FA to see if it slowed noticeably, and it didn't...and you don't appear to have skipped too many, at least recently. — Ryan M ♦ 7 secs ago
This question is similar to: "This question already has answers here" - but it does not. What can I do when I think a question is not a duplicate?. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem. — Thom A 24 secs ago
None of the above descriptions of how the system picks the reason are quite right, as the actual answer is that it's chosen by a surprisingly complicated algorithm. But in relevant part: three different reasons makes it pick the first, not the last or a generic reason, unless two of them were for different community-specific reasons (and I don't think there is any special-casing of at least one vote being for migration). — Ryan M ♦ 39 secs ago
rather than aggressively hitting the downvote button There is no such thing as aggressively downvoting. The up/downvote is a pure indication of "do I find this question/answer" useful or not. It reflects a personal opinion on the merit of the question or answer. No emotions involved at all. — Geert Bellekens 24 secs ago
Except that the question in question is not a "how-to" question, but a "what's-wrong-with-my-code" question, so it is not a duplicate of that boatload of "how-to" questions that you reference. — Cody Gray ♦ 27 secs ago
Any "what is wrong with my code" question involving text search and replace, that does not use regular expressions, is a how-to question. — Ian Kemp 46 secs ago
According to meta.stackexchange.com/a/399146/369403, if it's the megapixel limit, it should have a better error message — Erik A 53 secs ago
Yes, they're on-topic, @Christoph, as long as a minimal, reproducible example is included. — Cody Gray ♦ 17 secs ago
I know it's an enormous tangent... there's (at least) three types of "what's wrong with my code" questions: (1) someone tries to use some api/library and it goes wrong (2) someone's trying to implement some algorithm, say the umpteenth "write fibonacci" class assignment, and they struggle with basic understanding of programming (3) someone is writing some random business logic for their game or whatever, and they struggle with basic understanding of programming. for this site, I see value in (1), less so in (2), but zero value in (3). it has value to one person. nobody else will google that. — Christoph Rackwitz 34 secs ago
I know it's an enormous tangent... there's (at least) 3-4 types of "what's wrong with my code" questions: someone... (1) tries to use some API/library and it goes wrong (2) tries to implement a serious algorithm (3) tries to implement some toy algorithm as an exercise, say fibonacci (4) writes some arbitrary business logic for their game or whatever. 3 and 4 are struggling with basic understanding of programming. for this site, I see value in (1) and (2), but none in (3) and (4). it has value to one person. nobody else will google that. — Christoph Rackwitz 11 secs ago
I noticed some sluggishness when you first reported this, but it seems pretty snappy this morning. Any change for you? — testing-for-ya 26 secs ago
The short version: if you "don't know where to start", then the right place to start is not anywhere on the Stack Exchange network. That's simply not how these sites work. — Karl Knechtel 50 secs ago
This question is old, very specific and gets very little traffic. Did this really need a new answer? — Cerbrus 43 secs ago
When I have spent time and effort answering a question, and the next minute OP deletes it I feel cheated (even without any upvotes.) — jarlh 9 secs ago
@Igor "SO and ChatGPT are the very first in the list". SO is indeed among the first choices if you try to search for an existing answer, or try to research on the topic, but asking a question on SO really should only be done after thourough research. Asking on SO as one of the first resorts is a common misconception, but a misconception being common does not make it right. In this particular case, the user is at least expected to do a thorough search within c++, i18n and wxwidgets before asking, and if he has done that, he should have been able to ask the right question. — Weijun Zhou 54 secs ago
@GeertBellekens You mean you never happily upvoted anything at all? I still agree that a downvote is not an aggression. It's the normal functioning of the site. — NoDataDumpNoContribution 56 secs ago
"...it gets down to what people find worth solving or spend time on..." To be fair, I feel like this should not be a downvote reason. If a question is uninteresting to some, it can simply remain unanswered. I can ignore it and move on to other more interesting questions. — NoDataDumpNoContribution 42 secs ago
I agree with NDDNC, find something that isn't for you should not be a reason to be agree to it. Also, yes I found an answer on my post, that I didn't found after all of my searched before posting it. But I will not prove I made searched — Elikill58 40 secs ago
2 hours later…
"I believe the community here tends to be a bit too strict or critical with questions." - No individuals are, there is no community. Nada. Not even meta is a community, we suck at working together. — Gimby 37 secs ago
