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12:17 PM
@marmot I see that 3dtools was removed again. If I wanted to contribute (not sure whether this is a good idea for me), where could I send pull requests? Your fork of pgf?
3 hours later…
3:46 PM
@Skillmon BTW, I was able to significantly improve the performance of 3d ordering without sorting. This is to say that I am really grateful for your routine, and really sorry for not having thought carefully enough in the beginning. Doing this was a lot of fun, and I learned a few more LaTeX oddities. BTW, Henri sent me a message basically saying CTAN is now my problem...
3:57 PM
@marmot atleast email info isnt there ;) ur 50% safe
Another guy who cares more about his points than the quality of his posts. tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/8421
@marmot care to tell me how you did it (or point me to where the code is)?
2 hours later…
6:14 PM
@Skillmon MWE:
\tikzset{closed polygon/.style={insert path={foreach \Coord [count=\nCoord] in {#1}
-- \Coord
\fi} -- cycle}},polygon/.style={insert path={foreach \Coord [count=\nCoord] in {#1}
-- \Coord

% main code
\foreach \X in {5,15,...,355}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,font=\sffamily,fill opacity=1]
And this is the pos function:
% finds the number of items in list #2 that are smaller than #1
\ifdim\my@item pt<#1pt%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1%
@Skillmon If I knew how to commit something to github without destroying your changes, I would commit the 3d ordering stuff there. But now I am completely lost. \
@marmot where do you want to commit this to? It isn't part of my insertionsort, as it is a complete different algorithm. And my commit to the documentation was only merged into the master branch of tikz-3dtools, which no longer exists (and I don't know whether you and Henri ported it back into pgf completely or just deleted it as it was more or less just a copy of your code in a standalone repo).
@marmot did you work on a dedicated branch or on your local master? If the latter, try git fetch --all --prune then if one of the remote branches is ahead of yours and your branch contains uncommited changes, you can do git checkout -b <new-branch> use git add <files> and git commit there. Then you do git status, if it tells you something like "your branch is behind origin by <n> commits and can be fast forwarded" or something like that use git pull, else [...]
@marmot [...] if your branch has diverged from origin (because there were different commits on your local branch and on origin) you can do git merge origin/master, then git will try to combine the two as good as possible. Maybe it'll tell you something like they can't be automerged, in that case you'll have so-called merge conflicts. Open the files git said containing conflicts, you'll have special marks indicating the conflicts, they look like >>>>>>>> [...]
@marmot [...] (I don't know the count, just search for four consecutive >), indicating a block that is from one of the two, then there will be a ===== after that, indicating the start of the corresponding contents of the other branch, and finally a <<<<< after that block. Resolve the conflicts as good as possible, save the file, and then do git add <files-you-changed> and git commit. That should resolve the issues.
6:41 PM
@Skillmon Thanks a lot! I still have major difficulties parsing any of this. When I say on my machine
MacBook-Pro-4:~/Documents/localgit/pgf/experiments/Marmot/3dtools\> git pull
Already up to date.
suggesting I cannot get your changes in. From that point on I decided not to do anything since I do not want to undo your changes. (I know all of you will disagree, but why can't these simple things just work on git as they did on cvs?)
Wait. git fetch --all --prune does to seem to do something. Amazing.
... but it did not update the library.
MacBook-Pro-4:~/Documents/localgit/pgf/experiments/Marmot/3dtools\> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: 3DToolsManual.tex
modified: tikzlibrary3dtools.code.tex
modified: ../Venn/VennManual.tex
modified: ../bbox/BezierBoundingBox.log
modified: ../bbox/BezierBoundingBox.pdf
@marmot Well, git fetch does get the state of some remote (--all being all known remotes), and git status only compares to the states known to your machine, same as git pull. It does look like my changes to tikz-3dtools didn't carry over to the pgf repo from which you're working, so basically my changes are lost (but it weren't much, I can open a new pull request tomorrow with those changes to your pgf fork). In that case just go on with your work and don't care about mine.
@Skillmon Well, yes, but wasn't the idea behind git that precisely this wouldn't happen?
6:57 PM
@marmot not if you remove a repository entirely, my commit wasn't to your repository but to the tikz-3dtools standalone repo, and since that was the only thing I wanted to do on it by that time I removed my fork, and then that repo got removed, as it was no longer needed as it seemed.
@marmot I have to leave for now, until later.
7:47 PM
user image
@CarLaTeX ^^^ Finally I understand how one can divide by \ln.
8:51 PM
@marmot lol <3<3<3
3 hours later…
11:24 PM

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