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06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Hello All
6 hours later…
I'm here Miles :D
Hello =]
8 hours later…
You still therer?
I'm here :)
Hey man
Glad to meet uyp
glad to meet you to :)
The code we're fixing
Let's discuss.
Please let me paste your codes first
in my project
let's start ;)
Your last few questions on the original post show me that you probably haven't been taught about "scope" yet. Correct?
I've just started learning iOS Development
Good for you.
So scope is essentially "How much can this chunk of code see/know about?"
So if you have something like
int i = 0;
I understand
if ( i == 10 ) { int anotherInt = 2; }
then NSLog(@"%d", anotherInt);
anotherInt is considered "out-of-scope" by the time you try to print it.
Hmmm .. cool
It can't see it, since it was declared inside that if block.
Same goes for functions
- (void)doThis { int anInt=10; }
- (void)nowDoThis { NSLog(@"this int: %d", anInt); }
out of scope.
see why?
So now in our code
// MyAppDelegate.m
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {

// Save
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:YOUR_ARRAY_GOES_HERE forKey:@"A_NAME_YOU_CHOOSE"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];

But how can this be related in your codes ?
related to*
You want your app delegate in this case to be able to access your array right?
last viewed array to be specific
So you define it in itemSearchViewController?
I can choose any name for the key ?
is it the filterArray or whatever?
the key is just like a label you choose to name the object being saved in.
Yeah I got it
in your case
There are probably two different routes to take
since in itemSearchViewContoller, you delcare the property of @synthesize listContent, filteredListContent
you could a) #import "itemSearchViewContoller" into your app delegate <--- probably much more extra work
And what to do after that ?
on the first one?
You need an instance of itemSearchViewController created in the app delegate, then you could access the property like mySearchViewInstance.filteredListContent.
But ( I'm just assuming ) you created that object somewhere else, right?
Or did you create it in the app delegate?
Which object ?
Can you paste where you create that object?
like mySearchController = [[itemSearchViewController alloc] init]?
Look miles, I want you to understand that you're talking with a person who have just started learning iOS Development .. So I'm may not be understanding all what you say .. But just let you know that all codes in my project are the same as codes in the tutorial starting from Paging with UIScrollView
1 sec...
take your time :)
that's the tutorial
So the best way to solve this problem in my case .. To tell me where I paste codes you write .. It's so simple :)
still there ,Miles ?
Hey sorry
I'm at work.
Had to send off a few things.
back now.
No problem .. I appreciate that :)
@tutorial, got it. That's the code you're using.
Here's what I want you to do:
that's project-wide find
"Apple" ?
you mean "command"
you got it
Aha , I got it
type in your controller name
Now, Search for what
the itemSearchViewController
or whatever you called it.
in my case it should be "PagedScrollViewController" right ?
exactly as the tutorial says
See the results?
Click on the .m file.
Is that where you created the filteredListContent array?
Yes .. The arrays goes here
What's the name? Paste it.
of the array
one second I'll take a snapshot
Hold On...
heh holding.
So which array are you trying to save -- pageImages?
What's that last search result?
You need to find where this instance is created.
A few definitions here:
instance = a class was given a block of memory and initialized.
so, should I search for what ?
You remember typing --- did you type this stuff in from his tutorial?
or did you cut and paste it?
No , just copy and paste
Even without understanding every code in it
Okay, that's one thing as a beginner you should probably avoid.
Forcing yourself to type the code
Yeah I know you're RIGHT
means you HAVE to read it, and at least begin to understand what it's supposed to be doing.
so from now on, let's go that route, k? :-)
that's why I decided to start learning it
btw, did you try studying cocoadevcentral.com?
I think I posted that earlier.
Great place to start.
so moving on...
I found it complicated
should I have experience in development at all to start learning from it ?
I think I must have first
BTW let you know that I'm 15 years old
and English isn't my main language
heh I thought you might be a young'un.
jk. It's cool.
I was your age when I started. Of course I started with GWBasic, QBasic, then C and Assembly.
So I'm starting from a hard point , right ?
You're at a bit of a disservice, starting with a high level language like this. It does a LOT of things for you, that let you skip what's happening underneat.
Must I have an experience in any development language to learn from cocoadevcentral.com ?
no, but it does help.
Don't worry.
And by all and any means, don't give up.
Okay, I promise I will start learning as soon as I finish my project
WOW :)
heh yes, but no more cut and paste, k? TYPE that JUNK!
I promise miles :)
I won't do that again :)
and how old are you now ?
heh...um...I'm 30 now...sigh...feel old sometimes.
Daughter's 3, and another on the way. Time goes by fast man, I tell ya.
Huh :D
Okay so
you found it hard when you began ?
Some of it for sure.
It's much easier if you look up everything you come accross that you don't get.
Which language did you start with
An old microsoft language.
The good thing about coding is that once you learn the basics, they apply to EVERY language.
Yeah I understand :)
And, should I start with this ?
You should learn your basics in c, or objective-c I would say.
If any of what you're doing now is looking familiar, keep with this one.
I think I'll start with basics in objective-c :)
The most annoying thing in my project that it goes on others help
I mean I can't do anything myself :(
hello, i need some help
It's a demean
Hi @Elite.
Hang on a sec.
hey, are you good?
Let's continue Miles :)
@Mohammed, any first program in any language is Hello World.
Google Hello world objective c
That's a WONDERFUL place to start.
Okay I will :)
@MilesAlden are you good at Xcode? Because I am like 5 days new to Xcode :0
to create an object in objective-c you'll usually use the [[MyClass alloc] init]
@EliteGamer Yep.
ok, great...could you take a look at my code here
Can you please let us finish everything separately ?
Q: Xml Rss feed parser trouble in Xcode?

