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Q: graphql organization: put 'actions' into nested type to reduce/group entry points?

bakuI've read about different ways to organize graphql queries. Most seem to show a query/mutation for each different action. i.e. @Query('getComment') async getComment() { ... return comment; } @Query('getComments') async getComments() { ... return comments; } @Query('getCommentByID') a...

thank you very much, i will read it through
so @daniel would you consider this grouping approach to be OK for queries, but not for mutations (per your linked comments), or you suggest keeping everything at root?
It's a matter of preference. You can do it with mutations too, as long as you understand the drawbacks and necessary workarounds client-side. I personally don't like the approach because 1) it goes against convention 2) its easy enough to group related Query/Mutation fields using naming conventions and 3) auto-completion when using GraphiQL/GraphQL Playground makes it easy enough to write the correct query even if you have a thousand different fields under a root type.
It's also worth mentioning that there's no need for multiple fields like userById, userByEmail, etc. In most cases, it's sufficient to have a single user field with some kind of input object argument with optional fields. Then you can determine which field(s) to filter by programatically inside the resolver.
thanks a lot for taking the time to respond
@baku You might want to take a look at existing APIs
i'm definitely more interested in following convention, i think. I'm new to graphql (as is probably obvious) so probably a little early to be branching out in my own direction
part of this line of thinking came from looking here:!%0A%23%20Hit%20%22Docs%22%20on%20the%20right%20to%20explore%20the%20API%0A%0A%7B%0A%20%20graphQLHub%0A%20%09reddit%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20user(username%3A%20%22kn0thing%22)%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20username%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20commentKarma%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20createdISO%0A%20%20%20%20
which seems to offer this nested approach to namespacing
it just seemed to be an issue of organization, right now, by default, apollo playground is showing just one long list of queries, which is the main tool my frontend team will be interacting with, so it seemed more difficult for them to parse how it's organized.
but I understand your point about reducing getEntitybyid, getAllEntiites etc and to be handled by input parameters
Yeah, I can understand that concern and like I said, it's largely a matter of preference
do you have an example published API that you use as what you would consider a 'golden standard'
If you're trying to wrap your brain around schema design, I found this talk helpful as well:
GraphQL is still so new, I would hesitate to say there's established best practices
There's plenty of different schema design concepts different companies have explored, and there's plenty to love and hate about each one
got it. tabs versus spaces writ large.
well i really appreciate you taking the time to talk/respond, I'll look through that API list and watch the video
good luck!

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