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Q: .NET Core 2.1 app publishes from VS2017 but not command line?

Theodosius Von RichthofenI turned OFF the TreatWarningsAsErrors, as i kept getting errors when publishing while self-contained is set to true. Now VS2017 publishes successfully, but the command line dotnet publish still reports the same errors. How can fix this? Example of the errors i receive: error NU1605: Detected...

When you say it doesn't work, what do you mean? Are you getting an error message, if so what message? We need more information.
The error message is in bold in my question above
Apologies, I missed that. Could you please post the contents of your project file?
added csproj contents
it also doesn't report any errors from the cmd line IF i remove the --self-contained and -r win-x64 switches. not sure why, since those are present when Visual Studio does it!
I would try adding TargetLatestRuntimePatch and setting it to true in the project file.…
ok trying that now
same errors persist...
i do have those pro1 and proj2 project references, should i put it in those also? btw, they are .net standard 2.0 projects
Might be worth a try, yeah.
self-contained publish behaves differently for the implicit version of the package thus creating a different restore graph
i must have the executable, so i have ot do self-contained i gather
also, your autofac and log4net references have probably been added by resharper or a tool. you should delete the reference and add the Nuget packages via NuGet package manager
hey there! please add the details of the NU1605 error, it will print a detailed graph of how the error occurs
(first message failed to send :( )
adding <TargetLatestRuntimePatch>true</TargetLatestRuntimePatch> didn't change anything
ok, changing autofac and log4net now...
at least it should show the downgrade now, do you see more detailed output on the error?
e.g. in this question
The graph is described below the error
the quiet way would be to just add System.Runtime.InteropServices as a direct NuGet package reference but if the error is fixable in a different way it would be better
there are so many errors i can't see them all in the cmd i said, it works form VS2017 though. I don't understand what is being done differently
One example:
it's a restore issue, so I may work for a publish spun up by vs.. maybe vs closing will also help since they will fight over a different obj\project.assets.json
closed VS2017, same errors when cmd line is run
you could also share a binary log in order for us to analyze but read this info first
at the moment, seeing the full output of the error is necessary to further investigate the issue
Errors seems to be consistently starting at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite 2.2.4
How can i just make the command line do exaclty whatever VS is doing?
Perhaps you can find out what the command line being executed is by watching it through SysInternals Process Monitor:
ah you're using 2.2 packages for a 2.1 app
hmm how do i limit it to 2.1
in this case, you can probably ignore the error
i can't, because it won't create the .exe because of the errors
i have to do this via command line on my build machine
like i said, i told vs2017 to ignore those errors, and then it starts working. but cmd line doesn't ignore them for some reason
you can add it to the NoWarn property
i did that
for all projects?
all projects? or just the setup project? or the projects i'm referencing?
I'd try the main project that you are publishing
are you referencing executables from other executables?
wait i did it the GUI way, it seems to have put
because that isn't really supported
<WarningsAsErrors />
no the other projects are DLLs
hold on, i will try the NoWarn thing...
okay good :)
my personal preference would be to update to netcoreapp2.2 since self-contained already gives me all I need and should fix this error
or use 2.1.* entity framework core packages only
i cannot upgrade to netcoreapp2.2 (yet anyway)
how do i use only netcoreapp2.2
oops i mean 2.1* entity framework core packages only
holy crap i think it worked with the NoWarn. Interesting that turning TreatWarningsAsErrors off fixes my issue in VS2017 but not for the command line...
thanks it seems to be working appreicate it
if you add an answer i will upvote and accept it

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