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hm, when I print results[0], the output starts with <div class="results-panel-new col-sm-12">, the first line in your post that you want to extract is not displayed? see here: repl.it/@downshift/TransparentSuperbSystemsoftware Maybe this is why we're getting None.
<a href="https://blahblah.com//link//asdfqwersdf" onclick="googleTag('click-listings-item-image');"> is not in results[0]
I'll have to check it out a bit later or tomorrow. I've left work for now.
ok, if only need that href, I'll try to provide a solution, otherwise we can try more tomorrow. cheers
I made a mistake in this chat room. The way I'm getting results is using that Google tag
Also I live in LA. I think I saw you might as well? I'd love to meet people who are good at scraping. Have you ever successfully a distill protected site?
Ah yes, using the Google tag (as you did correctly in the post) does return html with the <a href, we can get the href try using simple print(results[0]['href'])?
yes that's right I'm also in LA, I'm not much of a scraper but just familiar with it. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with "distill protected site".

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