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Q: Is usage of unary operators like + and !! as type conversion idiom acceptable by some well-known C++ code convention?

Koh-i-NorIn this question I do not ask about someones subjective opinion - rather asking link to modern C++ document. Especially in legacy C/C++ code we can encounter extensive usage of logical unary operators as shortcuts for type conversion, say !: if(!finished) {/**/} - if(!!count == true) {/**/} ...

I've seen the unary + used in production C++ code. Infrequently, granted, and it doesn't have quite the same number-ifying that it does in JavaScript. I've not seen the !! to bool-ify anything in C++, since C++ already has an abundance of things that are truthy or falsey that it isn't often necessary.
In VisualStudio: int count = 42; if(count == true) will give error C2220: warning treated as error. warning C4805: '==': unsafe mix of type 'int' and type 'bool' in operation. !!count fixes this converting count to bool. Likely this was the reason why previous team used this !!. This is the issue - using such idioms may broke build in the future.
Perhaps .. however, every expert I've read, every person I've talked to, promote readability. If there is more than one way to accomplish something, use the most readable thing unless you have a reason not to. The Google Style Guide says "Optimize for the reader, not the writer", "Avoid surprising or dangerous constructs", and "Avoid constructs that our average C++ programmer would find tricky or hard to maintain". I think the examples you've given might fall under all those, in the absence of directly addressing unary type conversions.
Unary + can also be a handy way to coerce a lambda with no captures to a pointer to function. (With drawbacks, yes.)
I've never understood the reluctance. The only reader who could be puzzled by !! is one who has never seen it before. So he asks a colleague who tells him "you use it to convert an integer to 1 or 0" and now he knows the idiom forever. I constantly get dinged on this in code reviews (different companies each time) and the reviewers constantly cite an arbitrary employee-to-be-hired-in-the-future as the one who won't know about !! but can never point to anyone who actually doesn't know or who after having it explained won't remember it. (Example is old though: not needed in C++ with bool)
Plus Google C++ Style Guide is for lowest common denominator - not to mention arbitrary in many places. (80 column line width why? Because, well, no reason really.) Instead of setting the bar just a little bit higher for all C++ programmers and then teaching colleagues to get them up to speed they disallow anything that could confuse someone who probably wouldn't pass their hiring bar. Plus enshrine in it practices that are fine in their environment but not necessary elsewhere. It is overrated.
@Steve "..use the most readable thing..." They are not precise - what are more readable - insert static_cast<...>(...) everywhere and extend text... Maybe some investigations were made - what does it mean "more readable"? verbose one way approach or context dependent shortcuts. It is time to analyze some statistics - what approach is most error-prone.
@Koh-i-Nor That is usually up to the team (or teams) to agree upon. If there is constant disagreement, choose one as a group, accept it even if you disagree, and go forward. All that time spent arguing in a pull request is waste.
@davidbak Having taken over a code base in the past, after a very big silo of knowledge left the company, and suddenly having a few software engineers who are relatively new to a language, and having to slog through crappily written code for unfamiliar business logic, something like this just adds to the time spent understanding things. Keeping that in mind while deciding which pattern to standardize on is important. Agreement in the team reduces that wasteful back-and-forth you're complaining of. Resolve it once and forget it.
And those future programmers are probably still going to think your code sucks. :) I don't mean your's, I just mean for everyone in general.
I saw if (blah == true) in a code review, I'd call the programmer on it. As bad as if (blah) return true; else return false;.
@davidbak ...80 column line width why - likely because of outdated terminals.
@Steve - but in what way is, for example, if (nullptr != foo) ... more readable and understandable than if (foo) ...? If you don't understand that in C++ (C too) null pointers compare as false and all other pointers as true you have not learned basic C++ pointers and basic C++ facts about what truthity and falsity are.
I believe a competent C++ programmer can know truthy/falsey and still not have seen !! used. It's very uncommon.
@Koh-i-Nor - Yes, that is the reason they give. And it is completely unreasonable as a justification in the 21st century. And it is completely unreasonable for modern C++ where syntax is bloated - templated types (and you're supposed to always spell out std::), C++ casts like static_cast<some-type*>(...) and their preferred long explanatory variable names means that at 80 columns hard limit you're constantly getting bad line wraps that impair readability.
@Steve - my argument was that once a programmer learns !! - and google will tell you what it means if your colleagues won't - he'll never forget it. But again, !! is a bad example because we haven't needed it for expressiveness for years. Google C++ style guide generally prohibits auto unless it is absolutely required, also prohibits newer preferred styles such as trailing return types, etc. etc. Why not just learn that stuff and gain the expressiveness?
@davidbak Google prohibited usage of exceptions (at least caouple years ago)...
From one side Bjarne introduced different casts but C# returned to C style cast
C++ programmers change their projects and they deserve to have some stable guide. Maybe not the best but stable one. If it will evolve slowly as C++ standard - this will be stable enough.
Google standard has its limitations but anywhere - I believe that adequate guide exist and we will see it at someones answer. Some languages like Python make one way of doing something. The Perl slogan is ``There's more than one way to do it,” - therefore they say about Perl: written ones. C++ is different but we need some traffic rules - I was in Dublin - it was tricky to cross the road.
Our solution was to choose a standard that was close to what we wanted. We then documented that this was the standard, "with the following exceptions". Whenever someone objected to something in a PR (for example), we would then discuss and decide, and possibly add another exception. Saves the trouble of developing the whole thing from scratch. I'm not promoting the Google Style Guide, it's just an example.
i've used !! myself earlier but nowadays I find it bad practice, especially after having to explain it in code reviews many times ;) I makes the code a little bit harder to read. if (count) {} is much more readable.
@Steve - thank you. it seem this is good opportunity - do you think name of function - method of class should be lowercase? I think everything should has a reason - lowercase allows easily distinguish objects from Types. Why some thinks that method should be capitalized?
Some things might be arbitrary ... Whatever the team thinks is best as a whole.
You asked a question that be definition only has an opinionated answer, every "well known C++ code convention" is one guy's subjective opinion that others agreed with. There is nothing else in this question except subjectivity, does the code you demonstrate correctly perform the task it was written for? yes, it does and that's where this conversation should end.

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