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Q: Navigation issue in Xamarin Forms with same page type multiple time

SentinelRelatively new to Xamarin, hitting an issue with PushAsync and navigation I can't figure out. I have a main navigation page, and then a "MyContentPage" that is responsible for rendering a dynamic list based on a supplied id. When the user clicks on a list item they go to a next (newed up) "MyCon...

@Jason Updated with code
That NavigateToContent is being called from a 'service' , which itself is called from the base view model, using a ICommand bound to the controls in the dynamically generated list
Is it correct that Xamarin Forms has limitations when the same page type is re-used in navigation?
@Sentinel Have a try with public async Task NavigateToContent(int contentId) { await ((Application.Current.MainPage) as TabbedPage)?.CurrentPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new MyContentPage{ BindingContext = new ContentPageViewModel(contentId) }); }You can refer to this sample to check where problem‌​tes/…
@JuniorJiang Thank you for your suggestion. Please can you shed some light on how that is different to my present code?
@Sentinel Does it work for you?
@JuniorJiang I am just about to try (early morning my time)… Give me a few minutes...
@JuniorJiang No, this makes no difference. The flow is exactly the same: the first button click seems to 'do nothing' (navigation does not change the page), a second click does change the page, but if I navigate back to root, when I click the button it takes me to the 3rd page.
@Sentinel Okey, could you show a video .Because I can't totally understand how navigation between views in your project. :)
Just imagine I have Page 1, which has some hard-coded grid-arranged controls with tapgestures. Each one says (via the NavigationService) - go to Content(1) or Content(2) etc.. This goes to MyContentPage which a) loads some stuff from a local db b) renders buttons in a listview, c) each button has a click event saying 'go to Content(x)', 'go to Content(y)' etc.
This is recursive. So each click on those buttons should result in MyContentPage etc
What happens though is this:
1) I tap the control on Page 1 - it goes to MyContentPage no problem
2) I tap the button on that 1st MyContentPage - nothing visually changes
3) I tap it again - navigation happens
4) I go back, go back again, I am at root
5) I tap the control on Page 1 - it goes to the 1st MyContentPage - but the controls are the same as if I were on the 2nd MyContentPage (which happens to be empty)
(and thanks!)
Okey , I got it.In listview control, You should tap two times can navigation to next page
I want to see how the click event of the button works.
Maybe the first time not call the navigation method in button clicked method.
Yeah I am just looking at it now...I think the problem might be to do with async/concurrency....One moment I will get the original code
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Task.Run(async () => await (BindingContext as ContentPageViewModel).ExecuteNavCommand(sender));
This then goes here:
public async Task ExecuteNavCommand(object destination)
if (destination is VisualElement rl)
await rl.ScaleTo(0.9, 70, Easing.SinIn);
await rl.ScaleTo(1, 70, Easing.SinOut);

if (Int32.TryParse(rl.ClassId, out int dest))
await App.NavService.NavigateToContent(dest);

which goes here:
public async Task NavigateToContent(int contentId)

await ((Application.Current.MainPage) as TabbedPage)?.CurrentPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CMSContentPage(contentId));
Ha! I found the problem :-)
The button click handler can be async
So it should be like this:
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
await viewModel.ExecuteNavCommand(sender);

// Task.Run(async () =>);
Thank you for your time!! You helped me find the solution. :-D
Glad you find the resaon.Button click can use async directly. :)
Thank you. Yes I didn't know that. Last time I used XAML was years and years ago. Many thanks again.
Ha, my pleasure.During this time you should be in charge of another technical field.
Yes . Many! Now I am focused on Ethereum. The Xamarin is an experiment for light clients.

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