Elite Gameri am really new to Xcode, but here i followed this tutorial HERE, and even downloaded the project and tried to implement it into mine, but for some reason, i can not get it to work. I have no errors or anything. Also, my table is connected already, so i do not know what the problem is. Here is so...

@MohammedGaber i am so sorry
yes i wil let you complete
So you need to find where your PageViewController class uses that set of code.
No problem man :)
I can handle you both guys, don't worry. :-)
Think you can handle that search @MohammedGaber?
@MilesAlden You're the hero here :D
Yes, search for what exactly ?
Just a guy
No a hero believe me :)
Now I searched
What next ?
search results are in the snapshot BTW
to create an object in objective-c you'll usually use the [[MyClass alloc] init]
It has to be created at some point, right?
So try your hand at searching for that.
I guess in "PageViewController.h" ?
I've already found it
look at the screenshot
.h = "Header"
Yup I know
It's like a list of the code that you're gonna write.
.m files have your actual code.
And where should we put " [[MyClass alloc] init]" ?
You need to find it in the project.
Let me search
By the way, when I say something like, "MyClass" <-- that's like ,"Put-your-class-name-here"
@EliteGamer Reading your post now...
ok, thanks
Yeah I know
cool. Just checking
@EliteGamer I can't tell from your post what's heppening or really what the issue is -- does it run?
yes, i have no errors
or issues
What happens when you run it?
well, i go to the tab, and the tableView is empty
ah. So it runs, you get your screens/tabview but nothing in the table view.
i am using Xcode 4.2 with storyboard
the tabbed application
hmm. Just curious, why 4.2?
It's up to 4.5+
well, i am using a school laptop (leapard) and i am making an app for the school
@your project, did you populate the stories array? Make sure there's something in there?
ah cool.
Nice to see so much young blood in coding.
thanks..let me check real fast
....how do i check :(
@MohammedGaber how's going?
One second..
@MilesAlden how do i check what is in the array?
@EliteGamer a really good tool to start using is Logging -- means printing data to the screen to see what's happening. Throw an NSLog(@"Array: %@", stories); in the tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: method.
@MilesAlden : i.imgur.com/Pd8Pu.png?1 take a look
hmm, i set a breakpoint in one of the code, but it never got there...let me see if the parser is even running
Is it the one you're searching for ?
@MohammedGaber try "PagedScrollViewController alloc]"
@MilesAlden is that the one you're lookin' for i.imgur.com/Pd8Pu.png?1 ?
minus the quotes.
@MilesAlden i added it an will run it now
@EliteGamer k
well, nothing happened...were do i see the NSLog?
@MilesAlden No results :(
@MilesAlden i found this: stories array has 25 items
so there is something there
@EliteGamer Logs show in the Debug area (at the bottom usually.)
a separate pane.
i know now, did you see what it put out
stories array has 25 items
now what?
@MohammedGaber you need to find somewhere that the PAgedScrollViewController exists as a reference.
So search for it again and look through those results 1x1.
You'll see something somewhere.
@EliteGamer What are the objects in it?
Like What's in it?
hmm i am not sure
Did you put strings in it or something else?
how do i find it?
that is the feed
i guess
i have not populated it with any of my aded code
So you confirmed you're getting data from your xml file/feed and it's going into the array?
did you print the array or just the count?
just the count
Print the whole array: NSLog(@"array: %@", stories);
how do i print the array?
06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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