All but one of the questions in the"Tag removed" reports above were edits by Brian Tompsett - 汤莱恩. IIRC, this user has previously been asked not to edit questions in support of a burnination prior to the burn getting to phase 4.
Thanks for your work, but try to not edit tags when in phase 2. It'll remain in that phase for a max of 36hrs.
These requests have stayed with no one caring for years together, the worst of the ones being posted 7 or 8 years back. Surely, 36 ~ 48 more hrs shouldn't be a problem.
Something like 0.0005 of the time taken to move from phase 1 to 2.
@BhargavRao No problem. I wasn't acting on the Burn but noticed some that needed a tidy when browsing, like removing the [api] together with the other deprecated tags. I'll edit elsewhere
Here's a recap of the efforts so far for [result]: Total questions (985), Remaining (905), Retagged (9), Closed (72), Roombad (1), Manually deleted (0). The effort has been going on for 1 day.