You forgot to add "yet" to the last sentence. I'm 100% sure there will be, and sooner than we think. — Shadow Wizard 44 secs ago
@Igor well, Cody nailed it in his answer, nothing to add, it's much better than my answer. But as for what you asked about accepted answer, it does not prevent the question from being closed, you got confused with a bounty, which used to "protect" questions from being closed, until recently. — Shadow Wizard 8 secs ago
This question is similar to: How do I submit my Staging Ground question for re-evaluation?. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem. — Spevacus 31 secs ago
@smgtkn - “My answer: because the community tends to be harsh against the newbies, and the questions they don't find complex enough.” - This author has 1000x more reputation then you have so they are definitely not a new user. Being a new user doesn’t change the community expectations for the quality of your contribution. — Security Hound 51 secs ago
Stack Overflow does like to be ambiguous. The help center text that is linked to in the same box states first and foremost "If your question has many valid answers (but no way to determine which, if any, are correct), then it probably needs to be more focused to be successful in our format.". That's a lot more to the point than the dinky "Update the question so it focuses on one problem only" you get in the closure reason box. — Gimby 37 secs ago
@Gimby, this is so crazy it is idiotic. Why not be precise in the rwasoning? Why do I need to click more and more and then scroll more and more to find out what is wrong? — Igor 5 secs ago
@CodyGray I tried to post a comment as an answer but it was deleted by yivi, Cerbrus, Ocaso Protal. I'm going to stop participating in this platform if my effort to formulate an honest answer is being wasted. Do you know what the deletion reason was? — java-addict301 48 secs ago
Can you please host the original gif that SE fails to upload on a different place and link to it? Would like to try and reproduce, and also essential if developers would want to fix it. — Shadow Wizard just now
@ThomA SE always supported uploading animated gifs, when they rolled out the new uploader someone found it doesn't support gif anymore, bug reported and fixed, however since they now host the files internally and doing the required resize (for thumbnail version support), they also changed the limit from size to megapixels, which is calculated based on frames and image dimensions. — Shadow Wizard 50 secs ago
I guess the post was renamed, because your link no longer works, it's now at stackoverflow.blog/2024/09/06/… — Jeremy Banks 14 secs ago
I am amused because my only experience with Jenkins is fixing a bug resulting from their absolutely crazy handling of environment variables, requiring dumb encoding shenanigans, and here we have Jenkins with an encoding bug. — Jeremy Banks 1 min ago
2 hours later…
@Igor you ain't seen the full scale of the insanity yet. The full rules and guidelines for SO are pretty much distributed through oral tradition That's right, you need to read through 15 years-worth of litigation and discussion here in meta. Not something I expect of anyone, new or old, but it is helpful. — user4581301 46 secs ago
"when they rolled out the new uploader someone found it doesn't support gif anymore" And that's my point, @ShadowWizard . Note the modal has been explicitly changed since that prior post to denote animated gif. — Thom A 7 secs ago
@user4581301, you are joking, right? ;-) I was working in Ukraine in 1994 and there was a talk about "no-paper technology". And now the web-site policy are based on the 15 years talk.? Something is really weird happened or maybe I'm too old? ;-) — Igor 22 secs ago
1 hour later…
@NoDataDumpNoContribution Unfortunately, we can't really force people to be consistent in downvote reasons. We don't even require them to explain their downvotes. — Barmar 17 secs ago
@testing-for-ya: Unfortunately, I've exhausted my reviews for the day, so will need to wait until they refresh. That said, I've been testing this every day for two weeks and haven't seen any change, so I'm skeptical. I'll report back. — Jeremy Caney 30 secs ago
@greg-449: It's worth noting that I have almost the same number of reviews in Low Quality Answers as I do in First Answers, and yet LQA has been consistently fast. — Jeremy Caney 48 secs ago
PSA: Parts of the Brilliant Idea:tm: has launched, and Boson is already unstable as a result. Further testing shows that three logins are enough to trip the new system, meaning any instability is going to be amplified. I'm switching Boson over to my (allegedly limit-exempt) mod account for the time being, while we wait for the announcement and the rest of the implementation before deciding on further action. Downtime once CF is triggered is 30 minutes
1 hour later…
@testing-for-ya: Totally agreed. I was just responding to Greg's observation that he'd seen slow behavior in multiple queues where he's a top reviewer. I agree that being a top reviewer may be a factor, but it still seems queue dependent. — Jeremy Caney 45 secs ago
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